The 'OFFICIAL' Ex Mirena Thread

BabyO - Oh my goodness, I noticed the same thing. It's so bizarre to see all of the choices that are suddenly available... and how -trendy- they're trying to be. O_O

It's only been five years for me, I think I'd be going a little mad with 'what ifs' had it been a decade. I hope your cycle resumes quickly!

I could be suffering from distorted perception here, since it had been so long for me since af... but holy cow it seems like this is the heaviest and longest one I've ever had. And the cramping and things, either I'd forgotten how bad they can be, or this is just a really bad one for me. I'm impressed that I used to do this every month. Haha!

I still have a cold, but I think I'm on the mend. I've been resting as much as one can this time of year. I'm just one of those hates to rest types... so resting hasn't been all that restful. ;)

Edens - I'm thinking lots of baby thoughts for you! Hopehopehope you get your bfp this month. :)

How's everyone today?
Isn't it crazy how the af feels SO terribly awful post removal? I swear there's no way it was that bad beforehand! I went about 7 years without af and it was AWFUL having it return, lol. The only good thing is it meant I knew we had the possibility of a LO soon. :)

Thanks Ginger for the crossed fingers and baby thoughts. I'm really hoping we get a sticky bean this cycle too. It appears my bff might be miscarrying though. Based on her LMP, she's 6w5d but she ovulated late so she's technically only 4 weeks past conception/ovulation so exactly 6weeks along today. She had a bit of blood after using the restroom the day before yesterday and went to the dr yesterday where they did an ultrasound. They found a heartbeat but it was only 67bmp and the dr said it should be between 100-160bmp so they think she's miscarrying. :cry: She has a follow up check on Monday and I'm so hoping everything comes out okay! Please keep her in your thoughts.

Afm, temp dropped a bit today at 4dpo but still above the coverline. It's too early for an implantation dip so just a random drop I guess. I'm going to temp through 7dpo for the dr and then stop temping at least until closer to ovulation of my next cycle. My latest charts look pretty funky since I've only been temping from a few days before until a few days after ov but oh well.

Anyway, hope everyone is doing well and please keep my bff in your thoughts!
:dust: everyone
My friend was told a similar thing at an early scan - everything turned out fine and she has a beautiful baby girl, might help your friend to know so she can relax over the weekend. Good luck to your BFF
Thanks for letting me know babydreamer - I sent her a text, hopefully it will help ease her mind at least until Monday. And if they say the same on Monday, I hope she doesn't do a D&C and instead lets nature take its course. If things are meant to be, they will be. :)
Our bodies are unpredictable things sometimes. Things could very well turn out fine for your friend, Edens. I hope everything turns out in the best way it can for her. It has to be so difficult and painful for her to be going through this.:(

Ohh Edens I reallyreally hope you get a sticky bean this month. Haha, I hope -all- of us do!

I think my af is almost over. Maybe by tomorrow morning I can start checking cm. Haha, it's so -odd- to be exciting about blood and cm! Then next week I'll start opk's so I reduce my chances of missing something. Fingers are so crossed. So, so crossed. :)
My withdraw bleeding continues. Now I remember why I had the Mirena in the first place! This is a pain in my butt! :hissy: It's all for a good cause though.

I've finally reached the place where I'm looking forward to AF whenever she decides to show up. In my optimistic state I tell myself the cramps will have vanished.

Hope everyone else is having a great Friday!
My friend was told a similar thing at an early scan - everything turned out fine and she has a beautiful baby girl, might help your friend to know so she can relax over the weekend. Good luck to your BFF

Someone I know had the same thing "heartbeat's too slow, don't get attatched, you'll probably lose the baby" said the radiographer! So insensitive, and she went on to having robust baby boy! So maybe we aren't meant to know some things in early pregnancy, some times it seems it causes unnecessary stress! Hope your bff has the same thing happen and not MC :flower:
Our bodies are unpredictable things sometimes. Things could very well turn out fine for your friend, Edens. I hope everything turns out in the best way it can for her. It has to be so difficult and painful for her to be going through this.:(

Ohh Edens I reallyreally hope you get a sticky bean this month. Haha, I hope -all- of us do!

I think my af is almost over. Maybe by tomorrow morning I can start checking cm. Haha, it's so -odd- to be exciting about blood and cm! Then next week I'll start opk's so I reduce my chances of missing something. Fingers are so crossed. So, so crossed. :)

You're so sweet Ginger. I'm sure she appreciates all the thoughts and prayers from everyone on here. And I hope we all get sticky beans this cycle too! :)

Were your cycles fairly regular before Mirena? Hopefully they will be again so it's easier for you to conceive. Mine are pretty regular - always 29 to 33 days - and we've had perfectly timed BDing each cycle but no luck yet. Soon though, I'm sure it will be soon!

