The clomid thread- if you take clomid please join and ask questions and get answers

I started by reading a good part of Taking Charge of Your Fertility by Toni Weschler. That helped me understand what was going on every month (or what SHOULD happen every month) and then I just started by printing off a natural family planning worksheet and making some copies. Then I found out about and also to put it online and get the help 'seeing' the pattern. The important things are:
Take your temp at the same time every morning, before you go to the bathroom, before you drink anything, even before standing up. Your temps will stay under a "coverline" (red horizontal line) which is diff. for every woman, mine this cycle was 97.7...meaning for the most part my temps stayed under that. AFTER ovulation, your temp should spike at least four for me: 97.9 from 97.5. then it stays high due to progesterone. When AF arrives, it drops back down. If it stays high, you are very likely pregnant! So it doesn't help you see when O is coming, but that it has happened. My current chart is attached. You also mark your CM, when you BD, opks, symptoms, etc. and it uses those to help decide when you o'd.

Totally worth it. Read the book!!


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I started by reading a good part of Taking Charge of Your Fertility by Toni Weschler. That helped me understand what was going on every month (or what SHOULD happen every month) and then I just started by printing off a natural family planning worksheet and making some copies. Then I found out about and also to put it online and get the help 'seeing' the pattern. The important things are:
Take your temp at the same time every morning, before you go to the bathroom, before you drink anything, even before standing up. Your temps will stay under a "coverline" (red horizontal line) which is diff. for every woman, mine this cycle was 97.7...meaning for the most part my temps stayed under that. AFTER ovulation, your temp should spike at least four for me: 97.9 from 97.5. then it stays high due to progesterone. When AF arrives, it drops back down. If it stays high, you are very likely pregnant! So it doesn't help you see when O is coming, but that it has happened. My current chart is attached. You also mark your CM, when you BD, opks, symptoms, etc. and it uses those to help decide when you o'd.

Totally worth it. Read the book!!

agreed, I read that book too right when we were first TTC. I actually am kinda interested in reading it again now that I know so much more then I did then! But yes, good book to read for sure
Hi ladies,

I haven't posted here for a very long time as I couldn't keep up with all the posts!

I was hoping for a bit of help. I'm on my second cycle of clomid. Last cycle I had a 12 lp which is normal for me. I'm now 14dpo, so a day late. I know clomid can lengthen lp. I was wondering if anyone had a normal lp and a longer subsequent lp?

I had a really faint line on a ic hpt this morning, but I've had evaps before so don't want to get my hopes up xxx
Thanks girls you have helped alot with the temping advice you have given me.

Carhar - good luck for your bfp!

:hi: girls sunday roast on starving think were going to st helens show with my son and nieces son they can go on the fair and watch the fireworks later x x x
Hi ladies,

I haven't posted here for a very long time as I couldn't keep up with all the posts!

I was hoping for a bit of help. I'm on my second cycle of clomid. Last cycle I had a 12 lp which is normal for me. I'm now 14dpo, so a day late. I know clomid can lengthen lp. I was wondering if anyone had a normal lp and a longer subsequent lp?

I had a really faint line on a ic hpt this morning, but I've had evaps before so don't want to get my hopes up xxx

Hi... Not sure how long clomid can lengthen your lp. I kind of assumed it would be similiar each cycle. I hope this is your BFP!!! Good luck and keep us posted :)
Hi I'm new to this forum and would love to join the thread. Been ttc for a while but cycles really long and erratic after coming off bcp and before that they were basically absent for a year after having my son (no probs conceiving, so been such a big shock this time around!). Anyway this is 2nd round of clomid, first round 50mg THINK I ovulated on cd23 but can't be def as had already had 21day blood test and was told i hadn't ovulated so was v lax about doing opk - typical! Anyway, we BDed every other day that cycle but upped dose to 100mg and now am on CD 12 and waiting and FX for ovulation. Does anyone know if I ovulated CD23 on 50mg will i ovulate earlier on 100mg or does it not work like that? Desperately want a sibling for my little boy, although every single day i realise how blessed i am to have a child at all. Doesn't help the crying at night from frustration and desperation of ttc though, is this normal?

Hi twinkle2
Just wanted to say that on 50mg Clomid I ovulated on day 23 and on 100mg I ovulated on day 17 - so in my case increasing the dose definitely resulted in earlier ovulation. Oh, and I completely get the crying at night thing xxx
Hi ladies,

I haven't posted here for a very long time as I couldn't keep up with all the posts!

I was hoping for a bit of help. I'm on my second cycle of clomid. Last cycle I had a 12 lp which is normal for me. I'm now 14dpo, so a day late. I know clomid can lengthen lp. I was wondering if anyone had a normal lp and a longer subsequent lp?

I had a really faint line on a ic hpt this morning, but I've had evaps before so don't want to get my hopes up xxx

oooh Carhar am keeping everything crossed for you!

Without Clomid, I have a 7-9 day LP. With Clomid 50mg, I had a 10 day LP. With 100mg (last cycle) I had a 12 day LP.

Fingers crossed your LP stays away entirely though, and that you're pregnant!
Thanks MrsHY.

My last 5 ovulatory cycles have all been 12 days lp. So I suppose I will have to wait and see. It has been a very different cycle to all my others tho x
Thought I'd let you know that I did a frer and cb digi and both came back positive.

Looks like we're having a clomid baby, so it really does work as I have pcos and rarely ovulate x
Thought I'd let you know that I did a frer and cb digi and both came back positive.

Looks like we're having a clomid baby, so it really does work as I have pcos and rarely ovulate x

Awesome news hun!!! How many clomid cycles did you do b-4 you got your BFP, and how long were you TTC? Congratsulations!!!:happydance::happydance::happydance:
Thanks hun.

It was my second clomid cycle. I didn't ov until cd27 and thought I was out. My follie tracking at cd14 and 16 showed no dominant follies. Almost took norethisterone to bring on my af, but then my opks started getting darker. Glad I waited now!

We were ttc 9 months, but I only had 6 ovulatory cycles in that time as I have pcos x
Congrats Carhar :)

Does anyone know if clomid makes your period shorter? I've always had a 6-7 period, but here I am on cd4 and the last two times I've checked my cup (before bed on cd3 and this morning) theres been only drops of brown blood.
Thanks Lily, hopefully you won't be far behind x

Hopefully Carhar! I really hope so, you must be soo happy I am actually excited for you!

Did I read right where you said your scan showed no dominent follicles? I went on Wednesday and only had 1 at 10 mm I am praying that it grows and I ovulate, your story has lifted my spirits!! Woohoo make sure you keep in touch x
Yep, my largest follie was 9mm at cd14 and it hadn't grown 2 days later. I thought I was going to give up the cycle. That's when my fs agreed to prescribe 100mg clomid and norethisterone to bring on my af. He took so long sorting out the prescription that in the meantime I got peak on my cbfm.

I genuinely think that my cbfm and clomid were a godsend.

Don't worry there's absolutely a chance you'll ov. I think it's misleading hospitals suggest you'll ov cd13, but I suppose they say women should have a 28 day cycle x

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