The "I already have a bunch of kids and now I'm due in October" Thread

MamaRed - Advanced maternal age? I'm 33 so I'm almost there with ya! I have never done cell testing or amnio's or any of those things. It scares me! I wont even look at an epidural. I do not like needles at all LOL

I thought it would be cool if we all gave a little bit og history about ourselves babywise. I'll start!

I had my 12 year old in the hospital. I had a horrible doctor. The saving grace was one really nice nurse. They wouldn't let me move. Had me strapped to a bed. It was terrifying for me. I had my daughter after 19 hours of labor. Eight years later I had my second daughter. First with my husband. We conceived her 2 weeks after I misscarried. After my useless doctor confirmed I was pregnant again she told me because I am obese that I would need to be considered a "high risk" pregnancy and go to a clinic over an hour away for my prenatal appointments. I asked numerous times why obesity would make me a high risk factor and was told because it was "likely" I would develop diabetes, high blood pressure, and because I would be "too fat for an epidural" *her actual words* So I called a midwife and asked for a second opinion. I delivered with two midwives in 6 hours with almost no complications. My 8lb 12oz, 8 days overdue baby girl got wedged in my pelvis and they had to push her out from the top. She had some bruising but she was perfect other then that. I also never developed any of the things I was "likely" to get. I had baby #3 in 3 hours with two pushes with my awesome midwives! She pretty much walked out, set up camp at the boob and stayed there for a year.
I'm not due in October (July) but your title made me laugh. Love it. I've got one boy and four girls (though two of my girls grew their wings).

V, I hate hearing women be told they are automatically high risk because of their bmi. You can still be fit and healthy and eat a good healthy diet. I'm glad you found good mw's x
VGibs- I have never had any amnio testing and will opt out of that if suggested. The free cell dna test is just a regular blood test that they over mamas 35 or over so I feel comfortable with that. The one the doctor office I go to uses the Panorama test.

Your experience with labor with your 12 year old is awful. SO sorry. That would have probably scared me off of having anymore kids! :blush:

My 17 year old daughter was a very easy labor I actually was in the hospital when my water spontaneously broke. The doctors office sent me there because when they were checking my cervix made me bleed and they wanted me scanned to make sure they didn't do anything to the placenta. The hospital kept me for observation over night and my water broke at 3:30 in the morning without any contractions and I had my daughter at 6. So 2.5 hours and all naturally!!

My 15 year old I went to the hospital as my waters were leaking. They put me on pitocin and and broke my waters. I had extremely painful contractions and labored for 10 hours and had him without any pain meds. The worst of all my labors----I blame the pitocin.

My 13 year old I had mild back pain went to the hospital and was dilated to a 9 so they broke my water and I had him 4 hours later naturally.

My 8 month old I went to my doctors appointment and while he was checking my cervix---it was extremely painful----he did a sweep without telling me and I had no clue till it was done and he said I wouldn't leave town if I were you and to come to the maternity ward in a few hours (I live a hour from the hospital). After the appointment we spent a couple hours in the emergency room with my 15 year old who needed stitches from cutting his finger at work. During that time I was losing my mucous plug but no contractions. We took him home and went back to the maternity ward in which the machine was picking up my contractions and I barely was feeling them. The doctor decided not to send me back home as they figured I would be in full labor before the night was over. They broke my water at 11:30pm and I had him at 1 in the morning.

I had really good experiences with the doctors and nurses during labor. However, I wanted to breastfeed my little one and had no support or direction. He wasn't latching right which I found out he was tongue tied and had to get it snipped but by than I was so frustrated we started to bottle feed. :growlmad: But he is healthy and happy and that is what matters.
A little bit of history about my previous babies and labor.

My oldest was born at 28.6 weeks after I went into spontaneous premature labor. I had an epidural with him (only because they were trying to keep him in for 3 more hours while they waited on lab results). My labor was very quick, and he was born vaginally. We spent 60 days in the NICU after that allowing him to grow and learn how to feed, and he's now a very bright and active 4 year old.

My second son was born at 35 weeks after I went into premature labor again. He was born VIA emergency c-section due to him being breech and premature. The surgery went well, and so did my recovery. We spent 3 weeks in the NICU establishing feeds, and he too is a bright and happy 3 year old.

My third son was born in hospital at 38 1/2 weeks. I had him within 3 hours from start to finish. He was an all natural vaginal birth (no pain medication other than walking during contractions), and by far my best labor and birth. He's a rambunctious little boy now!

I am planning a home birth with my Midwife this time around, and looking forward to it very much. :D
Srrme - I am planning a home birth too!!!!!!

MamaRed - I've heard that about pitocin too. It sounds so scary to me.
Well, I only have 2 kiddos and pregnant with number 3 in October. Not sure if 2 counts as a bunch, but I am definitely not a first time mom LOL. I am, however, advanced maternal age. I'll turn 41 in August. I am getting the panorama test this time. With my 2 boys, I had the quad screen with NT tests, so the DNA test will be new to me. I was 36 and 38 when I had my 2 boys.

My oldest was born at 30 weeks from PPROM (preterm premature rupture of membranes). After my water broke they put me on a magnesium sulfate drip to stop labor so they could get steroids on board, which helps develop the lungs. Once they took me off the drip, I had him naturally very quickly. He was in the NICU for 6 weeks and has no challenges from prematurity. I, however, never want to end up in the NICU again!

