The importance Of Reduced Fetal Movements And Movement Guidelines

I've posted on here about my first pregnancy, my daughter stopped moving at 39 weeks resulting in a very fast, and scary c section. She went straight to the nicu.

I'm now pregnant with #2, and I'm constantly worrying. If i stop and she does immediately start wiggling around I panic.

I can't relax.

It's really starting to get to me.

How did you ladies get through your pregnancy after a scary first birth?
Lots and lots of support. With Orion I was seen weekly through out the whole pregnancy then between 33 and 35 weeks I was seen twice a week and 35 weeks onwards I was seen daily (and had scans every day too) and then I was admitted at 36 weeks until birth at 36+3
Tuesday is my next doctor appointment.

I honestly don't know how I'll survive.

She's wiggling up a storm right now, so I'm just going to sit here and enjoy it.
What Tasha said... Lots of support, whatever you feel you need to do to feel safe, supported, and as sane as possible! Good luck!
What Tasha said... Lots of support, whatever you feel you need to do to feel safe, supported, and as sane as possible! Good luck!

It's just an endless worry, I want to just sit on the couch quietly and count her movements. But, I work at a daycare for 10 hours a day and I have a three year old. So sitting isn't really an option.

I will get through this, I knew this pregnancy would be scary after my first I just didn't quite anticipate this much anxiety.
I'll bump this with a story of my own.

I knew that due to a rare complication, my placenta was calcified, but she passed her NSTs, so in she stayed.

I had felt that at 38+0 my DD was slowing down some, but figured I was being paranoid. The day went on, I felt some movements while driving to Target and figured all was well. I get home and sit with DS while he colors and wonder if she is asleep from the walking around. Then it is getting later and I haven't noticed anything, trying not to worry. I quickly make dinner, eat and drink some OJ and lay down while DH puts DS to bed and quickly helps his twin brother move something. He brings BIL back to watch DS and we head in.

The joy I felt at hearing her heart in triage was immense, I thought they would wake her up and we would get to come home. They monitored for a bit, then came back with juice because she was "flat". Her heart rate was also 160, which is a bit high, and definitely higher than normal for her. The nurse made it sound like we could go home soon.

The Dr. Didn't like the whole thing, she was having late decelerations and she failed her BPP. He felt it was time for her to come. Induction ended up taking too long, we got stuck at 3 cm and then she had a big dip during a contraction down to 90. It was time for a C section.

Apgar scores were 7 and 9, she was a petite 6 lbs 6 oz and her cord was also hypercoiled. All signs pointed to low oxygenation.

We thought things were great, but she ended up not coming back to us after her bath, she kept turning blue. She spent six days in NICU with things that typically premies struggle with, apparently she was not done baking despite being 38 weeks.
Just sharing my story .

At 39+6 I was at home when my mum visited . She thought I seemed a bit off and asked if baby had been moving as much etc etc (midwife and a nurse!) . As it was he'd been a bit quieter than usual, but I'd been told babies were quieter at the end to get ready for birth . It was around 3.30pm and we went up to the maternity unit . I was attached to CTG for 30 min . Baby Was steady but flat , so they done an US at 5pm , it was found that there was reduced blood flow to the placenta and baby was a little smaller than expected for his term date. The Dr's then done an Internal and found me to be 3-4cm with bulging membranes. Due to D&L being packed they asked me to come back first thing to be induced. I had a huge bloody show at home , but not one tiny contraction. Went in the next am , was monitored for 30 min then a midwife examined me and went ahead and broke my waters. Within 30 min I was in established labour , two hours later I was 10cm , an hour into pushing baby was having decels down to 60bpm. Dr's came into do forceps as he was stuck fast . Somehow after two hours pushing I found a new wave of strength and managed to push him out. He was a bit starry eyed and needed a good rub and puff of oxygen . 24 hrs later he found his voice though and spent the next six weeks crying :haha: . My placenta was a little smaller than normal and starting to look tired . If I hadn't of listened to my mum and waited for my next midwife appt it would have been a very different outcome . Don't EVER Listen to people that tell you baby slows down or runs out of room . It's simply not true . Always get checked out . The midwives will not feel that you are Wasting their time .xxx
Bumping this thread as it’s important <3

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