Our car is black. Nothing massively special about it, we just wanted something to get us around and that we could pay for with our savings. I call her Betty the BMW. My old peugeot 206 was Pattie and OH's old Audi was Ally. I have to admit I was a total loser when we traded in Pattie for Betty. I cried...twice. First when we were agreeing the price and then the following week when we dropped her off. She was my first car and I loved her. Had her from nearly new for 7 years!! My dad just rolled his eyes at the dealer and said 'she's pregnant' as if that explained it!
Just back from town. Bought a few things for AM's party bags for her party. I'm really hoping she's well enough. This is the most ill she's ever been. We've actually finished our first bottle of calpol. Her eyes are gooey. I'm hoping it's just the cold coming out and that it isn't going to turn into conjunctivitis! Otherwise her party will be off!
I have a bloomin assessment day for a job on Friday. I know I shouldn't complain. But I'm expecting to fail (why change the habit of a life time!!) and I could be using that day to make AM's cake.
Fabby, I don't want you in loser club anymore. You're making me feel guilty about the stone I have to lose!! How much are you trying to lose?
Just back from town. Bought a few things for AM's party bags for her party. I'm really hoping she's well enough. This is the most ill she's ever been. We've actually finished our first bottle of calpol. Her eyes are gooey. I'm hoping it's just the cold coming out and that it isn't going to turn into conjunctivitis! Otherwise her party will be off!
I have a bloomin assessment day for a job on Friday. I know I shouldn't complain. But I'm expecting to fail (why change the habit of a life time!!) and I could be using that day to make AM's cake.
Fabby, I don't want you in loser club anymore. You're making me feel guilty about the stone I have to lose!! How much are you trying to lose?