Hi all I am new to all this and very happy I found this thread! I ebf for two months, then after a 30 hour flight from Australia to south America my supply dried up and I started supplementing with formula. As she reached 4 months she started refusing the breast and wouldn't latch. I couldn't believe it, I bf my first for 16 months and desperately wanted to provide breast milk to this one for at least 6 mths, especially as their dad is a type 1 diabetic, and I want to do anything I can to lower their chances of developing it. So I started pumping. After a week I got rid of the formula supplements and am so proud of myself. She still feeds at night with a nipple shield so I am really lucky I dont have to heat up bottles overnight but even so this is hard work! I am pumping 5x day and get about 700 ml. At the moment I am hand expressing but have ordered a double electric pump and cant wait! Can you ladies share your babies feeding routines and amount they take? Can I overfeed her?