The clomid thread- if you take clomid please join and ask questions and get answers

I would avoid Advil personally. I was told by my fertility specialist that nsaids are not the best thing when ttc, I was told stick to acetaminophen (Tylenol) instead. Found this explanation online for it
Is the back pain bad or just bothersome? It may help you guage if it's worth a mention to your doctor. Good luck!
CD 14 and I just feel plain ole icky!! My mouth is DRY, My lower back aches, I was a tad lightheaded earlier, trying to drink more fluids. Metformin has killed my appetite, I have light AF type cramps and I don't trust the OPK I bought at all! Goodness..this is just a vent, but I feel pretty darn yucky. Not to mention my Dr. brought up "what are you going to do to lose MORE weight" eek!! After almost breaking down..again, normal thing at my Dr. office poor people..I said I HAVE NO IDEA, with a 4 yr old and high gas$$$ and a total need for competition when working out Im LOST! ..I have lost 25+lbs and I need to lose about 75 more to be anywhere close to my ideal weight :wacko:

Im such a lost cause. Blah. I abandoned my Welbutrin (not a good drug to be on if trying for a baby) so Im just a sappy, drippy MESS lol :cry: Im crying at everything..pretty sure I can blame the Clomid for that. Thanks for listening. This is my first cycle...and Im 38 and darn it I need to shed weight and get those to go together at all?? I had horrible pelvic pain with my DD and that made working out, walking even swimming almost impossible..:nope: Pretty sure I like to torture myself at this point. Thanks for listening to me blabber.

So sorry you're feeling down *hugs from across the pond* I should be asleep it's 02:16 am here but didn't want to read your vent and run! Really hope you feel better soon, try not to let your Dr. get to you about your weight it just makes TTC a whole lot worse. Hope you feel better soon x :hugs:
Ok, so this is my first post, ever! I have a few issues going on and need some guidance!! My dh and I have been trying to concieve since the birth of my son, who is 5. One year prior to his conception, I had an ectopic/tubal and had to have my Fallopian tube removed..there's one strike, ZI have endometriosis and I'm 34. I am on my second cycle of clomid and I'm having some aweful side effects, or pregnancy symptoms...not sure. I began ovulation on Saturday April 21'st and now am experiencing pregnancy like symptoms. The most noticible being my nipples!! Aggghhhh!! They are killing me!!! I didn't experience any of these symptoms the first month of being on clomid, so I'm hoping and praying I'm pregnant! Fingers crossed! My question is this just a symptom of clomid? Has anyone had severely sensitive nipples while taking clomid, after ovulation? And, is it too soon to be having pregnancy symptoms? Sorry, I'm learning and don't know all the short cut abbreviations yet. Thank you so much in advance!!
I would avoid Advil personally. I was told by my fertility specialist that nsaids are not the best thing when ttc, I was told stick to acetaminophen (Tylenol) instead. Found this explanation online for it
Is the back pain bad or just bothersome? It may help you guage if it's worth a mention to your doctor. Good luck!

Thanks for the link! It's a dull ache, it possible it might be unrelated. If it gets worse l probably give my doc. a call.
Hope day 4 and 5 go as well as the first 3 days:)
Ok, so this is my first post, ever! I have a few issues going on and need some guidance!! My dh and I have been trying to concieve since the birth of my son, who is 5. One year prior to his conception, I had an ectopic/tubal and had to have my Fallopian tube removed..there's one strike, ZI have endometriosis and I'm 34. I am on my second cycle of clomid and I'm having some aweful side effects, or pregnancy symptoms...not sure. I began ovulation on Saturday April 21'st and now am experiencing pregnancy like symptoms. The most noticible being my nipples!! Aggghhhh!! They are killing me!!! I didn't experience any of these symptoms the first month of being on clomid, so I'm hoping and praying I'm pregnant! Fingers crossed! My question is this just a symptom of clomid? Has anyone had severely sensitive nipples while taking clomid, after ovulation? And, is it too soon to be having pregnancy symptoms? Sorry, I'm learning and don't know all the short cut abbreviations yet. Thank you so much in advance!!

Unfortunately, yes, you get pregnancy symptoms with CLomid!! My nipples hurt like hell after O!!

