The clomid thread- if you take clomid please join and ask questions and get answers

:hi: girls this af is heavy witch is good ha started taking fresh royal jelly well had 2 bottles of carlsberg it was nice but i feel ruff today as ewt x x x
Hi caz, I was just thinking to myself when I seen your name I wonder if caz has tested, but I see the witch got you, I'm sorry, what mg are you going to be on this cycle and what days? x
cd21 for me, 5 dpo. I go to get labs done today to test my progesterone. I KNEW that I should have scheduled for Monday but they were so insistant it be cd21. So now I'll be testing for prog. 5 dpo instead of 7. Hopefully my numbers are good. I've had 5 high temps since O.
Sorry for those that got AF!
I'll try to wait until next Friday, cd 27 to test! :af:
Hi happycloud, let us know how you get on, will you get the results right away or do you have to wait a while? x
Hey girls, hope ye dont mind me coming on here?
Im not actually on Clomid, I am on CD22 and havent Ovulated yet.
I've been hearing a lot of women are on Clomid and wondering exactly what is it? Who should take it? Do I buy it over the counter or must it be prescribed to me? Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.
Hi thenewmrs, glad you came over!

It has to be prescribed to you it helps you to ovulate

Thanks so much Lily, this is just my second month off BCP but my first charting. My first cycle was 30 days long, this one is CD22 and still doesnt say I've OV'ed although I have been doing opk's and got +'s but the thermal shift only seems to be kicking in since yesterday with - OPK's... :wacko:

How many cycles were you TTC before you started on Clomid?
I have been ttc 10 months but not 10 cycles, I just went 119 without af, turned out after having to go private (because nhs refuse to help) that i have pcos and don't ovulate although I would get false positive opk's, he started me on provera & clomid, this is my first cycle which doesn't look like it has worked :(

If you are only starting out ttc i would try not to worry just yet, but if its info on clomid you are after, there is plenty of info on here x
Well this is our second cycle and my Doctor told me he wont do anything till I'm TTC at least a year, so there's not much else I can do but keep on charting and seeing how things go!

Its hard not to worry.... Ive heard so many sucess storied about clomid that I have to find out more!

I know its hard! Even just go to your doc and lie a little about the length of time you have been ttc, explain to him about your opk's and see if he will run a blood test, even just a general one to check over everything, good luck to you !
See I cant really do that because I was still picking up my pill prescription and he'll see that?
Hi I'm new to this forum and would love to join the thread. Been ttc for a while but cycles really long and erratic after coming off bcp and before that they were basically absent for a year after having my son (no probs conceiving, so been such a big shock this time around!). Anyway this is 2nd round of clomid, first round 50mg THINK I ovulated on cd23 but can't be def as had already had 21day blood test and was told i hadn't ovulated so was v lax about doing opk - typical! Anyway, we BDed every other day that cycle but upped dose to 100mg and now am on CD 12 and waiting and FX for ovulation. Does anyone know if I ovulated CD23 on 50mg will i ovulate earlier on 100mg or does it not work like that? Desperately want a sibling for my little boy, although every single day i realise how blessed i am to have a child at all. Doesn't help the crying at night from frustration and desperation of ttc though, is this normal?
Hi happycloud, let us know how you get on, will you get the results right away or do you have to wait a while? x

Hopefully they'll call early in the week. More likely: I'll have to call them and nag. It's supposed to be above 30 right? For progesterone post o?
Hi happycloud, let us know how you get on, will you get the results right away or do you have to wait a while? x

Hopefully they'll call early in the week. More likely: I'll have to call them and nag. It's supposed to be above 30 right? For progesterone post o?

Probably! sorry I don't know what it has to be above, I will be thinking about you, I can't wait to hear! I am in a dilema, I had my scan on Wed (cd13) as you know and only had 1 follie at 10 mm and the dr basically ruled out this cycle, I asked him if it is possible that it will develop and I will just ovulate later and he said, it is possible but not likely, well i just pee'd on a cbd opk and got a smiley about 10 min ago?!? what do you think? am I just grasping at straws? bear in mind that I do have pcos and dr has said previously that it wouldn't be unusual to get false positives on opk's. I know the ones with the lines can be interpretted as + even when they aren't by our wishful thinking but this was a smiley face one, today is CD16.

