The 'OFFICIAL' Ex Mirena Thread

Lvn- hope the meds aren't as bad anymore!

Calesen- that's awesome news!! Hopefully you get your BFP!!!

Dreamers- how are you feeling?

Lucy- how's it going????!

Liz- how's that bump?

Molly- how are you doing Chica??? Miss ya!

Operation- how's the vacation going?

Gardens- how's you and the family doing?
Hi ladies,
i had my 2nd mirena removed in august this year, after having it for 8years after i had my 2nd son. First month after removal i had crazy pregnancy signs but it hasnt happend for us yet. Af is due sunday, i tested today bfn. But today all new things are hapening, i got very dizzy while out shopping and broke into a cold sweat, iv been feeling ill since that (maybe just the start of bug but il cling to any sign lol) and my bbs and arms are realy veiny iv never had that before?
Its been so long since i was last pregers i forgot what it feels like. Im driving myself nuts thinking every twinge is a sign lol. How. Long did it take you ladies to get bfp's?
welcome wantanother :)

Some caught straight away, some caught fairly soon, some are still waiting after years. It's all individually different.
Welcome wantanother! I got my Mirena out in January and I ovulated for the first time last month! Good luck to you!

My ovary is throbbing! Lol. I think I might ovulate again this cycle! It's always the left one tho!
I know everyone keeps saying, keep hope, just pray... ect. But I just feel like bad news is coming... again. Midwife reviewed my history, and wants me to schedule an ultrasound.. Im so terrified, I just know as soon as they look at the screen its all over!
Calasen- great news about your honey! One down, one to go, eh? What is next on the agenda for you!
Hiya dreamers- how are you feeling?
Lucy- hope you are well, sweetie, and cradling that sweet one in your arms.
Want- there is an adjustment period for most women after having their iud removed, your body is no longer receiving those fake hormones. For me, I had lots of "pregnancy" symptoms. We have seen a few ladies come through here who got BFPs very quickly, though, so it is definitely possible. Took me 8 cycles to conceive.
Stacey- I am so happy for your body! You ovulated and AF came naturally, right?? Amazing!!!
Lvn- can you refuse the u/s? Either way, praying sounds like good advice. I hope all is well.

Stacey, I saw the MW Wednesday, she says the bump is good. Measuring 24 weeks, no surprise, DS was a big boy. :)
Thanks Rainy :) Have an appointment on my birthday in Dec with the Gynaecologist so will see what they wanna do from there.

Still haven't ovulated since our miscarriage in Jan though so most likely am facing a Laparoscopy to remove more endometrial tissue and hopefully get a official diagnosis of PCOS and tube check. Not looking forward to the op as it was a similar operation that caused my medical condition, just hoping repeating it wont make me worse.
AAAARGH my post just got deleted!

Hi everyone
New ladies - welcome. I got bfp on 8th cycle, miscarried then 2nd cycle. You will get a false impression of how long it will take from us as lots of ladies have said hi, got a bfp on 1st or 2nd cycle and then we;ve never heard from them again. Those of us who took longer have bonded with the group and hung around whether or not weve got our bfps yet

Calasen and Rainy - Hi :)

Lovn - (((HUGS))) I can imagine how you feel. I refused to look at the screen at my 1st ultrasound 2nd pregnancy after starting to spot, was convinced it was another MC. Im really glad I got my ultrasound then, and even if it had been anotehr mc I wanted to know asap so I could stop bonding, grieve and start healing. Have you scheduled it yet? Good luck!

Stacey- it would be so awesome if you ovulate every cycle now! But hopefully this will be your last anyway, get plenty of BDing in!

