The Lost n Lonely


TTC#3 2yrs + - IVF in 09!
May 15, 2008
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I was feeling lost as there's no point in me being in a proper cycle buddy thread anymore seeing as waiting for IVF - but I miss having a buddy group!

Anyone else feeling like they don't quite fit into any of the buddy groups due to issues like wiating on treatment?

Come join me :D
:hugs: Loula, i remember feeling like that just waiting in limbo.
Ill still be your buddy :)
OMG is that how much IVF costs??? Not in the same boat as you, but you have my support, cant u go through nhs??
don't feel lonely sweetie...we do all want a little bean:hugs:so i can be here for you as well :hugs:
OMG is that how much IVF costs??? Not in the same boat as you, but you have my support, cant u go through nhs??

The NHS can take a very long time to get through waiting lists. It took me two years just to get the the IUI stage.
My cycles take FOREVER because so far, I have to take progesterone to bring on a cycle before every round of Clomid. We are not quite in the same position but I would love to be buddies! :hugs:
I was feeling lost as there's no point in me being in a proper cycle buddy thread anymore seeing as waiting for IVF - but I miss having a buddy group!

Anyone else feeling like they don't quite fit into any of the buddy groups due to issues like wiating on treatment?

Come join me :D

Hi Loula - can I join you.

I am still TTC every month - but seen as nothing has happened with no obvious reason why we have kinda given up hope on the 'lets try naturally' front - and are now waiting to get further help from the NHS.

So far DH's sperm came back ok (he was borderline for morphology - but the doctor we saw said that because his count was so high it wasnt a problem - but I have put him on multi-vits just in case) and my day 21 came back fine and they believe I ovulated (got 69 if that means anything to anyone).
That was back in February - and we were given our next appt. for August 21st. In between appts. my DH was sent for another sperm test and I was sent for day 2-4 blood tests - which we both did last week.

SO now I am 'patiently' waiting for the 21st to get the results and discuss next steps.

It has felt like ages since febrary - and in that time I passed the two year TTC mark and became 30.

Last week one of my best firends told me that she is pregnant. She came off the depo injection abut a year ago and since then has only had two very slight periods - and she has manged it. It really scared me and OH and really made us realize that if someone with those type of problems can get pregnant then there must be something wwrong with us if we cant when on the surface everything looks normal. Even my Mum who clung to the mantra of 'these things take time. It'll happen' has given up and started asking me when I am going to get some help.

I would love to be cycle buddies with people going through the same thing.

I am hoping at the 21st August appt. we can tak through getting me on some sort of waiitng list for IVF. It just all seems to take such a long time - with 6 month waiting lists just to get an appt.

I'd love to know anyone else's stories so far if anyone has time.:hugs::hugs:

bx x x
Hello girls :) Nice to see you here fellow lost n lonelies!

I am due on today but I think it will be delayed as I am certain ov was late this month, even though I know there ain't much chance of anything anyway!!

Just waiting to come on as need FSH doing for IVF bod - then again maybe they won't want me to do it now as we aren't having it till at least February - if we have got the cash together at least! ( no I can't get NHS treatment)

Our story very quickly...

Depo jab x 2
TTC 2.5 yrs now for #3 for me#1 for hubby
No previous problems
All bloods and tests normal

Told would need extra help in June, had appt at Aberdeen last week and recommended to have IVF rather than iui cause of my age, plus they can see what happens with the egg and sperm and see if that might be cause for concern.

Delaying it till February partly due to family circs, partly work, and mostly cash!!
Can i join this group? Im on my 11th cycle of ttc, had initial tests done and all ok for both me and hubby but i know I have a short luteal phase, longest ive mustered in 11 months is 9 days, usually average 5-6. My fertility consultant wouldn't listen to that fact and just told us to "relax" and the affects of the pill will sort themselves out, sooo frustrating, Im on another cycle of late ovulation, cd22 with nothing so far, not even a high on my cbfm let alone a peak!! Next appt is 30/09 with consultant which feels like years away!
Hi girls

I think this is a great buddy list. I'll join. I've been ttc since Oct 2004 with a few sanity breaks along the way. We've now had all the investigations done which all came back normal, and now we're waiting for our treatment. Got my letters a couple weeks ago to say we're on both the NHS and the 'private' waiting lists at the hospital. The 'private' list is still approx 9 months long so we reckon we'll be seen in March 2009. It is such a long, drawn out process, but we're hoping it'll be worth it in the long run.

