The 'OFFICIAL' Ex Mirena Thread

Boo for af Kindra. But! Maybe for Christmas you'll get your bfp! :)

Purplepanda - I'm in the same situation a you are. I have no idea where in my cycle I am, due to having no af for close to 5 years. Mine was removed on Nov 1st. I've not yet had -any- signs of af or ov... and I didn't even have any bleeding after removal. (I had a few hours of very very very light pinkish/reddish 'spotting' on the 11th was all) (I'm also tcc #3)

Everyone is totally different though. Some people's cycle starts back right away, others it takes months. Some are regular, some very irregular. Etc. :/

Personally, I didn't wait at all before actively tcc. My doc has no problem with me going ahead and trying, though I was told there is very little chance of anything happening for a month or two. My fingers are firmly crossed, and we're just bd'ing very frequently. If it happens, it happens... and if af comes, then I can chart. So either way I'll be happy!

Good luck with your third!

FX for you!!! I haven't had any spotting/signs either, except feeling bloated yesterday and of course that's gone now. :growlmad: Hopefully we both get back on track quickly!
Hello again girlies xx welcome to the newbies:) the very best of luck on your journey, its not always the easiest!!
Magarice and pip your little precious bundles are truly beautiful xxx congratulations :) xx

Calasen your last post was gorgeous!!!! And sooo true :)) I have a couple of male rats :) they're like little old men!! Sooo much personality, and amazingly they adore my cats!! Iv got five male cats, my boys, and they completely accept the rats as part of the family, it's rediculous really! The rats crawl all over and sleep on the cats like its normal! Very intelligent rats and fairly docile daft cats! I can highly recommend rats as pets, they give you as much as your willing to give them, and they are wonderful with children.

Afm... Undergoing fertility treatment as we speak... Very hard, very expensive.......but hopefully a result sometime.....:)xxx

Lots of love and hugs to you all xxx
For me I had it removed 2nd sept 2010 and have had only 4 periods since :(

Ugh ugh ugh. That sounds *extremely* frustrating... maddening really. I'm sorry you've gone through this. :(

On an entirely different (and more pleasant I hope!) note... how is wedding planning coming along?

Brilliently!!! Our local landlady found out about our wedding and offered to do the whole reception for less then £500!!! including all food, kids table, and decorating the room the night before!!

For me I had it removed 2nd sept 2010 and have had only 4 periods since :(

Calasen, sorry about that. That sounds like a dream to most women not ttc, but extremely frustrating for those trying.

Oh, I wanted to tell you. Guess what my daughter wants for her bday? a rat! LOL! she's fascinated by them. Are they really hard to keep maintained and what is their average life span? Are they gentle? Thanks. :)

Rats are fantastic pets and are as sweet natured as anything, but make sure you get from local breeder, but one that breeds for temperament :) They have to be kept in at least 2's though as they are very social :), also need quite a large cage area with lots to do, like a specially designed rat wheel and hammocks and gnaws :) Also a lot of pet shops try to sell you on sawdust for rats which is extremely bad for them :( they need cardboard or newspaper ideally but dust free especially. Depending on what type of pet your daughter wants though depends on boys or girls :) Boys are more loving but very lazy and laid back, girls are adventurous and active but more independent :)

Average life span is 2 years but some can live longer, they need spot cleaning once a day, full cage clean once a week. fresh food and water daily and a well maintained temperature, they dont like it too hot and like a cool room. They can be prone to respiratory conditions though and girls especially are prone to lumps and tumours, most these can be removed by a good vet though and not a issue. The cage should be very thick plastic and solid bottomed with not too much space between bars (babies and girls can squeeze through if too wide). The Ferplast Jenny cage or the Furet XL cage are perfect as a starter cage for 2-4 rats.

With Californian I think you have to check local laws as to if you can keep a pet rat but if so then contacting the American Fancy Rat association should help you find a suitable breeder :)

I highly advocate pet rats!!! :) We have 12 at the moment, but have had 21 at once, they are highly addictive with their little noses! :) It's like having toddlers that can't back chat (although they try :)) They can be fully toilet trained and clicker trained.
Highly recommend neutered boys as a first rat group as they are calmer and more forgiving, also less prone to illness.