AFM - 11+5 weeks. Thought my nausea had gone until dealt with a kids ear with an identified foreign body in it the other day - pulled it out and out came so much pus! Im not normally sqeamish but thought I was going to chuck and nurse I was working with thought I was going to faint and immediately guessed my little secret! Ever since then Ive felt pretty sick! Should be gone soon. I started buying a couple of 2nd hand baby things- baby bath, monitor, change table and cute little baby coat hangers. not bad for not even 12 weeks! Im hoping if start slowly now I can avoid getting carried away spending thousands and get most stuff 2nd hand. 12 week scan went super, was super nervous about 1st trimester screening but got a very low risk result so now feeling confident. I think I will set up a pregnancy journal so I dont go on excitedly rambling about baby/pregnancy as it must be hard for you guys still waiting (hang in there, Im cheering you along!)
Hi! I'm feeling a little better today... my US is going to be Monday. So wish me luck. I talked it over with DH and we agreed with what u said dreamers its better to know!!! Has anyone had a early US??? What was your earliest scan? I will be about 5 weeks 3 days Monday so I know that's too early to see anything other than gestational sac and maybe yolk sac..
Hello lovely ladies xx

Welcome to you new girlies! The best of luck to you ttc'ing. Not always the easiest path, but worth it in the end xx
I got pregnant first cycle post mirena but sadly miscarried 15wks later. I had 5 further miscarriages before fertility treatment. I got my bfp then feb this year, 18months after mirena. Everyone is very different though. Feel free to pick our brains if you need any info on charting an temping etc

Dreamers I'm so glad things are going so well for you xx I know symptoms are vile, but I loved the reassurance mine gave me. Do you have a scan pic??

Lovn you're doing really well! Fingers crossed your scan goes well. You won't see much there, but you may be lucky enough to see the very beginnings of a heartbeat. Kinda depends how accurate your dating is. Good luck though, let us know how it goes!

Afm...... I'm very very happy to announce the safe arrival of my little prince Wilson!! Born on 10-11-12 at 11.10pm! Weighing 9lb3oz, ouch!!!! All went very well, if somewhat quick! Daddy almost missed it!! I shall post a pic as soon as Im next on my laptop and let you in on all the gory details if you like!!!

Love and hugs to you all xx

Ps Girls don't ever give up on your journeys x I almost did x but am now more thankful than I could ever find words to express x I have the most beautiful, precious gift x I hope and pray you all get here soon x you all deserve it xx
AWWWWWWW Welcome to the world Wilson!!! Your mummy and daddy been waiting a long time for you XXXX

Glad your both well honey :) Can't wait for piccys!!
Somehow I got unsubscribed from the thread so I had a lot of catching up to do! Here goes...

Well hubbys walking around all smug and self satisfied today :) His seman analysis came back as normal to excellent.

At least it's just me with issues, lets hope we get something to help soon

Calasen - glad to hear dh is a-okay. Hope thing go well with your next step! HUGS!

Gardens- how's you and the family doing?

We are doing wonderfully, thanks for asking! You can see pics of my little princess in my journal. (Link in my siggy!) :)

Hi ladies,
i had my 2nd mirena removed in august this year, after having it for 8years after i had my 2nd son. First month after removal i had crazy pregnancy signs but it hasnt happend for us yet. Af is due sunday, i tested today bfn. But today all new things are hapening, i got very dizzy while out shopping and broke into a cold sweat, iv been feeling ill since that (maybe just the start of bug but il cling to any sign lol) and my bbs and arms are realy veiny iv never had that before?
Its been so long since i was last pregers i forgot what it feels like. Im driving myself nuts thinking every twinge is a sign lol. How. Long did it take you ladies to get bfp's?

Welcome wantanother! Like everyone has mentioned, everyone is different. It seems there have been many women who find this little group on their first cycle certain it won't ever happen for them and then a few days laterm they are pregnant and gone. For many others, it takes much longer. DH and I conceived after 9 cycles with male factor infertility. We've decided not to go back on bc and hope it happens again but this time without all the temping, opks, timed BDing, and meds to increase cervical fluid.

Welcome wantanother! I got my Mirena out in January and I ovulated for the first time last month! Good luck to you!

My ovary is throbbing! Lol. I think I might ovulate again this cycle! It's always the left one tho!

Can't believe I missed your first ovulation! CONGRATS!! Hope it happens again for you this cycle and you get your bfp!

Hi! I'm feeling a little better today... my US is going to be Monday. So wish me luck. I talked it over with DH and we agreed with what u said dreamers its better to know!!! Has anyone had a early US??? What was your earliest scan? I will be about 5 weeks 3 days Monday so I know that's too early to see anything other than gestational sac and maybe yolk sac..

