The LLTC'ers Moaners thread


Finally a Mummy!!
Apr 29, 2008
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Hey Ladies,

Thought I'd set up a little thread for a BIG moan!! Its a tough old journey TTC-ing for a long time... so whatever you need to get off your chest.. GO FOR IT HERE!!!
Ha ha!! I love it!!

My main moan for today is...... people telling me to relax and I'll catch.

Number 1: I HATE the terms "being caught" and "oh just relax, and you'll catch" I don't know why, but they make my blood boil!

Number 2: The people who say it either have gotten pregnant really easily or have no children and aren't even ttc!!

And why yes, stupid me, of course if I relax, then yes, my husbands sperm count will improve, they will also stop being deformed and swimming around in circles, and the viscosity of his semen will magically lower so the aforementioned sperm can swim for their lives! Wow! Why didn't I relax before now??!!!

Phew! I feel better now! Thank you!

:haha: Lovin the thread idea Samba..thanks!! Surprisingly, I'm feeling moan-free today. However...I would imagine all this could change as I near the end of my TWW in few days time!!
My moans:

1. My flipping mother constantly asking when my next hospital appointment is! I am having a blood test tomorrow - I don't know why she is so excited!

2. My little sister constantly moaning about how bad she feels. She is due to have her 3rd child in 2 weeks!!

Mine today was bloody office baby chat all FUCKING day!! Eughhh and one of the women said ohhh I think Im going to have another soon... but wont start trying yet.. dont want to get preggers so soon after no 1... to which ALL the other ladies went on saying that she would be next in the line for babies... errr HELLO!!! ITS MY BLOODY TURN! Literally and honestly since I have been there all the women have had babies!
Hi all, this is a fab idea for a thread!!! Well my moan for the day is "why the hell can some people have 10, 11, 12 kids but we are all struggling to have 1"??? it is soooooooooo unfair, and if i hear one more person say "ooh it just happened accidently we wernt even trying" or "i only had to look at him and i was preggers" i will scream :haha:.

Wow how much better do i feel after that!!!! xx
Hi, Love the thread. What a way to get things off your chest!!
If one more of my friends who didnt even talk about having kids gets preggers before me again i'm going to scream. I had a M/C in April and desperatly trying again but to no avail. Im so impatient. Having tests to make sure the "house if livable before another moves in"!! Hope they'll all be OK.
This morning I get to work... its not even 9am and the baby talk has started already! :cry: I wanna go home!
I broke the news to my 'best' friend at the weekend that we were probably going to have to go through IVF to get pregnant. After the initial reaction of wow, that's awful, she proceeded to ask me whether we'd considered adoption and told me about people she knew that had had a string of failed IVFs. Grrrrrr!!!! I couldn't believe it! Nothing like a bit of encouragement and PMA when you need it!!
I want to, NOW!! At the time I was so shocked, I didn't really say anything. I just can't believe anyone would say that! My other close friend was like it'll be fine, I know you'll get your baby, your road is just a bit longer but I know it'll work for you - THAT'S what you need, not reminders that it might never work for us! Some people!

Sorry you got no support from your friend hun :hugs: Some people have no idea!!! :nope:

Good luck with your appointment chick x
I broke the news to my 'best' friend at the weekend that we were probably going to have to go through IVF to get pregnant. After the initial reaction of wow, that's awful, she proceeded to ask me whether we'd considered adoption and told me about people she knew that had had a string of failed IVFs. Grrrrrr!!!! I couldn't believe it! Nothing like a bit of encouragement and PMA when you need it!!
Aww hun thats awful of your friend. At least the other friend was supportive for you. :hugs:. Good luck hun xxx
Grr im having a right grump today. If 1 more person tells me i need to hurry up and get preg coz im gettin on a bit im gonna bash them all over this fookin shop!. Im only bliddy 31 (nearly) And then just coz i was sick on sat night, all i got was ee are u preg? Erm no i just didn't like the bliddy mash. Grr feel i little better now =) xxx
Lisa - Im glad that your other friend was supportive! Does the other said friend have kids herself??

Mossip - Ohhh god 31 your ancient!! Stooopid people... wonder what they think about ladies in their 40's that are TTC!
Lisa - Im glad that your other friend was supportive! Does the other said friend have kids herself??

Yes! She was the first in our circle to get pregnant and is currently trying for number 2 (sounds awful but really hoping it doesn't come as easily as the first - but it probably will). I just think that its the one thing she's got that I haven't and she tries to rub it in a it. Worst thing is, she's a social worker, so should know better!!
Lisa - hmmm another one of those... 'I only have to look at a willy and Im preggers' girls! Totally with you on making her wait... just a little for no. 2. Some people dont realise how bloody lucky they are!
I'm going to moan about something that happened the other day if thats ok! The office got an email from someone who is pregnant with their third child, everyone know's my difficulties in getting pregnant and twice she said in the email "oh there must be something in the water here" "there's definately something in the water" because she's the fourth person in the office to get pregnant. Great thing to say to someone who's been trying for over three years - a little sensitivity wouldn't have gone a miss!

BTW - I know it wasn't personal but it really upset me and I felt it a little uncalled for, just an email saying I'm pregnant would have been enough.

Rant over!!
ooooo im loving this thread hope you dont mind me joining
1. im sick of ppl telling me just relax and stop stressing when all i was doing was answering there question that they asked me about what going on with it all, i dont need your advise you asked me a question!
just because i talk bout it does not mean im stressing i am aloud to talk bout it or is it a forbiden subject?
2 im sick of ppl sayin dont worry bout it it will happen your only young got loads of time seriously just because im 23 doesnt not mean im some kind of kid iv been caring for my mum since being young and got more responsabiltys in my life than you will ever have so just because you have a few years on me and you dont want kids yet doesnt mean its not rite for me!
3. ppl asking if im doing the right thing "adding to my work load" ie because im a carer and still live at my mums because its easier for me to care for her this way and if i want to stay here and have my baby here its fine it mite not be the normal way but i have my mum to think of aswell and im not just going to drop her cause i want to go forward in our lifes and yes my partner if totally fine with it he cudnt be happier. (this upsets me quite alot)
4. i decided to put my wedding off till i know when im gonna be having the baby because i dont want to be wuddling down the aisle and everyone keeps saying i think your doing the wrong thing you shud just forget about getting pregnant and sort your wedding out, well.. excuuse me but last time i check this was my life and if i want to do it this way i will what is everyones issue its not like im never gonna get married just me and my partner have decided our priority is to have a child because we can choose to have a wedding anytime we want we havent got much choice when we want a baby no more.
and last one which is ppl i know who sed no they dont want children yet they want a life yet and next min o yes they fell pregnant just like that by accident.
and most of the time they seem to go from bloke to bloke and everytime he is the perfect guy who you have been with for 2months until you have the baby and o yeah you have split up wonder why maybe coz you barely know each other and now you have two kids by differant dads great! and off you go winging bout how you cant have a life coz both dads wont look after the kids on same nite so you can go out and pull the next guy ahhhhhhhhhh sorry this angers me
god i cud go on for ever its so unfair!
Great idea.
I'm so annoyed and frustrated with my health care system right now. My GP and I have know that I most likely have endo for like 8 months now, and I had to wait 7 months to see a speciliast to get an HSG which was normal, and now I have to wait another 3 months to get a lap done to check and probably fix the endo. WHY? Why make me wait almost a year for something that probably could have been fixed right away and I would be pregnant by now. ARGH.

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