My youngest was born at 39+6, but I was hospitalized with ptl at 30 weeks with him. I thought oh no, not again! They were able to get contractions stopped. I was on bedrest following that episode, which I was horrible about maintaining. Hopefully I won't have to do bedrest again. There is no way I could even come close to pretending bedrest with 2 little ones to care for. He was a boarderline precipitous labor. I almost didn't make it into the hospital. Needless to say it was a natural birth too.
Welcome cheree89. What day are you due in October? I am also considered advanced maternal age at 35 and will have the panorama test too. I think that the free cell dna tests should be standard testing for all pregnant mamas.

I have to mention your avatar picture as he is super adorable and I attached my baby at 6 months in the same outfit! :haha:


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Srrme - I am planning a home birth too!!!!!!

MamaRed - I've heard that about pitocin too. It sounds so scary to me.

Yay for home births! :happydance: Are you planning to birth in a pool?
Welcome cheree89. What day are you due in October? I am also considered advanced maternal age at 35 and will have the panorama test too. I think that the free cell dna tests should be standard testing for all pregnant mamas.

I have to mention your avatar picture as he is super adorable and I attached my baby at 6 months in the same outfit! :haha:

Haha....super cute!

I am due on the 5th. I am looking forward to a fall baby since both of my boys were born in the spring.
Srrme - Nope! Not a pool girl. Tried it once to help with labor and hated it. I like my baths scorching hot and warm tubs just annoy me LOL I give birth on all fours so I most likely will be hanging on to my headboard for dear life. >.<
Hey ladies, Gonna join in here! :happydance: Love the title of this thread. I'm due with #4 in October so I'm right there with you.
I love the matching outfits of your kids, that's so cute!
Jumping in. I have 3 kiddos 5,6, and 8. I'm pregnant with number 4. I've had 5 miscarriages between my baby( well he's 5) and this baby. I'm currently on a recurrent miscarriage protocol and I'm very excited because I just know that everything is going to work out. Some people think that we're crazy because we already have so many kids but I love them and I can't wait to add another one
Hi, can I join too please? First of all congratulations to all you ladies :)
I'm due no. 4 early October. I'm 32 years old,from Ireland and have 2 boys (agd 6&4) and a girl aged 2.5.
This will be my 4th c section, and just to say after reading through other posts where ladies with high BMIs are automatically classed as hi risk, I myself got pregnant on DS1 aged 25.
I'm fairly slim ( approx 8.5 stone and 5'6 on my first 3 pregnancies and 9 stone at beginning of this one. ) On pregnancy 1 I ended up getting quite large. I had too much amniotic fluid, I developed high blood pressur, and ultimately due to complications ended up with an emergency c section at 37 weeks. ( I measured 42 weeks though at this point and baby was over 8lbs). No doctors / nurses commented on any of this.
I got pregnant aged 27 on #2,and went to a different hospital. I had awful morning sickness and only started eating properly after 16 weeks. It seems I was making up for lost time as when I went for a check up consultant mentioned I gained 6 kg in just 2 weeks. He then noted that my first born was large for gestation ( my husband and I are slim and small boned ) so he recommended a glucose tolerance test. I thought he was being ridiculous as there's no diabetes in my family and I was young and slim. Low and behold I failed and ended up controlling it with diet and home testing. I wanted to try for vbac but at a 36 week scan they said my baby was too big and I couldn't push him out. So had a c section at 38 weeks but he was 7lbd 13 - so not huge!
DD1 I conceived at 29 and manged to keep diabetes at bay until about 30 weeks gestation. ( with DS I was diagnosed around 20 weeks)
It just goes to show that doctors are quick to make up their own minds based on some statistics. Because I was young and slim no doctor suspected diabetes on DS1. It ended up in a very stressful delivery ( I was in labour 12 hours and developed a nasty fever and baby got distressed )
Anyway now at least I know it is likely I will have it again, and once the morning sickness eases I will really concentrate on a low GI diet. Inthe meantime carbs are the only thing that help against the never ending nausea!
Well that's my life story;)
Hope you are all doing well :)
hi! I'm due 5th september, we have 3 girls (our second was stillborn however :angel:) and a boy, i had a miscarriage in november now I'm 13 weeks along. x
Hi new members! I know I should be on here a bit more but the dreaded morning sickness has kicked in. *blergh*

Annie - Where abouts in Ireland are you from? My Gran is Irish.
Hi everyone! And congratulations to all!

Annie---where are you in Ireland? We went there for our anniversary and loved, loved, LOVED it! So much I told my husband I could move there. We actually started in Dublin and went to Cork, Killarney, Galway, and Shannon and many places in between. We loved the Killarney area so very much! Such great and friendly people everywhere. :flower:

I am 6 weeks and I still don't feel pregnant. I even peed on another stick just to make sure that I didn't dream the last 2 weeks. :haha:

Hope everyone is doing well?
I'm due with #3 in October. This is my 6th pregnancy.
Oh my gosh...the advice on these pregnancy apps is hysterical. "If your tired make sure you get plenty of rest and take a nap if you need it." BUHAHAHA Ya I have 3 kids! And a husband whose culinary skills involve burning toast. Never. Going. To. Happen. Id love a freaking nap though.
Would it be evil to let you know I just snuck in a nap lol kids are in grade school&#55357;&#56883;

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