BabyO - Hang in there hun, withdrawal bleed will end soon so you can start trying!

Arj - thanks for giving me more hope for my bff. She's feeling much better today than yesterday so that's good!

Nothing new here for me. 5dpo, FINALLY home and done traveling. I've been out of town four weeks of the last five and been so homesick!! I've at least been able to come home on weekends and for Thanksgiving but it's still been rough. Thankfully I won't have to travel for work again until March - woohoo!
wow, two days of quiet? how's it going everyone?

I'm 7dpo, temps ok, had to go in for a progesterone test this morning to make sure it's high enough to sustain a pregnancy and I have an ultrasound Tuesday. My bff is doing well, we've both done a ton of research online and she's quite hopeful about everything. her follow up appt is tommorow.
wow, two days of quiet? how's it going everyone?

I'm 7dpo, temps ok, had to go in for a progesterone test this morning to make sure it's high enough to sustain a pregnancy and I have an ultrasound Tuesday. My bff is doing well, we've both done a ton of research online and she's quite hopeful about everything. her follow up appt is tommorow.

I hope your testing and your ultrasound go well! I'm really glad to hear your bff is hopeful. I hope her appointment today brings her the best possible news. :)

I'm *finally* done with af. Woo! OPKing starts tomorrow. I'm both really nervous (what if I do it wrong! what if I never get a positive! ahh! eep!) and really excited about it. I like fertilityfriend, thanks again everyone for recommending it.

How was everyone's weekend? Mine was very quiet, peaceful. I wrapped a ton of gifts, did a ton of chores, and played a ton of games. :)

Just got a text that bff's little bean is perfectly fine. S/he has doubled in size since last Wednesday's appt, heartbeat is up to 119bpm well within the normal range of 6weeks 4 days along. I'm so happy I'm crying, what a sap, lol. Thank you all for helping both of us the past week! I'm so glad everything is working out for her.

I got my progesterone done yesterday, results came back today at 10.5 ng/mL. I guess they're supposed to be between 2 - 25 so that's good they're normal. Next is the ultrasound tomorrow and I'm getting really impatient waiting for OH's consult with urology - it's not until 12/21. I hope they can get him all "fixed up" so we can make a baby!!

Just got a text that bff's little bean is perfectly fine. S/he has doubled in size since last Wednesday's appt, heartbeat is up to 119bpm well within the normal range of 6weeks 4 days along. I'm so happy I'm crying, what a sap, lol. Thank you all for helping both of us the past week! I'm so glad everything is working out for her.

I got my progesterone done yesterday, results came back today at 10.5 ng/mL. I guess they're supposed to be between 2 - 25 so that's good they're normal. Next is the ultrasound tomorrow and I'm getting really impatient waiting for OH's consult with urology - it's not until 12/21. I hope they can get him all "fixed up" so we can make a baby!!

This is great news all around! I'm so relieved and happy for your bff. And woo for 'normal' progesterone levels! I hope the ultrasound goes well today. :)
It's really too quiet on here - where is everyone? lol

Ultrasound was this morning. I asked the tech if he'd be able to see anything even if I was only 3 weeks 2 days pregnant. He explained that even if he could, he couldn't tell me so I asked if I could see the screens. He let me see them but couldn't see any little bean so I'm out for this month. Temp dipped a tiny bit today anyway (9dpo) and is following the same pattern as a previous cycle.

The dr emailed this afternoon and said the progesterone levels are "consistent with ovulation" which I already knew based on internet research. She also said that the ultrasound results were good, no defects or abnormalities found. So I'm officially off the hook and now it's just up to the dr to fix up OH. Poor guy, I feel badly but at this point he's still oblivious and thinks it's just a matter of time. I personally think it's the low fluid volume - what are his abundant swimmers supposed to swim and survive in with no seminal fluid? :( We'll get our bean someday though!
@Edens: I'm so happy to hear the good news! Yay for a happy and healthy little one for your friend!

In other good news, my bleeding post Mirena removal seems to have stopped. I'm still using the OPK every single day to see when ovulation returns. So far I got nothing! I'm not surprised or disappointed or anything, mostly just really curious at this point.

I admit that I sit around and spend a lot of time talking to my ovaries now. :laugh2: I never thought I'd see the day when I would sit around and talk to a body part!
yay for all the good news :)

As for me I've been in hiding. Doing everything I can to not think about babies and ovulation.