Do you think I am building myself up for a let down or keep the spirits up? Either way we will keep bd'ing, just incase!

Hi twinkle, welcome! I don't know how it will affect your ovulation dates, but if you ov later last time then I would just keep bd'ing as long as you can to cover from the earliest possible day for ovulation to the latest possible day x
Hi happycloud, let us know how you get on, will you get the results right away or do you have to wait a while? x

Hopefully they'll call early in the week. More likely: I'll have to call them and nag. It's supposed to be above 30 right? For progesterone post o?

Probably! sorry I don't know what it has to be above, I will be thinking about you, I can't wait to hear! I am in a dilema, I had my scan on Wed (cd13) as you know and only had 1 follie at 10 mm and the dr basically ruled out this cycle, I asked him if it is possible that it will develop and I will just ovulate later and he said, it is possible but not likely, well i just pee'd on a cbd opk and got a smiley about 10 min ago?!? what do you think? am I just grasping at straws? bear in mind that I do have pcos and dr has said previously that it wouldn't be unusual to get false positives on opk's. I know the ones with the lines can be interpretted as + even when they aren't by our wishful thinking but this was a smiley face one, today is CD16.

Do you think I am building myself up for a let down or keep the spirits up? Either way we will keep bd'ing, just incase!


Def. bd just in case! I used those cheapie sticks and had both lines for a straight week, but a few were kinda darker than the others. I have also looked on ff and have seen a lot of charts from women with PCOS who had + on opks and pregnancy. So its not an absolute rule. I forget, are you charting? I can feel confident in my ovulation because I see it on my chart! Of course, who knows what the blood test will say.
No I don't chart, I wouldn't have the first idea how to, when I look at girls charts I don't even know how to read it properly! lol

Well if you know by your chart that you have then the tests are just to confirm, don't worry, i know it will be good news!

No I don't chart, I wouldn't have the first idea how to, when I look at girls charts I don't even know how to read it properly! lol

Well if you know by your chart that you have then the tests are just to confirm, don't worry, i know it will be good news!


I would totally recommend charting your temps, it takes the guessing out of whether or not you ovulated (for the most part) If you click my sig. for you can create a free profile and all you need to do is type in your temps and it will do the rest of the work for you. Its super easy. You just need a BBT thermometer (very cheap) and then take your temp at the same time every morning and then record them on there.
No I don't chart, I wouldn't have the first idea how to, when I look at girls charts I don't even know how to read it properly! lol

Well if you know by your chart that you have then the tests are just to confirm, don't worry, i know it will be good news!


I would totally recommend charting your temps, it takes the guessing out of whether or not you ovulated (for the most part) If you click my sig. for you can create a free profile and all you need to do is type in your temps and it will do the rest of the work for you. Its super easy. You just need a BBT thermometer (very cheap) and then take your temp at the same time every morning and then record them on there.

I might look into it then missangie, do you have to start when af comes or can you just start anytime? I will probably see how this cycle works out then look into it, be warned though I will probably torture you girls to help me understand it though! lol

How are you feeling? :hugs:
No I don't chart, I wouldn't have the first idea how to, when I look at girls charts I don't even know how to read it properly! lol

Well if you know by your chart that you have then the tests are just to confirm, don't worry, i know it will be good news!


I would totally recommend charting your temps, it takes the guessing out of whether or not you ovulated (for the most part) If you click my sig. for you can create a free profile and all you need to do is type in your temps and it will do the rest of the work for you. Its super easy. You just need a BBT thermometer (very cheap) and then take your temp at the same time every morning and then record them on there.

I might look into it then missangie, do you have to start when af comes or can you just start anytime? I will probably see how this cycle works out then look into it, be warned though I will probably torture you girls to help me understand it though! lol

How are you feeling? :hugs:

you can really start it whenever but ideally it would be best to start right after AF. I am no expert when it comes to charting my temps but I do love that I can see the rise and it will confirm ovulation so I dont have to second guess whether I did or did not ovulate. It is confusing though if I am just looking at the chart but thank god fertilityfriend does all the work :)

I am feeling normal. 6dpo and have had some light cramping today and I noticed lots of creamy CM that was tinted slightly yellow. I googled it and some say its a sign of pregnancy and others say its a sign AF is on her way. Beats me. implantation wouldnt have even happened this soon after O so Im not reading too much into it.

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