the FINAL FANTASY thread!

The last FF I really played was FFXIII.

I really liked it! I tried to play X-2 but just couldn't get into the story, even though I really liked X a lot. I didn't play XI as I didn't like that you had to pay for a membership.

I played the free demo version of LR on the 360 and it seemed neat, but just didn't bother to go with it. Mainly as I mentioned with not being able to devote to the story.

These days I've been playing Diablo 3 (we just got the Reaper of Souls expansion for the XBO), Minecraft (which releases on Friday for the XBO YAY!!!) and other old faves like Portal and Borderlands.

The Borderlands Pre-Sequel launches next week which I am super excited about. Tho that's a game for when Claire is in bed! :haha:
The last FF I really played was FFXIII.

I really liked it! I tried to play X-2 but just couldn't get into the story, even though I really liked X a lot. I didn't play XI as I didn't like that you had to pay for a membership.

I played the free demo version of LR on the 360 and it seemed neat, but just didn't bother to go with it. Mainly as I mentioned with not being able to devote to the story.

These days I've been playing Diablo 3 (we just got the Reaper of Souls expansion for the XBO), Minecraft (which releases on Friday for the XBO YAY!!!) and other old faves like Portal and Borderlands.

The Borderlands Pre-Sequel launches next week which I am super excited about. Tho that's a game for when Claire is in bed! :haha:

I'm currently trying to re-play LR now. It's good but I find it stressful what with the time limits etc!

I definitely prefer X to X-2 too, though I love both. X is still my favourite years later. :)

My OH is excited about the pre Borderlands game too! I'm yet to play that though so idk what it's like in general. X

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