Currently, as I have done all I can for the wedding until february, and for christmas its just me and the OH this year I am trying to stop biting my nails :) Have managed 10 days so far and am finding harder than quitting smoking :)
yay for all the good news :)

As for me I've been in hiding. Doing everything I can to not think about babies and ovulation.

Currently, as I have done all I can for the wedding until february, and for christmas its just me and the OH this year I am trying to stop biting my nails :) Have managed 10 days so far and am finding harder than quitting smoking :)

Speaking of wedding planing...I probably need to put some more thought into that. Our wedding is in April and unless I drag FDH to the store to get something to wear he's going to have to show up in his undies. lol

I actually found my dress on craigslist which was awesome!
hehe I'm making nearly everything for ours :) only thing I'm not allowed to have a say in is his suit :)

Have just started making my dress :)
@Edens - Yay! I'm glad you have at least part of the answers here. Also... maybe not count yourself out juuuuust yet? I dunno if it's possible to see a little tiny bean as early as you'd be... maybe it is, but if that wasn't even what they were looking for, maybe things weren't pointed at where they'd need to be? I know false hopes, for me, really suck horribly, but it seems actually possible. Maybe. :)

Regardless, there has to be a way to increase your husband's fluid volume. I am assuming his Dr sees this all the time. It has to be fairly common. Good luck with making it happen quick as can be - or with already having 'caught'!

@BabyO - Ohhh, wedding in April! That's super-exciting! I found my dress, weirdly enough, at Macy's of all places. Also bizarrely, it was a prom dress. It was the most wedding-like prom dress I have ever seen in my entire life. No one knew unless I told them. I ended up paying 150.00 for it, *including* alterations. I was a mess in the months before my wedding... but ours was Very Large. My partner has an enormous family. His mother has 8 siblings, his father has 9 siblings, and all of those people married and had multiple children. Then those children had children. His family alone, we had to invite 215 people. It was... hectic, to say the least. :)

ANd yay for the bleeding being over! Woo! :D Fingers crossed for ovulation for you. Soon-soon!

@Calasen - I am so envious of people such as yourself, who have the skill and ability to do things like make their own wedding dress. Ohhhh, will you take a photo and share with us when you're finished? Pretty please? :D

Also! I recently stopped biting my nails as well. I had to replace the behaviour with something else. Every time I found myself with my nail in my mouth, I'd file them instead. I keep a file in my pocket now just for that. It's been Very Difficult to stop - I think it's because it's something that I've done since early childhood. Good luck finding a method that works for you! :)
@Edens - Yay! I'm glad you have at least part of the answers here. Also... maybe not count yourself out juuuuust yet? I dunno if it's possible to see a little tiny bean as early as you'd be... maybe it is, but if that wasn't even what they were looking for, maybe things weren't pointed at where they'd need to be? I know false hopes, for me, really suck horribly, but it seems actually possible. Maybe. :)

Regardless, there has to be a way to increase your husband's fluid volume. I am assuming his Dr sees this all the time. It has to be fairly common. Good luck with making it happen quick as can be - or with already having 'caught'!

Yea, I guess it would be possible to miss it being only 9dpo but my temp keeps dropping too so I'm not hopeful. But that's okay, I'm okay with it so far this month. My coverline is at 97.4 and my temp peaked at 6dpo at 98.1 and then has been coming down since. I'm now 10dpo at 97.7. Five of the last seven months had a temp of 97.7 at 10dpo so I'm certain I'm not pg. FF can't even really decide if I'm 10dpo or 13dpo either so who knows, maybe af will be here Friday!

And OH hasn't seen his dr yet. My dr is the one who requested the SA and was only told "it's too low" and that he needs to be seen by someone in urology so that's what's happening 12/21. When I asked her about it, she said she couldn't offer any help or advice since she doesn't see male patients. Fingers crossed it's a simple fix for urology. I did find a vitamin that's said to increase it but haven't told OH because if it truly is a medical issue, I want them to find it. If I tell OH about the vitamins, he'll just skip the dr and his next break from work isn't until February!

@Ginger - WOW - what a HUGE wedding!! My family is quite large too so we limited invitations to strictly family and ended up with about 150 I think. It was WAY bigger than I originally planned - I would have been just fine with a simple just parents and close friends celebration but oh well. Our wedding was absolutely gorgeous and I wouldn't change it for the world!

@BabyO - So glad you post removal bleed is over! Hopefully you'll ovulate soon!

@Calasen - So glad to see you back! Good for you keeping your mind preoccupied on other things though. Hopefully your OH has some good sense when it comes to his suit/tux. Mine wouldn't let me have a say in his either and needless to say, I really wish he had!! His white shirt is poking out between where the black coat buttons together in almost every single photo. UGH! lol

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