Oh my goodness, by hands are so stained! Looks like I have been gutting animals!!
UPS have been and picked up the hoover, so at least I can pop out if I want to!! Although the only place I would go is sainsburys and I can't really justify going Asda on Monday, Tesco yesterday and spending about £20 each time and them Sainsburys today.
Another cake related question... how can I help make sure the cake cooks with a flat top? Sometimes when I make fairy cakes they look a but pointed on the top!!
I'm dreading the time when they learn to talk and they say embarassing things. My friends LO who's 3 was at nursery and was singing Mama do the hump and told them her mummy taught her it!!
Anyone know any good chorizo recipes? Like the look of this one.... https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/1167651/chicken-and-chorizo-jambalaya
Although it would mean a trip to sainsburys!
UPS have been and picked up the hoover, so at least I can pop out if I want to!! Although the only place I would go is sainsburys and I can't really justify going Asda on Monday, Tesco yesterday and spending about £20 each time and them Sainsburys today.
Another cake related question... how can I help make sure the cake cooks with a flat top? Sometimes when I make fairy cakes they look a but pointed on the top!!
I'm dreading the time when they learn to talk and they say embarassing things. My friends LO who's 3 was at nursery and was singing Mama do the hump and told them her mummy taught her it!!
Anyone know any good chorizo recipes? Like the look of this one.... https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/1167651/chicken-and-chorizo-jambalaya
Although it would mean a trip to sainsburys!