The clomid thread- if you take clomid please join and ask questions and get answers

I started my third and hopefully last cycle of Clomid ;) yesterday. I really hope I don't have the hot flashes this month. It is too hot here in Mexico for hot flashes too!! It is 105-110 F daily right now. I will go in June 5 for my scan and then get the time and date for the trigger.
Hi everyone, my story is a complicated one. I am 41 and got married for the 2nd time last year to my first love. I have 2 children from my first marriage, now 18 and 22. My husband has never been married and does not have children and so I am hoping that we can have 1 or 2 of our own. I have several issues that could and most likely will complicate this whole process. I had my tubes tied about 12 years ago positive that I would not want any more children. I then had my right ovary removed about 2 years later as I was getting repeated cysts on the ovary. Now here we are! I had my tubes reversed in November and this is my second month on Clomid. My doctor is cautiously optimistic and is being "aggressive" in our quest.

As I said I am on my second month of Clomid 50mg and the side effects that I have experienced are hot flashes (horrible), insomnia and mood swings (then again may be just my personality :blush:). I attempted to do the whole BBT charting but after 3 months I just could not get the hang of it :growlmad: and of course in conjunction with my first cycle of Clomid this was no picnic. I have also used opks for the last 3 months and they are no treat either. The first month I used Clearblue as per the directions on the box and did not get one positive! After some research I learned that the dollar store tests are just as reliable and a whole bunch cheaper. The second month I used the cheapies and got faint lines for 2 days but nothing that indicated a "+". Enter research once again and found that some women surge for a only a few hours, so if you dont test during this window (likely while at work or whatnot) you will never even know you surged. So, I took a different approach and tested twice a day this cycle, once using SMU and then again in the evening beginning on cd 10 as per instruction. I got a faint line on the evening of cd 12 and by the next evening cd 13 they were what is described as +. [enter confusion] the + remained until cd 19, which was yesterday May 26th!?! I know some believe that you should not test after you get the first + but I just had to :nope: shouldn't have done it, all it got me was more confused and frustrated as ever. Not that I thought this would be an easy peasy walk in the park but I really didn't think I would get so frustrated by it either...I think it is stress of trying to get it done before it is too impending sentence.

I look forward to chatting with all of you ladies. Good luck to you all on your quest to motherhood!:hugs:
I'm CD 3 this will be my second round of clomid 50 mg. I O'd last month but BFN all around and AF showed up.
Anyone else get pregnancy symptoms and still get AF? I had all the signs, nausea, sore bb's, fatigue, lower back pain, and mild lower ab pain, swore I was going to get a BFP, but all BFN's took 3 tests. So disheartening. We are TTC as soon as possible due to family health issues, as well as my own anovulatory cycles.
I'm 31, ttc our first, we've been married less than a year and I already feel the strain of TTC as I keep getting missed AF and BFN's. We want twins, being that I am a twin. I wish I knew what the trouble was with getting PG, nobody else in my family has had this kind of trouble, I'm the odd woman out. They seem to just poof get preggers, me I want this so badly and nada! Don't get me wrong the trying is always fun, but I worry that I won't be able to have a baby.
Every time I get into the 2ww, I get my hopes up, only to have them dashed when I get the BFN. I feel utterly alone in this all of my friends had an easy time of getting pregnant, my family as well, even my husband's family, so I really have no clue to handle this.
I feel as though I'm running out of time, and even though I'm only 31, I just feel like this is taking far too long. DH and I have been together for almost 3 years and have no used any kind of prevention.

Sorry for the long post, needed to vent. DH has no idea how much this hurts me, and it's hard to discuss with him, as he won't understand.
I'm CD 3 this will be my second round of clomid 50 mg. I O'd last month but BFN all around and AF showed up.
Anyone else get pregnancy symptoms and still get AF? I had all the signs, nausea, sore bb's, fatigue, lower back pain, and mild lower ab pain, swore I was going to get a BFP, but all BFN's took 3 tests. So disheartening. We are TTC as soon as possible due to family health issues, as well as my own anovulatory cycles.
I'm 31, ttc our first, we've been married less than a year and I already feel the strain of TTC as I keep getting missed AF and BFN's. We want twins, being that I am a twin. I wish I knew what the trouble was with getting PG, nobody else in my family has had this kind of trouble, I'm the odd woman out. They seem to just poof get preggers, me I want this so badly and nada! Don't get me wrong the trying is always fun, but I worry that I won't be able to have a baby.
Every time I get into the 2ww, I get my hopes up, only to have them dashed when I get the BFN. I feel utterly alone in this all of my friends had an easy time of getting pregnant, my family as well, even my husband's family, so I really have no clue to handle this.
I feel as though I'm running out of time, and even though I'm only 31, I just feel like this is taking far too long. DH and I have been together for almost 3 years and have no used any kind of prevention.

