The importance Of Reduced Fetal Movements And Movement Guidelines


3 mc, 1 angel and 3 lc
Jul 17, 2008
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Some information found about baby movements
Source: Babycentre

How many kicks should I feel each day?

While you are busy you will probably be less aware of the movements your baby is making. It's more likely you'll start to notice them when you sit down and relax.

Studies of fetal activity show that every baby has his or her own individual pattern of waking and sleeping inside the uterus -- there is no 'set' amount of kicks to expect -- but by late pregnancy you will probably have become tuned into your baby's pattern of movements.

I haven't felt my baby kick today, should I be worried?

If you are concentrating on something else, you may not have noticed your baby's movements. If you want some reassurance, here are some ways to encourage your baby to move:

• Lie down on your side (with support under your bump) and stay still
• Put your feet up and relax
• Play music to your stomach.

Not so long ago, women were advised to monitor their baby's movement with a fetal kick chart, where you kept a record of the times of the movements until you had noted ten kicks, hopefully by roughly the same time each day. But these charts are used less and less now as they were easy to forget about and the kick patterns didn't always match up, which caused unnecessary concern among women.

Midwife Sally Sago says, "The advice we give now is to get used to your baby's pattern during waking hours and if you feel there is a change in that pattern, inform your midwife straight away. If you are concerned we can check you out and reassure you immediately."


Some Mums/Midwifes advise an icey cold drink, ice lolly or fizzy drink to encourage movements. But of course still looking for reduced movements and taking note of the information given about patterns.


Always listen to your instincts

I had a code Red crash section 7 weeks early on 1st February.

I was experiencing reduced fetal movements ...I felt 'off colour' and 'flu like' and had very mild twinges with a hard feeling. Over a period of just several hours I never felt much but I still only felt some movements less than what I thought was right so I phoned the labour ward to get checked - and thank god I did. Within 3 minutes of arriving I heard the words 'Crash section' and 7 minutes later my daughter was born.

If I hadn't listened to my body or left it 'just another few hours' my daughter and me would not be here.

Many feel they are being silly or pestering professionals when they could be dealing with another but you are just as important DON'T feel like you are being silly or mithering - nomatter if things are ok with no problems found (great to be reassured) you should report concerns to the labour ward or your midwife.
Thanks for posting.

I'm glad you all are ok.
What is a code Red crash section 7?:blush:
Thanks for posting.

I'm glad you all are ok.
What is a code Red crash section 7?:blush:

It is a mega emergency c-section! I was thrown into a wheel chair and stripped naked down a corridor, put on a bed and told to breath into a mask. All this took less than a couple of minutes from me enetering the labour ward.

From walking into labour ward for a check to Mikaylas arrival took less than 10 minutes!
How did they know something was wrong? And thank-you for sharing. Did they hook you up and HR was off? Or u/s and they saw something? Or cord was out?
Thanks for explaining that to me....I'm feeling kinda ignorant about the whole birthing experience now.:blush:

I'm so glad you all are ok!!!
How did they know something was wrong? And thank-you for sharing. Did they hook you up and HR was off? Or u/s and they saw something? Or cord was out?

They put me on a fetal monitor and babys heartrate was 60. A normal range is about 150 bpm.
^^wow I am glad you are both ok and thank-you again for sharing.
Wow so glad you and baby are ok! It's scary because I rarely feel fetal movements and it scares the crap out of me so I'm always up at the hospital but baby's HR is always around 156-170, just wish I could feel more so I wouldn't always worry!!
Do they know what was wrong with Mikayla hun and why her heart rate was so low?

Glad everything is ok for you and she is doing well xxx
Do they know what was wrong with Mikayla hun and why her heart rate was so low?

Glad everything is ok for you and she is doing well xxx

Yes they do. It wasn't Mikayla it was my placenta. I had a concealed placental abruption which is very scary as you don't actual bleed out you bleed internally.
thanks for the reminder :hugs: I'm so glad you and little Mikayla are still here :hugs:
Thanks for sharing and glad both you and your beautiful daughter are ok. Kx
Thank you for sharing hun. I'm glad both you and Mikayla are ok.

I'm definately going to pay more attention from now onwards!

Congratulations on your beautiful baby daughter xxxxx :cloud9:
Thank you for sharing this hun, I hope you feel ok soon:hugs:.Congrats on your little girl. Thank god you went in when you did....I'm so glad she and you are safe and well been thru a lot to get her :hug:
Oh god, that must have been so scary. I was always at the hospital when i was pregnant and i felt so silly but now i dont.

So glad you two are ok :D
Glad you are both ok and doing well, thank you for telling us your story. She's looks gorgeous in the picture!!!

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