The Enormously [specific]DPO Symptom Spotting Thread. All are welcome :)


2 by Sea 2 by Land
Sep 4, 2009
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Updated @ 12DPO [Dec.15, 09]

Welcome Ladies of Bnb!!! :flower:

I created this thread because i am such a symptom spotter! Often times i find myself looking up each symptom online according to the specific DPO. Now, i know there is an awesome thread on BnB called "The Great Thread of Early Pregnancy Symptoms" (, however, i wanted to find more out more specifically than just the symptoms in the 2WW, i wanted to find out the symptoms that specifically occur at each DPO.

I think this would be a great way for women, specifically in the 2WW, to see the different symptoms and when they could possibly occur on each day. So, if you are a symptom spotter like myself, or you are just interested in the *signs" feel free to read, comment, and most importantly add your own symptoms according to DPO! Also, please express if you got your :bfp: or not :thumbup:

Hope all you ladies get your :bfp: and I hope this will help you go less insane during the 2WW :wacko:
Enjoy! :friends:

P.S. please feel free to update your post! And mark "updated on __DPO" in the title. That way those who are not entirely through their 2WW can keep posting and updating :flower:

P.S.S. I am also interest in the DPO symptoms of those who did not get their :bfp: that way us ladies have something to compare. So feel free to use all/any of your cycles :)

P.S.S.S. [and then im done, i swear :haha:] It is okay if you dont have symptoms posted for every DPO. What is important is that you list the DPO. So if you only 3 DPO symptoms than thats okay. The goal is to get as much info as possible :D

Day of Ovulation (CD 18 for me):

Mood - emotional! [grouchy mostly]
Engery - VERY low
Cramping - VERY light, almost non-existent
CM - Creamy (white), usual amounts
CP - Medium [opening, position, & texture]

1 DPO (CD 19 for me):

Mood - mood swings, irritable
Skin Breakout
Cramping -
CM - Increased , pale yellow
CP - Low [position], Firm [texture]
Appetite - Decreased
Runny nose - upon waking
Metallic Taste - upon waking ("iron taste")

2 DPO (CD 20 for me):

Mood - Good
Energy - normal
Skin Breakout
CM - Increased, very creamy
CP - Low [position], Firm [texture], Closed [opening]
Appetite - Increased
Cramping - VERY light, more like poking & burning sensations

3DPO (CD 21 for me):

Acid Reflux
Energy - VERY Low
Fatigue - VERY tired, drained, worn-out
Cramping - light "pinching" & burning sensation (uterus & belly button area)
Runny nose
Skin Breakout - VERY bad
CM - VERY creamy/Pale yellow, Increased - more than ever this cycle (even some in undies LOL)
CP - Low [position], Firm [texture], Closed [opening]

4DPO (CD 22 for me):

Energy - Low
Mood - Apathetic
Fatigue - Increased
Vivid dreams
Cramping - light "tugging" & "pulling" sensation (uterus)
Skin Breakout -VERY bad
CM - VERY creamy/Pale yellow, Increased, VERY Globy
CP - High [position], Closed [opening], Medium [texture]
Sore Throat - around mid-night than went away

5DPO (CD 23 for me):

Energy - VERY Low
Fatigue - more than any other DPO this cycle
Dizziness - more like light headed
Runny Nose - upon waking, mid-morning (both went away quickly)
CM - VERY clumpy, snot-like, Creamy pale yellow, Decreased [but still a lot, less compared to yesterday]
CP - Low [position], Firm [texture], Closed [opening]
Skin Breakout
Vivid Dreams

Cramping - VERY light, more of a "hungry feeling" only not actually hungry
Appetite - decreased
Sense of Smell - Heightened
Nausea - not a feeling of vomiting, but a very uncomfortable feeling, especially when sense of smell kicks in
Frequent Urination - Began in the evening (7:00PM)
Blue Vein - on right nipple (out of the ordinary for me)

6DPO (CD 24 for me):