Hopefully, it is not just the Clomid, I will find out Wednesday, if AF doesn't show up tomorrow!! Good luck!!!:hugs:
Ckykesworld- I had a bfn on 50mg and my doctor put me on another 50mg cycle, but he actually told me we might go down to 25 next cycle if we need it because I responded almost too well last time. Sorry I can't be more help!

Dbluett- sorry about the bfn :hugs:

Flchic- my nipples were unbelievably sore last cycle! I think it's a Clomid thing.
Just joined thread/ I will just jump right in! this is my 1st post so I figured I would start here. Have a few questions and ANYONES help would be awesome. I have a 16yr(that knows everything) boy,Im 34 and last May I was told I have endometriosis (AF were 3weeks every month, put me on porvera to restart and reg them and it did...thank god) Well without trying at the end of Nov 2011 I got PG, unfortunately on my bday I lost the baby jan 2012. SO took until st pats day to get AF again so I could start clomid 50mg, which did nothing my prog. level was 3.4 not good, and then my AF came on CD33....go figure right. I had no side effects that I knew about with 50mg besides the week b4 I started AF which was cramps, well I take that back I had some days that I had pains but figured they was O pains... guess not. Well today Im CD6, and Dr has me on Clomid 100mg.... QUESTION.....anyone ever have side effects from 100mg? I have noticed some pains and they arent cramps but like O pains maybe? And I am still on AF which last month on the 50mg I was off by this day (looks like I will be off by 2morrow with the 100mg) I know that you should OPK CD11 which YES YES YES thats what Im going to do, but fingers crossed the pains maybe meaning the 100mg might actually might work? Oh and one thing I did forget to mention is I do have a didelphic uterus, which is just my uterus is split inside, but it didnt hurt be to carry my son. So any info even just about clomid or something i should eat, drink, take a vitamin to help ANYthing please send advice this way! oh and always heard something about evening premise (spelling????)
Thanks for any info...sorry so long!
Usmcwife- sorry for your loss :hugs: I'm new to this clomid thing do Im not much help, but the other ladies on here are really great!

AFM- couldn't sleep, very anxious and now bummed, I'd take a headache over feeling anxious any day. Anyone else feel anxious on clomid, please tell me side effects go away after the last pill! Kinda freaking out :cry:
Usmcwife I'm so sorry for your loss. I too had a mc last august, my first pregnancy and have been trying since then with no luck. Just last month my doc put me on clomid 50mg because my day21 bloodwork showed my prog levels were 5.1 meaning very weak ovulation. Long story short, clomid helped me last month (19 prog level) but we didn't catch the eggy. I didn't have any side effects while taking the pill, but after o day, my cramps were intense and bloating and gassy to the point I could have sworn my stomach could explode lol. My nipps were very tender and I started getting af cramps a week before af was due.

I'm currently 5dpo and sensitive nipples are back, but no other symptoms yet. Hopefully I ovulated well again this month and we caught that egg. Just try to be as relaxed as possible, drink lots of water, green tea and grapefruit juice (all help with cm). Good luck and keep us posted :)
Ny- HI!:hi: Welcome to BnB... I am in the same boat. I O regularly and am a healthy 20 yr old but was also prescribed Clomid 50mg w/o observation. I took it cd3-7 though not 5-9. I also have unexplained infertility. Did your doc do a SA on your DH first? Before prescribing the Clomid?

I am taking 50 mg from 5 to 9.
My husband has been tested and his sperm is great....and so are all of my blood test. Has your husband had it too?
I hope that this is going to work fast, as I am having really bad hot sweaty time in the night....
guys, my friend just told me grapefruit juice shouldnt be taken with drugs eg clomid and im freaking out. made a new post was hoping to get more answers

read it...
Not sure about grapefruit juice with Clomid I'm not having problems with CM at the moment.

Just been for my CD12 scan and this cycle is a bust :( lining was 12mm but no follicles on either side, feel silly for getting my hopes up now.

I'm onto 150mg next cycle if no luck there then it's onto ovarian drilling and injectables... :cry:
Usmcwife- sorry for your loss :hugs: I'm new to this clomid thing do Im not much help, but the other ladies on here are really great!

