The clomid thread- if you take clomid please join and ask questions and get answers

Carhar - you have absolutely filled me with hope, thank you so much, I know its a small chance but I am going to keep bd'ing and hope for the best! He told me to wait it out until CD35 then start provera to bring on af if hpt is neg, I have got pos opk's a couple of times, one on CD10 and then one last night CD16 but I don't know what one if any to trust because of my pcos.

I bet you can't wait to tell your dr and fs, they will be so shocked if they thought there wasn't a big enough follie! Yay I feel so happy for you just because it feels like you've got one up on infertility! Lol xx
congrats to all those who got :bfp:s and good luck to all who are waiting x x x
Opks always work for me, but I did get quite a few false positives. Just keep bding and keep using the opks. There is always a chance. Don't give up as I've had some really bad days.

If you are using ic opks, I would recommend you ditch them for a cbfm or cb smilies if you can afford to.

Definitely one up on infertility. I have my fx you'll make it two up this cycle x
hi ladies :flower: just wanted your wisdomful experiance !!

this is my second cycle of 50mg clomid days 2-6. i am on cd15 and this is the first time i have checked my cervix during my cycle. my cervix is rather high and feels like its tilted to the left???? on chceking the CM, its very white and VERY thick - in abundance and slippery???? i have never ahd this on my other cycles ttc and didnt have it on my last clomid cycle ! have never felt like cm like that before !!

does this mean ovulation ?? on cd10 i had some cramps and then on cd13 when i wiped the tp was shiny, and when i checkd the cm then it was competly clear but not stretchy, more slightl slippery and not overly thick - but by no means thin?????

can anyone help? xx
Opks always work for me, but I did get quite a few false positives. Just keep bding and keep using the opks. There is always a chance. Don't give up as I've had some really bad days.

If you are using ic opks, I would recommend you ditch them for a cbfm or cb smilies if you can afford to.

Definitely one up on infertility. I have my fx you'll make it two up this cycle x

Awk thankyou hun, I have been using the clear blue digitals as they were the only ones that worked for me, even the boots own brand ones can come up quite dark so the smilies take the guess work away, but CD10 and CD16 both smilie's....v v weird! I will deffo keep at it. I hope you enjoy your pregnancy! have you told anyone yet? x
No, not yet. Going to tell my immediate family in a couple of weeks then everyone else at 12 weeks. Perhaps a bit later for work.

I hope you ov'd cd16 x
Hello Ladies!!!
I am back and have missed you all!!!
It is going to take me awhile to get caught up seeing as how I have not been on here for the past 5 days.. My family has left this morning and them being here has been a wonderful distraction:) But here is a little update on me!

I am 9dpo today:) and so excited!!! My temps have remained high and I am trying not to symptom spot, but have easily noticed a few things..

horrible headache for the last 3 days
feel bloated
nipples hurt
and always feeling "wet" down there (which is even weirder because clomid "dryed" me up and I had to use preseed)

The only other think I have done was take an opk the last two days and it was positive.. I hope that is a good sign:) I know I could not be ovulating again because I had an ultrasound.

I am not sure when to test.... I am thinking about testing tomorrow morning with a FRER.. What do you ladies think??
congrats carhar!!!! SO exciting!

Prettynpink, I already responded to you on the other thread but my fingers are crossed for you!!!!!!

Lily, dont give up hope. Ya never know, maybe you will (or have Od) and if not, I bet next cycle will be a winner! :)

As for me, I just went in and got my CD21 bloods (CD25 for me but 7DPO) the lady totally bruised me and my arm is so sore to unbend all the way, never had that before and I have had LOTS of blood drawn. Oh well, TTC a baby is worth the little pain ;-) I had cramps yesterday and a little this morning but they are gone. Lots of creamy CM and my breasts are sore, but they usually are sore before AF sooo nothing too promising.
Prettynpink - good luck for testing! I will have my fingers crossed for you

missangie - sorry to hear you are all bruised and thankyou for your words of encouragement, when do you get your results?

