Morning everyone. Remember me telling you about rorys heart murmur....well its his hospital appointment today at 245pm. I feel sick. been trying not think about it too much.
Fabby. Fingers crossed you find out it's corrected itself when you get there or that it is a type of murmur that someone can have for years, causing no problems at all. I'm sure I read somewhere that murmurs in babies are actually quite common and aren't often a problem.
Not up to much today. Might go into town and I need to pop to bloody sainsburys again! I bought some butterfly party bags/table cover/balloons etc from wilkos and the party bags are shite! The handles aren't cut in properly and when you try and perforate them the whole bag rips. Sainsburys do butterfly party accessories, so going to get some from there I think!
AM had a little strop the other day in town. My mum let her get out the pushchair in Asda and wander around. Then trying to get her back in, whilst there was shopping hanging on the handles and the buggy wanting to tip over was not fun!!! I was a nightmare toddler, every parents dread. I'd stand there and just scream, my parents used to get so embarassed! Fingers crossed AM's not like me in that respect!!
I'm hoping to god it is one that's nothing to worry about. It is very common for babies have them because of the rate they grow but then does just go in time again. He has been making a noise sometimes when breathing a bit like an excitement sounds with his breath but because this is lying over us I'm worried it something to do with his murmur.
Awww Fabby try not to worry ours was nothing and had disappeared by the time they checked it! The worst part was getting her to sit still while they stuck all the wires on then we had to get her to lie still still while they did an ultrasound, she did not appreciate it at all!!
hope all is ok fabby, thinking of you. X
Did Maria enjoy her birthday?
Boo to crappy party bags. Hope you get some good ones.
I'm off to see my best friend tonight, not seen her in a month!
Hope all is ok Fabby I had a murmur as a baby/child but it had corrected itself by the time I was 12 and never caused me any problems atall.
Glad Maria enjoyed her bday
Hope party preparations are going well Blondey, apart from the poo pants party bags!
Enjoy your catch up with your best friend lettuce, I'm seeing mine tomorrow night. Didn't see her last weekend so looking forward to it.
I'm just on my lunch at work x
Oooooh drama! Just read that entire thread, what an idiot!
Hope Fabby is doing ok at the hospital.
I think we are def getting the bugaboo donkey, I'm so sad nowadays getting excited about a pram!
Everything seems fine!! He's just got go for a scan to double check there is no hole in his heart but he seemed pretty confident its all ok and no hole and it will just be something that goes at some point in his life. Just got wait for scan date now. Thanks for all your good lucks x
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