We've decided to go for the 'private' treatment and if it's not a success we'll not have too much longer to wait for the NHS treatment. When I refer to the treatment as 'privtae', basically its the same consultant, same equipment, same embryology staff, we're just paying NHS costs for any free unfunded slots. We would love to go proper private but its an extra £1500 - £2000, which we would gladly spend if there was a high chance of success. However the success rate for IVF is 30-40%, which is pretty much industry standard apparently. From what I can work out, any clinic with higher success rates, probably cherry pics their patients.

Anyhow, it is a waiting game, and I know where you are coming from when you say it seems like a lifetime away. The way I've found that I can cope with it best, is to split the time up. We're going on holiday in 6 weeks, then when we get back we'll book a weekend away to the Christmas markets, then we've got Christmas and New Year, and then we'll focus on treatment. In the meantime, I'm going to join a gym, and go to WeightWatchers so I can be as fit and healthy as possible for whenever we do have treatment.

Good luck ladies, we'll all be knocking on 1st tri's door very very soon.

Well we might be bringing our tx forward!

Part of the point on leaving it till feb09 was to get the money behind us, but it looks like the money that we were banking on saving ( self employed income) might now not happen, so if thats the case, it'll be a credit card job, so we might as well do it earlier - Oct/Nov maybe

will KUP :)

What plans have we all got for the week then?

Loopylew - funny how the word 'relax' actually can make your blood boil - when you're ttc someone telling you to relax has the completly opposite effect!!! I really hope that you actually get some answers at your september appt. I think that they doctors dont believe us when we say how long we have been trying. Despite the fact I had been 18 months ttc when I went to the fertility clinic the first time - they fobbed us off and told us to come back in 6 months. I think they do that just to make sure that you actually have been ttc for a while and are worth treating. Its all crap. They have to listen to you now surely.

Maz - thats a great idea about breaking up the year into managable chunks. I do feel like am wishing my life away though?

Loula - that would be great if you could start IVF earlier. I cant believe how expensive it is. We arent at that point yet - as still waiting on final tests and to convince doctors I actually ned help - but already whenever we have a bit of a windfall I add it to my future IVF / adopt oversees baby fund.

I am on CD10 so am hopefully OV this week - so getting ready for BD'ing. TBH I just dont have the heart for it this month. No matter what I do it doesnt seem to happen - and I am really just concentrating on trying to get myself through to my fertility appt. in August without going mental - so not really holding out much hope this month. Am going to try to BD tonight, Wednesday, and friday and maybe sunday for good measure - but not really going for it this month.
We have only BD'd once yet this month - on CD7 - which was 'just for fun cos we felt like it' kind of BD'ing - I dont think me or OH are mentally up for much else right now.
I am still religiously taking my pregnacare conception, EPO and vitb6 - but just going through the motions.

Gosh I sound all doom and gloom - I'm not that bad really - just seeing my friend tonight for dinner who is 12 weeks pregnant - so just feeling sorry for myself. I will be fine after a few glasses of rose!!

Hows everyone else??:hugs::hugs:

bx x x
Hey Loula - i'm not really here (figment of your imagination) but here is a big :hug: and i'll throw a sheep at you on Facebook x
why thank you Rosh lol, was wondering what to do for dinner tomorrow, sheep it is!!

Right we decided to leave it till february anyway after all that lol

cd2 here now, thought I would be really upset when I came on this month but I'm not - just surprised as I know I oved late by about 4 days, yet only came on 1 day later than normal - maybe the stress got to me ( ironically on my month break!!!lol!)

so whoever says relax, tell them them to sit on it!

Hows everyone today? I've been taken out for lunch by my lovely hubby and had the MASSIVIST sandwich I ever saw, I couldn't finish it - tuna and cheese mayo yummy!
ive been for a nice walk tonight, 2 halfs of lager and fish and chips on the seafront ...the joys of living at the seaside!
oh I want to retire to the seaside, I love it!! Lived in Clacton as a teenager and have wonderful memories of fish n chips on the esplanade :D
Hows we all doing then? Plans for the weekend?

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