Summerlily - I haven't got a clue about cm bu I have just went and checked mine out of curiousity, mine is creamy and sticky. I am going to go on google tomorrow and see what it brings up

Carhar- Congrats!!! What symptoms did you have? What dpo did you test?

Missangie- Hello again!! LOL Good luck on your blood work:)

Lily7- Thank You!!! How are you doing?

Just want to say hello to all the new comers!!:)
Congrats to everyone who has ovulated!!:)
Good Luck to everyone who is in the 2ww and approaching testing!!:)
I am so sorry to those of you who got a visit from the witch:(:(
Lily, I think I will call on tuesday to see if they can give me the results. My packet of info from the doctor just says "call advice nurse several days after for results and further instructions"
Just thought I would share my very positive opk at 9dpo


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Just thought I would share my very positive opk at 9dpo

is today the first day you have had the positive OPK or did you test and have them previous days too? Im asking becasue I think Im going to go use an OPK and see what I get haha
Just thought I would share my very positive opk at 9dpo

is today the first day you have had the positive OPK or did you test and have them previous days too? Im asking becasue I think Im going to go use an OPK and see what I get haha

YAY do it!!! LOL I did my first one at yesterday at 8dpo but it wasn't as strong as today's was.. The only reason I did one was because I had had some weird pains at 6dpo.. and my curiosity got to me LOL DO IT!!!!! and tell me where you post the pic:)

and just to add... I continued to do opks a couple days after my positive (lh surge) on cd14, until they went back to negative.. So I know this is "new" positive:)
blood test showed no ovulation on 50mg....oh well- time to start provera and move onto 100mg this time! COngrats and good luck to all!
question for you ladies....i take provera on cd 28 to bring on af....but what if the off chance that I ovulated late and the blood test was too early....
does anyone know if provera can end a pregnancy??? should i wait like a week past when i should have gotten my period?? yikes, I'm not sure what to do!:wacko:
Carhar- Congrats!!! What symptoms did you have? What dpo did you test?

I tested yesterday at 14dpo. I did try a opk at 13dpo, but the line was v faint.

In my tww I had the tiniest bit of brown-pink tinge in my cm 8-9 dpo, then the next couple of days I had pins and needles shooting pains in only one bb. About 10dpo I starting developing a few mouths ulcers and 12dpo I got a stye which I can't shift. The worst thing I've had is heartburn for the last 4 days.

Throughout my tww, I was exhausted, really bloated and gassy. I never burp in public but one day it was so bad I couldn't help myself.

I almost forgot at the start of the second week I kept getting a filmy cm in my underwear. It looked like snail trail, gross! Even now I have an abundance of cm. I thought it was my period to start with.

Now all I really have is sore bbs, heartburn, lower back pain and few strange shooting pains in my uterus and this stye.

I hope this helps x
Good morning ladies

Hope u all had a nyc wkend.

Congratulations to all the ladies who got :bfp:
Good luck to those who are in the 2ww period.

So my :witch:appeared on saturday afternoon was a tad bit disappointed coz i was not pregnant. I took my first 2 tabs of fertomid (generic of clomid) yesterday. So now i am on my 3rd cycle of fertomid. Will be buying me an ovulation pack later this wk. Will keep you ladies informed.

So to all the ladies whose :af:visited them will keep my fingers crossed for this month.

Some baby dust for all my clomid ladies. :dust::dust::dust:
Hi Ladies,

How are you all? Congratulations on the BFP's and sorry to those who's AF came.

I'm feeling absolutely shattered this morning - suffered from some terrible sleep paralysis/night terrors last night. I kept thinking someone was in the room, stood by the door watching me and I just couldn't move and when I went to tell my OH, I couldn't talk or move my lips, it was scary. Anyone know if this could be classed as a PG symptom or am I clutching at straws on this one! :haha:


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