Energy - Low
Nausea - only upon waking then went away,
Metallic Taste - iron like, had upon waking, went away, then came back
Skin Breakout - still bad but seems to be healing
CP - Medium [position], Closed [opening], Firm [texture]
CM - Globy, snot like, pale yellow CM, "Creamy"
Fatigue - took nap for two hours (3-5PM)
Vivid Dreams - Intense dreaming/nightmare activity, more than any other day this cycle, multiple dreams
BBT - Increased, highest its been
Frequent Urination - began around noon, increased in frequency and volume at night
Acid Reflux - not severe
Darkened Ariolas
Cramping - milder than AF but stronger than before. had spasm feeling for about 5 solid minutes (8PM)
Hot Flashes - 2:30PM
Breast Tenderness - Shooting pain in left breast, only lasted about 1 minutes
Heightened Sense of Smell
Blue Vein - on right nipple (out of the ordinary for me)

7DPO (CD 25 for me):

Energy - Low
Cramps - light "stitch", not painful, more like pre AF cramps (but not as bad)
Metallic Taste - 5:30PM
CM - Increased (since yesterday), clumpy, creamy, very pale yellow
CP - Medium (position), Medium (Firmness), Closed (opening)
Skin Breakout - though starting to clear up too
Appetite - increased since yesterday
Bloated - balloon like
Nausea - more queasy than anything
Vivid Dreams
Blue Vein - on right nipple (out of the ordinary for me)
Darkened Ariolas

8DPO (CD 26 for me):

Fatigue - most extreme feeling of fatigue this cycle
Energy - VERY low
Bloated - i feel like a balloon
Diarrhea - sun rise, went away after 1x
Heightened Sense of Smell

Darkened Ariolas
Metallic Taste

CM - VERY globy/creamy, off white/pale yellow, Increased since yesterday
CP - High [position], Soft [texture], Closed [opening]
Acid Reflux
Vivid Dreams
- more like a queasy feeling than anything. Hunger pains, only not hungry
Headache - wee hours of the night
Skin Breakout - starting to clear up! No signs of any new breakouts :)
BBT - Decreased, Temp drop (2nd day in a row).:( Still above coverline though May have been due to wet hair and cold air in apartment (hopefully)
Blue Veins - on both right & left ariolas now

9DPO (CD 27 for me):

Mood- emotional, happy, sad, and frustrated. Very roller coaster like
Increased Appetite - woke up around 4AM starving!
Acne Breakout - no longer clearing up, in fact getting worse :(
Cramps - got worse in the early evening, worst its been yet!
Bloated - big balloon feeling
Acid Reflux
Vivid Dreams
Metallic Taste
- morning
Nose Bleed
Runny Nose - afternoon
Darkened Ariolas
Heightened Sense of Smell

BBT - Increase
CM - Increased (close to the same as yesterday though), creamy/globy, pale-yellow
CP - Medium [position], Closed [opening], soft [texture]
FF Pregnancy Meter - 96 points out of 100 :)
Mentally - not feeling pregnant today :(
HPT - :bfn: :cry:

10DPO (CD 28 for me):

Mood - Mood swings (mostly happy, but a few moments were emotional)
Energy - Low-Normal, but more on the Low end.
Skin Breakout
- same as yesterday though, not getting better, not worse
- lighter than AF cramps but very noticeable!
Twinges - bubbly feelings
Dizziness - also light headed when standing up from sitting/laying down
Bloated - feeling like a balloon
CM - VERY thick, creamy, globy, and pale yellow. Lots of it! More than ever! Very excessive!
CP - Medium [position], Soft [texture], Closed [opening]
Headache - only for a couple minutes, went away never came back
Tender Breast - the right breast had shooting pains a few times, didn't last very long though.
Blue Veins - on ariolas
Metallic Taste - way too many times today! Most yet!
Vivid Dreams
Heightened Sense of Smell
Darkened Ariolas
Hot Flash
- only for a couple minutes
FF Pregnancy Meter - 97 points out of 100
BBT - Increase
HPT - :bfn: in the AM, VERY VERY faint positive @ 9:30P.M. SUPER hard to see.

