The 'OFFICIAL' Ex Mirena Thread

Stacey- I think I recall you already saying that, sorry for spacing on it! Keep us posted on the cd21 test, I will keep an eye on your chart :)
Calasen - thats super! You've waited long enough!

Stacey - chart looks good. Good luck with the clomid!

AFM - Due date is 3rd June! Maternity leave from 6th May! cant wait!
You guys know what would be awesome a BFP on November 6th!!! It's our 7 years anniversary!
Yay dreamers! How long is your maternity leave?

Stacey- temp still up! Woohoo!
Stacey - chart is looking good! Is this the first time your temp has gone up without taking that drug? A BFP on your anniversary would be lovely!

Rainy - I have not decided for sure but I would love to take a year, and have saved up leave etc so can probably get 1/2 pay for most of it. I will be without a job anyway, so I will probably make myself available if a consultant post comes up in the last few months of the year. We are so lucky here with really good maternity leave entitlements. Im not sure how Ill feel really - you hear of people being bored and wanting to go back to work. But I do feel that Ive been waiting to be a mum for a long time (since long before TTC) for the sake of finishing my careeer training and would really like to focus on being a mum for a bit. Ill have to do a bit of freelance work just so I keep my skills and will be more employable after mat leave. How long will you take? Are you feeling lots of kicks yet?
Your maternity leave sounds great. All of mine will be unpaid, I might work from home for a few months, but only take off 6 weeks. Not long enough, at all, but the baby will be home with me while I try to work. Either that or I'll quit entirely and be a stay at home mom for a couple of years like I did with DS. I feel the little guy swimming around in there often, probably 4 or 5 times a day. Haha, I felt a kick just now!! It is wonderful :)
Dreamers- it is!! I'm waiting for my results to see if I did for sure ovulate.
Rainy - That is so lovely! Cant wait to feel kicks! Working from home sounds good!

Stacey - I really hope your blood tests confirm it, that would awesome news!
Hey ladies, how's everyone doing??

Stacey your temps look fabulous! Fingers crossed your results are good, and you hopefully get your bfp!! You have any symptoms??

Rainy congratulations! Little boys are wonderful! Good luck choosing a name, its taken us untill last night to agree on our little mans name lol, just hope OH doesn't change his mind again as I've just ordered his name to go on his nursery door!! Enjoy all the kicks and wriggles, so precious, I'm going to miss my wriggly friend when he's born!

Calasen fab news on all the tests an stuff!! Bout time things got going for you hun, you've been waiting long enough x

Dreamers so glad things are going well for you! Good that you got your maternity sorted, you can relax and enjoy all the lovely attention you and your bump will get now!

afm, getting very impatient! Im being induced on my due date, friday, unless i go myself sooner. Had a sweep this am, 2cm dilated already, lots of pains, but nothing that's really doing anything! I really don't want to be induced again! Any tried and tested methods of getting him out naturally would be gratefully received!!

Take care girlies xx
Hey Lucy! Nice to hear from you! Oh how exciting, it's getting soooo close!!! I can't wait for him to get here!

No symptoms! I had cramping yesterday but that was about it. I hate thinking about it just because I'm not even sure I ovulated. I should be getting my results some time today!

For both my kids I did the castor oil, cleaned my house... Soaked in a tub of warm water, LOTS of sex lol. An walked on the treadmill. It only worked for one of my kids. By the time I went in to "get induced" I was already 5 cms!! Anywho, hopefully you don't have to. Keep us posted!!!! :)
Well my fingers are crossed for you! Let us know your results! Are your docs prepared to take things further if you've not ov'd this time?? The walking an the baths I'm doing, sex is like the last thing I feel like lol, but I'll persevere!! As for the caster is that meant to work?? An surely it's gotta shoot out the other end somewhat violently if you know what I mean!!!!
Hahha it does!!! I hated that part! But I think it softens up the cervix? I can't quite remember. Lol
Lucy- so good to hear from you. I went post-dates with my son so I was trying everything as well. One thing about the castor oil, as it was explained to me the excessive cramping in your intestine can cause similar cramping in your uterus and stimulate contractions. I drank castor oil the night before I started labor, so perhaps it worked, but there was meconium in my amniotic fluid and one midwife thought it possible that taking castor oil had caused this. This go round I will avoid it as the midwife scared me, saying DS could've inhaled the meconium fluid and had a respiratory infection. Sigh. Who knows if it worked to start labor anyway, could've just been my time :)
Why are they planning to induce you? Are you having complications? Everything ok?

Stacey- it would be such great news that you ovulated if that's the case! And what a lovely bonus if you caught the egg :)
Sooooooo, I did ovulate!!!!!! My progesterone was 14.4!!!! I am soooo excited!!! Even if I don't get a BFP I'm still happy!
Yay Stacey! That is so incredible! Woohoo Stacey's ovaries!! We knew you could do it :)
Stacey!!!!!! Wooohooooo for your egg!!! And your temp again today!!!! It's like your body suddenly figured it out!!! Fingers crossed for a bfp, but if not then you at least know your body knows what to do!!!

Rainy thanks for the info on the castor oil! I'm not sure I'd have the stomach to try it lol, might save it as a last resort! Um no problems as such, I've been under the consultant from the start as I had so many miscarriages before this baby. I've had scans every three weeks monitoring blood flow an growth etc. Everything's been good thankfully, but it was decided that I wouldn't be allowed to go over my dates just to eliminate any risk of things going wrong last minute. I'd really love to go into labour naturally, but Im so eager to have him now I don't care how it happens!!

Hope everyone's well today! Operation how you doing??
Thanks Lucy!!! I tested and it was a bfn lol. It doesn't matter, I'm still pretty excited about even ovulating!
My test, I think I see something!! It's probably just my line eye tho lol


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