AFM- couldn't sleep, very anxious and now bummed, I'd take a headache over feeling anxious any day. Anyone else feel anxious on clomid, please tell me side effects go away after the last pill! Kinda freaking out :cry:

hey hun, i had trouble sleeping and hubby said i was whimpering in my sleep! he thought it was the dog. and ive had lower back pain too... more around the back of the love handles n hips
Just joined thread/ I will just jump right in! this is my 1st post so I figured I would start here. Have a few questions and ANYONES help would be awesome. I have a 16yr(that knows everything) boy,Im 34 and last May I was told I have endometriosis (AF were 3weeks every month, put me on porvera to restart and reg them and it did...thank god) Well without trying at the end of Nov 2011 I got PG, unfortunately on my bday I lost the baby jan 2012. SO took until st pats day to get AF again so I could start clomid 50mg, which did nothing my prog. level was 3.4 not good, and then my AF came on CD33....go figure right. I had no side effects that I knew about with 50mg besides the week b4 I started AF which was cramps, well I take that back I had some days that I had pains but figured they was O pains... guess not. Well today Im CD6, and Dr has me on Clomid 100mg.... QUESTION.....anyone ever have side effects from 100mg? I have noticed some pains and they arent cramps but like O pains maybe? And I am still on AF which last month on the 50mg I was off by this day (looks like I will be off by 2morrow with the 100mg) I know that you should OPK CD11 which YES YES YES thats what Im going to do, but fingers crossed the pains maybe meaning the 100mg might actually might work? Oh and one thing I did forget to mention is I do have a didelphic uterus, which is just my uterus is split inside, but it didnt hurt be to carry my son. So any info even just about clomid or something i should eat, drink, take a vitamin to help ANYthing please send advice this way! oh and always heard something about evening premise (spelling????)
Thanks for any info...sorry so long!

Hello and welcome. This site was my savior in my ttc journey, only wish I knew about it the first time round. As for your situation. How were you diagnosed with endo? Generally ladies with endo have a procedure to remove the build up as it can cause issues ttc. It might make a difference if you are through your normal doc or an fertility specialist. Very sorry to hear of your loss, at least you know becoming pregnant can happen. With your uterus, did you mean it's simply bicoruate or didelphic as in double vaginal wall/cervix as well. Not that it'll matter much, either way as far as I've read, they say your chance of double pregnancy can be higher due to two separate uterine areas to implant in, and clomid increases the chance of multiples anyways. If you don't trigger with multiple follicles it could be you'll only release one egg, but triggering can lead to more. If your progesterone has been low and you suffered a loss it may be wize to take a progesterone suppository or shots a couple days after o until either bfn or baby is through first trimester. Good luck, you have a very unique situation. Hope I've been helpful but don't take my response as final word as I'm no doc :)
Just wondering how long has taken some of y'all to get pregnant from using clomid? ivery never taken it before.
Just wondering how long has taken some of y'all to get pregnant from using clomid? ivery never taken it before.

My situation was diff as I had to move to other fertility options but here you are.
TTC #1
- 2months clomid 50 with good follicle response and ovulation, monitored and timed intercourse - both bfn
- 1 month same clomid regimen with back to back IUI 24, and 48 hrs post surge, bfn
- 1 month same clomid regimen with single IUI 24 hours post surge- :bfp:
TTC #2
Since we know what worked before we moved right to clomid IUI.
1month clomid 50 and single IUI 24 hours post surge - bfn
1 month clomid 50 with OPK's and timed BD - bfn (Christmas break at clinic)
1 month clomid 50, trigger shot and single IUI at 36 hours.
Kookycake- sorry there was no follies :hugs: :hugs: I had ovarian drilling done in jan and I am now responding to clomid, I will be doing injectables the cycle after next, my next cycle will be injectables :hugs:

:hi: to everyone else, I hope everyone is doing good, havent had a chance to read back through all the other pages/posts so I am not being rude :hugs:

AFM- I got my crosshairs today I am 3dpo :dance:
Kookycake- sorry there was no follies :hugs: :hugs: I had ovarian drilling done in jan and I am now responding to clomid, I will be doing injectables the cycle after next, my next cycle will be injectables :hugs:

:hi: to everyone else, I hope everyone is doing good, havent had a chance to read back through all the other pages/posts so I am not being rude :hugs:

AFM- I got my crosshairs today I am 3dpo :dance:

Was it painful? How long after the op did they let you go back on the clomid?
Getting nervous 50mg is not going to work. Cycle day 15 and no O. Do they still consider clomid effective even if you O very late in the cycle? Because I would O on my own before clomid it just came at like day 28

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