Calasen- You are angel sent from above girlfriend!!!!!!! So knowledgable.
Yes, here in California we can get them at the pet store and they only carry male rats for maybe reasons you explained.?...interesting. I had a friend growing up who had a pet rat, but she died from a tumor the size of a grape. That's what I'm conderned about too...the heartbreak. But, it can also be a good learning experience too, right. I just was concerned about the maintenance and we do have 2 cats. Should we keep the rat seperate?
You know what's so cute, is my daughter said she just wants a friend in her room to talk to. I said, "what are you talking about, you have me , and all your friends in the court and your sister"...she said "yah, just sometimes people don't understand." Hahahaha!:haha: how sweet...I get what she's saying though. I don't think we have rat breeders out here, so do you think the pet store rats are ok? Also maybe I should buy a cage/living environment online??? Thanks alot for the insight.:thumbup:
Hello again girlies xx welcome to the newbies:) the very best of luck on your journey, its not always the easiest!!
Magarice and pip your little precious bundles are truly beautiful xxx congratulations :) xx

Calasen your last post was gorgeous!!!! And sooo true :)) I have a couple of male rats :) they're like little old men!! Sooo much personality, and amazingly they adore my cats!! Iv got five male cats, my boys, and they completely accept the rats as part of the family, it's rediculous really! The rats crawl all over and sleep on the cats like its normal! Very intelligent rats and fairly docile daft cats! I can highly recommend rats as pets, they give you as much as your willing to give them, and they are wonderful with children.

Afm... Undergoing fertility treatment as we speak... Very hard, very expensive.......but hopefully a result sometime.....:)xxx

Lots of love and hugs to you all xxx

AWWWWW...How do you introduce a rat to a cat? We have 2 indoor cats, and my daughter really wants a pet rat. Calasen said male rats are more affectionate, but we live in the states, so I don't know what the breading practices are here compared to other countries.....
Hello again girlies xx welcome to the newbies:) the very best of luck on your journey, its not always the easiest!!
Magarice and pip your little precious bundles are truly beautiful xxx congratulations :) xx

Calasen your last post was gorgeous!!!! And sooo true :)) I have a couple of male rats :) they're like little old men!! Sooo much personality, and amazingly they adore my cats!! Iv got five male cats, my boys, and they completely accept the rats as part of the family, it's rediculous really! The rats crawl all over and sleep on the cats like its normal! Very intelligent rats and fairly docile daft cats! I can highly recommend rats as pets, they give you as much as your willing to give them, and they are wonderful with children.

Afm... Undergoing fertility treatment as we speak... Very hard, very expensive.......but hopefully a result sometime.....:)xxx

Lots of love and hugs to you all xxx

AWWWWW...How do you introduce a rat to a cat? We have 2 indoor cats, and my daughter really wants a pet rat. Calasen said male rats are more affectionate, but we live in the states, so I don't know what the breading practices are here compared to other countries.....

Cats and rats can be introduced but it has to usually be done at a young age or with cats with a low hunting drive. Pet shop rats are akward as you dont know where the rats have come from so you don't know the medical background :( if you google the american fancy rat association they will have all the info you need on local breeders :) Also rats really do make the best listeners!!! :) but please make sure you get 2 :) they really do need a friend rat as well :)
gabby, sent you a PM with a rat breeder kinda near you. I've never owned any rats but I did run an animal rescue and can definitely tell you that pet store pets aren't recommended - for both medical reasons and socialization reasons!
I love that we're now discussing the care and keeping of companion rats. :D

Mine were named Quincy and Charlotte, and I loved them ever so much. They both lived for six years, surprising the stuffing out of me. I miss the little guys...

Calasen - OMG that's a fantastic price for wedding things. Wow!