Sorry for the long post, needed to vent. DH has no idea how much this hurts me, and it's hard to discuss with him, as he won't understand.

Hi... Even I am on CD3 and I am also starting on my 2nd round of 50mg clomid, So we are cycle buddies.
I am doing clomid on CD 5 to CD9.
I hv not had :witch: for over 4 months and the doctor asked me to just pick any day and consider it CD5, but I did not ovulate in last cycle. This cycle my gynae gave me provera to jumpstart my periods and have a fresh start. So this is my first official cycle. Keeping my fingers Xed.
Hope this cycle turns out to be the best.
I'm CD 3 this will be my second round of clomid 50 mg. I O'd last month but BFN all around and AF showed up.
Anyone else get pregnancy symptoms and still get AF? I had all the signs, nausea, sore bb's, fatigue, lower back pain, and mild lower ab pain, swore I was going to get a BFP, but all BFN's took 3 tests. So disheartening. We are TTC as soon as possible due to family health issues, as well as my own anovulatory cycles.
I'm 31, ttc our first, we've been married less than a year and I already feel the strain of TTC as I keep getting missed AF and BFN's. We want twins, being that I am a twin. I wish I knew what the trouble was with getting PG, nobody else in my family has had this kind of trouble, I'm the odd woman out. They seem to just poof get preggers, me I want this so badly and nada! Don't get me wrong the trying is always fun, but I worry that I won't be able to have a baby.
Every time I get into the 2ww, I get my hopes up, only to have them dashed when I get the BFN. I feel utterly alone in this all of my friends had an easy time of getting pregnant, my family as well, even my husband's family, so I really have no clue to handle this.
I feel as though I'm running out of time, and even though I'm only 31, I just feel like this is taking far too long. DH and I have been together for almost 3 years and have no used any kind of prevention.

Sorry for the long post, needed to vent. DH has no idea how much this hurts me, and it's hard to discuss with him, as he won't understand.

My first round of Clomid, I could have sworn I was pregnant. I had every symptom and I was crushed when AF showed. Clomid is cruel.

I understand what you mean about feeling alone, ttc has been a very difficult journey for me too. The women on here are wonderful though, it's great to have people to talk to who understand.
Hi lovely's :flower: We just got back from our lake trip. I have a lot of catching up to do :dohh:

As for me I am 6 days post IUI and counting and very sunburned. I am grateful for the distraction during my TWW though :thumbup:

Prayers and blessings,
It is so good to know I'm not alone. The Clomid does seem to be a cruel mistress of hope. I have wanted to be a mommy since I saw my neice for the first time nearly 10 years ago. My exhale could not have children, so I gave up on my dream. Now that my dh and my high school sweetheart I really feel it's the right time right man, but things have not been as easy as I assumed it would be. Thank you ladies for the support. Nils we'll keep eachother up to date. Stayhopeful thanks for letting me know what my Dr did not.
Never2late best wishes for a BFP!
Clomid definitely causes similar symptoms as you would feel if you were pregnant. I was 90% positive I was pregnant last month but unfornately I got a BFN :(

Never2late, I'm going in tomorrow for an IUI so I'll be just starting the dreaded TWW. Like you I'm hoping my busy schedule will keep my mind occupied.

Lots of :dust: for everyone
Hi i started Clomid last cycle at 50mg and i had an ultrasound done at CD 14 and it didnt work so OB uped the dosage for this next cycle so ill be taking 100mg....hopefully that works...but i found out that i might have polycystic ovaries...which is weird i dont have any symptoms of hair is VERY dry so no dark hair in random i said the clomid can cause it to look like PCOS on an ultrasound. so i dunno...
Hey all,
I have been on clomid for 3 months but it didnt work for me.So nw my gyn has put me on letrozone.its my first month on letrozone,lets see if this works.its been 2yrs since i m ttc.its very depressing to find myself in such a position when others can have babies quite easily.
I have undergone hsg test:my tubes well open
I m ovulating as well
My husband has normal sperm count as well
I literally dont understand why its taking me soo long to conceive..
Hi i started Clomid last cycle at 50mg and i had an ultrasound done at CD 14 and it didnt work so OB uped the dosage for this next cycle so ill be taking 100mg....hopefully that works...but i found out that i might have polycystic ovaries...which is weird i dont have any symptoms of hair is VERY dry so no dark hair in random i said the clomid can cause it to look like PCOS on an ultrasound. so i dunno...

