The developmental milestones thread---what did your baby do today? :)

Holly started jumping off the floor properly without having to hold onto anything! She's been trying to do this for months and is so impressed with herself!
Micah is really playing now and using his imagination. He 'feeds' his teddy with a spoon and puts his hat on his toys and the cat! :haha: This weekend he's had a bad cold and I've been wiping his nose a lot, this morning he held a tissue up to his teddy and said "ahh-foo" and then "bear ipe(how he says wipe)" :cloud9:
He giggled!!!! :happydance: Just a few minutes ago! OH came home so I passed him to OH for their time together... OH was chatting with him and he giggled! Dawwwwwwwwwwww :cloud9:
My lg finally grabbed the toy on her playmat by herself multiple times! I've been trying to introduce toys to her. Hopefully she's starting to get the hang of it!
Jason is really getting the hang of spoon feeding himself and insists on (messily) feeding himsef his cereal or porridge every morning now! :D
Ds rolls over from belly to back. He has been since 3 weeks but now he won't stay on his tummy at all. Rolls every time :) I'm also getting him to repeat my sounds when I say I love you, he can mimic the I love but not the you. It's so cute!
Lily waved Bye-Bye at the cashier when we were shopping in Christmas Tree Store yesterday! We were shocked. She never did that before (or since) and we have been waving and saying Hi and Bye-Bye for a month trying to get her to. OH and I said it to the cashier (kind of for LO....the cashier liked her) and then we both waved and Lily did it too!

I hope she waves at one of us soon :)
Lily waved Bye-Bye at the cashier when we were shopping in Christmas Tree Store yesterday! We were shocked. She never did that before (or since) and we have been waving and saying Hi and Bye-Bye for a month trying to get her to. OH and I said it to the cashier (kind of for LO....the cashier liked her) and then we both waved and Lily did it too!

I hope she waves at one of us soon :)

Cute!! When my LO waved for the first time it was also at a cashier. It took another week or so before she would wave for me. I guess cashiers are just more fun :Haha:
Can recognise his own reflection and has starting saying 'Dare' (There) when we ask where something is :thumbup:
Waved back at train driver waving on children's tv programme and has started playing peek a boo in his highchair with the teatowel and his bib <3
My son was reaching and grabbing his feet today:) i know not a huge milestone, but cute nonetheless:)
Phoebe has been rolling back to tummy since halloween. A couple of days ago she did tummy to back!! Hasnt done it since so im patiently waiting lol
Pulled herself to a kind of squatty stand between my feet (I was sitting on our couch) , looked at me and said Ma-Mom. I think she may know it's me now :) :) :)
Can say 'beep beep' as part of the wheels on the bus song :)
Started walking with his push along baby walker! In the past week hes mastered crawling, cruising, pulling up and walking! Busy baby
Words, finally and lots of them!! It's like a switch has come on in his head and they're all tumbling out!! We now have yes, no, again and more in context regularly. Hello, yogurt, bye, go, there.... Love it! :D
Starting spinning in a circle and said the words 'sticker' and 'tractor' today!
He has started matching memory tiles perfectly! He has a set of wooden tiles with pictures of animals, two of each, and if you lay them out and hand him a tile to match with one on the floor, he does it right every time.
My lo has just learned how to "share". He shares everything with me now from his toys to his soggy cherios (which was cute until I realized he wanted to feen them to me, haha.) He even handed me his toy monkey, which he never lets go. He's so considerate. :)

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