Gabby - Ugh. I'm sorry things have not regulated you. Fingers crossed that they will soon. And good luck with the weight loss! Are you doing anything specific to accomplish your goal? :)

As for me... hopefully this isn't TOO tmi! My 13 year old daughter got her af yesterday morning. (not for the first time or anything, just for the month) Since she starting having it back in April, every month when she'd have hers, I'd have the lightest spotting ever. Just barely there when I went to the bathroom. So, I had assumed our cycles had synced. But, no signs of af for me at the moment. I'm not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing or a neutral thing. Thirty days past removal, I had expected to have SOME bleeding by now! o_O
Ginger- good luck! Maybe you should test??? I'm just starting my work out routing again. That's the only thing that works for me. Itkinda goes hand in hand. When I put the ork in, I want to eat better.
Thnks garden! i'll check out the message you sent me. I definately want to do it right if we're gonna bring them into our home. :)
How is everyone today??? The witch is leaving te building shortly for me I hope!
garden I didn't get the pm....maybe give me the name and I can look it up??? Thanks.
Ginger- good luck! Maybe you should test??? I'm just starting my work out routing again. That's the only thing that works for me. Itkinda goes hand in hand. When I put the ork in, I want to eat better.
Thnks garden! i'll check out the message you sent me. I definately want to do it right if we're gonna bring them into our home. :)
How is everyone today??? The witch is leaving te building shortly for me I hope!

I stupidly tested on... I think it was Monday? Might have been Sunday. I knew it would be bfn, and it was. So now I'm doing my -best- not to test again until at -least- the 6th. I am So Incredibly Impatient though! Gah! *sits on hands to keep from poas right this instant*

I totally understand that. When I take better care of myself in one area, I absolutely want to take better care of myself holistically. Haha, when I made -major- lifestyle changes (I'm vegan now, have been for about 16ish years, super active physically... but I wasn't when I was younger at all), they all began with exercise. Everything else fell into place after for me. I'm going a little mad lately, because the climate of the city I currently live in does nto agree with me in the slightest, it's so damnably cold here... and it's reached the point in the year that I can no longer go for extra-super-long walks every evening. Or even short walks, at all. Stupid winter being wintery! Grump!

Good luck with getting it going! I find that once I establish a routine it's easy to keep it going... but getting started can be a bear sometimes! And I hope the witch skedaddles off into the sunset soon...
Ginger- I was going to suggest testing, too. Ah well. GL with not testing every single night... I know I would!

Gabby- I'm the total opposite about workouts and eating right! LOL! If I'm great about working out, I don't feel like eating health on top of that so I eat whatever I want... and if I'm being really good about eating healthy, I never feel like going to the gym. So messed up. On the bright side, TTC is giving me the motivation to get healthier all around and be ready to grow a person! GL to you!
I have a 5 year old and a 3 year old and have had the mirena in for 2 years. Had it out in Sep 2011, and have had two normal periods. TTC this month, due for AF on 7th Dec! Fingers crossed!
Ok guys... someone tell me not to test! Gah! I keep rationalizing it... 'Well it couldn't -hurt- if I tested' (when yeah, it's going to be a bfn and then I'll be all blah, and it's also a waste), 'it's -possible- that I was ov two weeks ago' (when I know full well it'd be bfn, it's so highly unlikely that I was ov'ing then, etc). GAH!

And the stupid symptom spotting. I haven't had any breast changes to speak of, which is usually the first and most pronounced symptom. But my tummy is the tiniest bit 'off'? Oh I'm mentally all over that. Gah! I'm going mad!

Haha, I think I need some hobbies that are more involved than the ones I have currently... ;)
Ginger- DON"T TEST!!! (You're welcome.)

So I'm super confused about my body signals right now, and wondering if anyone can give me some insight? When I got the mirena out, I was sure AF was about a week away. Then I started tracking CM and CP and changed my mind, thought OV was coming up for sure. Then today I started spotting, and now I'm wondering if I was right the first time! Is it possible this is just spotting from the mirena coming out/irritation, even 3 days later?