I found out in Feb that I have PCOS but I don't have any of those symptoms either, so it was a surprise to me. I think it varies from person to person.
My doctor doesn't like the term pcos is there still a chance of getting pregnant this cycle?
Hi ladies,

A bit of hope for you: I am not out of the woods yet given my history but this pregnancy was my only Clomid one out of 5 in 15 months (I normally ovulated on my own but not very well obviously given the bad embryos!!). Anyway, yesterday I had my first successful scan ever! Baby is measuring on track with a heartbeat of 140! :cloud9: So now I think Clomid is a wonder drug!! Good luck to you all. xx
Hey Girls,

Sorry if any of you have already read this post on the testing thread. :)

I’ve had a crappy couple of days to be honest and have been feeling really low. I got my blood test results yesterday which showed I didn’t ovulate at all so the two good follies I had on both sides went to waste!! To be honest I’m not surprised I didn’t ovulate as I didn’t get any positive opk’s this month and I always do normally.

This month I started taking Oestrogen (as my womb lining is a bit thin) and Metformin which I’m assuming has caused this as every month since I started taking Clomid I’ve ovulated and been like clockwork. The nurse thinks that these medicines shouldn’t affect ovulation but what else could it be?

She is going to speak to the consultant on Friday and let me know what to do this month. She asked if I had enough clomid to go up to 100mg’s a day so maybe that’s what will happen. I am a little nervous about this though as I’ve heard the side effects are bad on 100mg’s and I’m going away at the time I’ll be taking them. Is anyone else on 100mg and can you tell me what it’s like? I’ve been fine on 50mg, had a few side effects the first month but after that not too bad.

It just all got me down yesterday and I had a good cry. I know I should stay positive but I’m now about to start my 6th round and I feel like the last one was a waste of a precious chance. I really feel like my time on clomid is wizzing past and every month I get more and more worried that it’s not going to happen. It doesn’t help that three of my friends this week announced their pregnancies.

Anyway, so sorry for being miserable. My Husband is great and he’s a real positive thinker but I don’t think he understands how scared I am about having to have assisted conception – he thinks I shouldn’t be thinking that far ahead. I really tried to be positive this month as I had the potential for two eggies and at one point I really did think I would get a BFP; I think the more positive you are the harder it hits you when AF arrives.

AF isn’t here yet but my blood test showed I didn’t ovulate so I am just waiting for her to show her face.

Thanks for listening…

I didn't have any side effects on 100mg other than tiredness after ovulation.
I have a question ..How does my RE/FS even know that I am ovulating? He doesn't do blood tests. I get the scan. He sees follicles. I trigger with ovridel and then we wait? Does Trigger guarantee ovulation?? I don't ever get the EWCM and he tells me not to pay attention to OPK's because of the Clomid..I just hope I haven't wasted the last three months..when the problem could be I am not ovulating...:shrug:

I am just concerned because I am 7 days post IUI and I feel nothing :nope:

I always have a scan and then they check my blood in day 21/22 to see if I actually did ovulate.

Apparantly the follies can look good but then the egg doesn't release, which is what happened to me this month. Frustrating as I had two beauts. Feel like this month has been a total waste.

Don't really know anything about trigger shots though...

Hi ladies :flower:

I'm new to this thread although not new to the board.

Very brief background - went off the pill in August 2011 and didn't have a period until April 2012. GP doesn't seem bothered, although I did push to go for scan in February this year. Right ovary is cystic, but left ovary and womb are normal. GP says blood tests indicate PCOS, specialist isn't convinced and neither am I. I have no symptoms at all and my bloods don't have the required ratio difference. I sometimes think GPs are too quick to 'diagnose' PCOS, although as yet, I've still never had an actual diagnosis. Skip to 3 weeks ago, I went home to South Africa on holiday and I paid to go private. My GP took one look at my bloods and said that I don't have PCOS and referred me to a specialist. The specialist, likewise, didn't even have to scan me, he looked at my blood tests and chart and said that it's clear as day that I'm not ovulating and he'd be very surprised if I had PCOS judging by my test results. So he prescribed me Provera (it was CD46 by then and nothing had happened) and Clomid. :thumbup:

So I'm on my last day of Clomid today at 100mg a day. I have no side effects at all, thank goodness! I'm going to a specialist appointment on the 6th June, which will coincide with CD14, which I hope won't be too late for them to do a scan to see if the Clomid has worked.

So not sure what to expect from here on in... hopefully the Clomid will give my ovaries the sucker punch they need to start working! :growlmad:

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