11DPO (CD 29 for me:)

Mood - good for once! :haha:
Energy - normal (for now)
Bloating - finally went away...but we will see at the end of the day!
Fatigue - getting better, not as bad as in the past, but its still early yet.
Cramps - more like tugging and pulling, the feeling of hunger only not
Skin Breakout - old ones clearing up, new ones appearing
Tender Breasts - shooting pain that doesnt last long, doesnt hurt to touch but does after touching, mainly in the right one
Darkened Ariolas
Blue Veins - on right ariola
Metallic Taste - not nearly as bad as yesterday though
Vivid Dreams
Acid Reflux
- belching
Heightened Sense of Smell
BBT - Temp increased :)
CM - Thick, creamy, pale-yellow, LOTs of it!!! Same as yesterday
CP - High [position], Soft [texture], Closed [opening]
AF - NO SIGNS WHATSOEVER, the :witch: is *officially* LATE!!!! :yipee:
Dizziness - lightheaded too
HPT - VERY VERY faint positive on Dollar Tree HPT, negative on CBD, still not conclusive. Retested at 3:30PM, not a positive within 10 min. Went back 2 hours later and there was a pink line on the FRER. Could be an evap, but not sure. Will find out with tomorrows temps
Spotting - brown blood, went away after a couple hours. Not sure if its AF or IB, but i usually dont get spotting before AF

12DPO (CD 30 for me):

GOT MY :bfp:!!!!!! :yipee: :yipee: :yipee:
thanks hun!
I hope others add their stuff :) And you can too!
Nice idea, now i wish i was dedicated this cycle and charted my symptoms! I only started charting 3 days ago, but ill add what i have already.

13DPO (CD 28 for me):
Energy - None
Fatigue - Mostly all day
CM - Dry
Appetite - Increased - craving banana milk shake
Bloated - Like a balloon
Dizzy - Mostly all day associated with fatigue
Mood - Emotional

14DPO (CD 29 for me):
Energy - None
Fatigue - Mostly all day
CM - Dry in the morning clear and slippery in the PM
Appetite - Increased - craving banana milk shake again
Bloated - Decreased from yesterday
Dizzy - Mostly all day associated with fatigue
Cramps - Before going to bed roughly 2200
Mood - Irritable

15DPO (CD 30 for me):
Energy - Increased from yesterday
Fatigue - None today
CM - Clear and slippery, very faint dark brownish streaking in white clumps in PM roughly 2230
Appetite - Decreased from yesterday
Bloated - slightly bloated
Dizzy - Gone from yesterday
Cramps - On and off through out the day
Skin breakout - Got one pimple, normally a sign that AF will be here in a few days
Home Pregnancy Test - Negative
Mood - Normal

16DPO (CD 31 for me):
Energy - Flat
Fatigue - Slightly
Appetite - Decreased from yesterday
CM - Dry
Cramps - On and off slightly more intense than yesterday
Mood - Emotional and tired

Since receiving my BFN i'm waiting for AF, I am normally a typical 28 -14 LPhase cycle but the last few months my cycles have been all over the place. I haven't used an OPK this cycle and only started charting 3-4 days ago so some of this information is based on a typical cycle. Since my body and cycle have started changing next cycle i will start temping, charting on FF and an iPhone app called Femcal (like FF for iPhones) and using OPK's.

Good luck ladies i hope you all get your BFP's soon :dust:
I will definitely keep up with this when the time comes! Im only on CD4 now..
Ill join in. Not sure if Im as detailed as you all but will post what I can!

My ovulation day was November 27 (CD 18). I have a 34 day cycle, so my AF is due on sunday.