Here's the breakdown:
10/26: Regular old OB appt/pap

11/1-ish: sure I was getting AF- more blood than I've ever had on Mirena. *Almost* had to wear a pad! :shock:

11/21?[that, or 11/14]- awful bloating that felt just like PMS, with no flow

11/29- Mirena comes out

11/30- CM is getting "creamy," CP is getting higher i THINK, but without much practice checking these things I could be misreading my signs.

12/2- spotting

Thoughts???????? I'm tempted to just start using OPKs every day so I don't miss it. I know, I know, it's super early to be thinking this hard about it, but I really wanted to catch this first cycle!

ETA: Has anybody had experience with the cervix "dropping" because of taking the iud out? When I started checking position after my appointment, it was suprisingly low, but I've never looked for it before. Now it's definitely higher. Is there a chance this is just back to normal, and the procedure threw things off?
Well. I caved. I tested. Gah. Bfn like I knew it would be. I feel ridiculously silly for having tested, when I knew full well what the result would be. Blah.

Panda... were I you I'd assume that the spotting was a very very light af. Haha, I say that because that is what I -am- assuming about the spotting I had on the 11th (mine was removed on 11/1), even though I have absolutely no idea whatsoever.

It's been suggested that I use opks, but I'm holding off until I either get af in a way that I am sure that's what it is, or I get my bfp before that. If you use them, I'd be very curious to know how they work out for you, since we seem to be in a very similar situation. :)

Regardless, good luck... and as hard as it is (gracious, it's hard) try to relax for a couple/few weeks. Haha, I wish I could take my own advise there!
I'm CD17 and just got the darkest OPK I've ever had!! I have a very long LH surge and it seems I usually get 3-4 days of positive OPKs. I didn't start taking them as soon as I started having watery CM though so I'm probably on what would have been my third day of positive OPKs so it's coming soon. My temp didn't drop this morning either so I'm hoping to O tomorrow. With OH's low seminal fluid volume (but high sperm count!), we've refrained from BDing since Wednesday when my temps started indicating ovulation was 3-4 days away. (Thanks goodness my temps are like clockwork!) Anyway, so now I'm thinking I'll ovulate tomorrow and going back and forth about whether OH and I should :sex: tonight or tomorrow. I'm leaning toward tomorrow though... With the low fluid volume, we really only have one shot for BDing. But I'm not stressing. It's been 9 cycles - well, this is our 9th cycle and each month has killed me when af arrives but I've finally come to terms with it as weird as that sounds. I like coming on here to check in with you guys but I finally feel relaxed about ttc and the idea that I may not be a mommy for a while longer. I return to school full time in January and won't have time to think about ttc anyway so it's weird, but it feels good not being stressed about it. (Though I'm sure by reading the post above, it seems like I am, lol!)

Here's my OPK

Anyway, hugs to all of you and I'll check in on you all again soon!
Test away I say! Even a negative test brought me a little bit of piece of mind.

Tested again (5th time) this morning and got a :bfp: !

This is 1st time trying after Mirena, and it worked 1st pop so hope all of you have good luck too =)
So after bd'ing this morning, there was a very minor amount of brownish-reddish-tissue-like-almost blood when I went to the bathroom. Then when I went to the bathroom again later, there was also a very tiny amount of brownish/reddish tinge. I'm not sure if it's from bd'ing, beginning of af, or something else. I'm trying to focus on the positives, and not let it get me down. It's really a very small amount... but I dunno.

OMG arj congratulations! That's completely awesome! :D
Arj- congrats!! That's so exciting!!!

Ginger - look at the bright side... This is probably the last time in your life you can be excited if it IS af, because at least then you know your cycle is resuming some semblance of normalcy, and you can start charting and tracking like a normal person. At least that's how I look at it! (still though, I'm secretly hoping for you that it's implantation bleeding;))
OK! This is af. I think. I'm pretty sure. It's veryvery light... but it's gotta be af. So! How do I do this charting and tracking thing? Where do I start? Is there like some kind of primer or something?

panda - Yeah I am totally excited about this for the first (and hopefully last!) time in my life. It's... a bizarre feeling! :D

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