10 DPO

Tender Breasts
Twinges in tummy

11 DPO

Tender breasts

12 DPO
Tender Breasts

13 DPO

Extremely tender breasts

Extremely tender breasts

I am testing on sunday so wish me luck. I really think this is it this time. Who knows:wacko:?

hey mrskcbrown tender breasts, exhaustion and nausea is a good sign!!! lol Woo hooo good luck with testing lots of :dust:
dont know if this is at all possible but

last month i had a 33 day cycle month before i had a 38 im usually between 33 and 38

about a week - 2 weeks ago i had quite alot of cervical mucus like big blobs just for a few hours and then it stopped, and hardly had anything since

i had a nose bleed last night which is quite unusual for me

is that a symptom and the cm on the one day?
great post for us serial symtom spotters. i also wish i had charted my symptoms more closely, and think if i dont get a BFP this month I will

I am on CD 20 and approx 8DPO

these are the symptoms i have had up to now

- cramping as well as a constant dull ache just about my pubic hair...(sorry tmi)
- dull ache in my lower back
- shooting pain down right leg
- gurgling stomach (sounds like the worst hunger pangs in the world)
- slightly veiny boobs
- tender boobs
- constantly erect nipples (or most of the time)
- a cold
- very high sex drive
- pimples on chest, face and back (i usually have a couple but this is like teenage breakout)
- TIRED... slept from 11pm to 9.30am - had a nap at 11.30 and its 13.30 and i am feeling knackered), but suffering from insomnia to make it worse

Yesterday - 7 DPO - i was checking my CP - and wham.... bright red blood..... thought AF had got me. but it went away, to a browny discharge and then totally gone, all within a couple of hours. implantation bleeding i ask myself.... who knows.

What did i do this morning, of course I POAS (OH will kill me) and got a BFN....

we will have to see what happens.

I will update my symptoms.

Good luck girls.

I was so tired I was falling asleep at my desk.
ewcm.. how weird is that?!?!?
Ill join in. Not sure if Im as detailed as you all but will post what I can!

My ovulation day was November 27 (CD 18). I have a 34 day cycle, so my AF is due on sunday.

10 DPO

Tender Breasts
Twinges in tummy

11 DPO

Tender breasts

12 DPO
Tender Breasts

13 DPO

Extremely tender breasts

Extremely tender breasts

I am testing on sunday so wish me luck. I really think this is it this time. Who knows:wacko:?


15 DPO (CD 32)

light twinges in breasts
crampy in uterus (pressure)
(Frequent urination: but I dont know what really constitutes this because I use the potty at 6am when I get up and then usually again at 10:55 which is lunch and then 2:30 when its time to go home. (im a teacher). Well today I had the usual 8 oz of OJ I have everyday but I potty @ 6,8,10 a.m? I just had the urge and when I go, I really go, not junk a tinkle). Hmmm who knows?!

I feel like I could cry right now. Why because Im nervous about not getting a BFP. What the heck is wrong with me?
Hey girls this is a great thread, I am only 1dpo so nothing to report apart from mild cramping and a couple of stabs in the boob. I cried over someone elses child today in my daughters class assembly, whats that all about!!! I will keep checking back here, some of the ladies sound like they will have their BFP in the next couple of days. Good luck girliesxxxx
Hey ladies,
so glad you all are so willing to post! Love it!
Everyone has some great looking symptoms!!!! :dust:

Just to let you all know I have been updating my original post so that i can keep accurate records on each DPO symptom. Im not sure if BnB will bring this up on recently added posts or not but just wanted to let you know. So feel free to pop in every day cuz i will def. keep up with it! xxx
not sure what DPO i am but i am experiencing:

*waves of nausea
*sore boobies
*Cramps, but dull not the usual jabby cramp
*pink tinted CM

( I don't usually get any of these before AF)

I SHOULD be getting a visit from AF on Tues
Great thread!

I am 9dpo and my symptoms are few and far between; but here they are...

3dpo-mild cramping
7-8dpo-increased cm, noticed it in my pants!
9dpo-slightly increased cramping.

That's it!
The only thing that's really different for me is I always get really sore bbs about 2-3 dpo and I haven't got that this month at all. Hope that's a good sign...

Good luck to everyone!
Pray that AF doesnt show for me tomorrow and its BFP,PLEASE!! GL everyone thats awaiting those beautiful BFPS!

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