Hi Lvn, congrats on your little bean. :) My first ultrasound was at 4 weeks 4 days and we could only see the sac. Second scan was at 6w3days and we saw the heartbeat. Pics on pg 1 and 2 of my journal. (Link in my siggy!)

Hello lovely ladies xx

Welcome to you new girlies! The best of luck to you ttc'ing. Not always the easiest path, but worth it in the end xx
I got pregnant first cycle post mirena but sadly miscarried 15wks later. I had 5 further miscarriages before fertility treatment. I got my bfp then feb this year, 18months after mirena. Everyone is very different though. Feel free to pick our brains if you need any info on charting an temping etc

Dreamers I'm so glad things are going so well for you xx I know symptoms are vile, but I loved the reassurance mine gave me. Do you have a scan pic??

Lovn you're doing really well! Fingers crossed your scan goes well. You won't see much there, but you may be lucky enough to see the very beginnings of a heartbeat. Kinda depends how accurate your dating is. Good luck though, let us know how it goes!

Afm...... I'm very very happy to announce the safe arrival of my little prince Wilson!! Born on 10-11-12 at 11.10pm! Weighing 9lb3oz, ouch!!!! All went very well, if somewhat quick! Daddy almost missed it!! I shall post a pic as soon as Im next on my laptop and let you in on all the gory details if you like!!!

Love and hugs to you all xx

Ps Girls don't ever give up on your journeys x I almost did x but am now more thankful than I could ever find words to express x I have the most beautiful, precious gift x I hope and pray you all get here soon x you all deserve it xx

So great to hear from you lucy! Welcome to Wilson! Glad to hear you're both doing well!!
Ok so I had My scan today, showed a Gestational sac & Yolk sac. So thats about right for 5 weeks. I go back on the 30th, should see a heart beat then! fingers crossed. Took blood for a beta, should get results wed. Doc said he is hoping to see them around 2,000 ? He said quote -"you are super fertile" well, gee thanks??
edens I checked out your scans, it says by ovulation count, is that any difference in LMP calculation??
Yes. Because of dh's fertility issues (low seminal fluid) we had to very carefully time BDing as in none for 4 days before anticipated ovulation and hope to BD one day before or day of. Since ovulation varied from cd13 to cd21, it took quite a lot of analyzing temp patterns over 9 months. Anyway, that cycle I ovulated on CD18 so there was a 4 day difference between LMP and ovulation counting. Not huge in the grand scheme of things later in my LO's life but did make a difference when the dr was trying to tell me our bean wasn't growing enough, etc. Most people don't know their ovulation day which is why due dates are typically determined by LMP. Hope that helps.
Yes. Because of dh's fertility issues (low seminal fluid) we had to very carefully time BDing as in none for 4 days before anticipated ovulation and hope to BD one day before or day of. Since ovulation varied from cd13 to cd21, it took quite a lot of analyzing temp patterns over 9 months. Anyway, that cycle I ovulated on CD18 so there was a 4 day difference between LMP and ovulation counting. Not huge in the grand scheme of things later in my LO's life but did make a difference when the dr was trying to tell me our bean wasn't growing enough, etc. Most people don't know their ovulation day which is why due dates are typically determined by LMP. Hope that helps.

Oh I see!! yes that would make a differnce. Im stuck there right now because i was on BC so were not sure when i actually did ovulate. I did miss 3 pills around the 23th so Im thinking that was the time I o'd. Im glad to at least see the yolk sac! go back in 2 weeks!! so excited, the first 8 weeks are the hardest after losses:( congrats on your bundle mommy!!!
that's great new lovn. Fingers crossed the next 2 weeks pass super fast for you and you see your heart beat at 7 weeks :)
Lucy- congrats! I remember when you got your sticky BFP, I am so pleased you have that darling boy to hold now. When do we get to see Wilson??

Happy thanksgiving, Americans!
Happy thanksgiving to us states girls! lots of fun, family, turkey, pies!! YUM . Also, I got a new Job!!!! I have plently to be thankful for:)
Lucy- congrats!!!!! Can't wait to see pics!!!

Mellissa- good to hear from you!!

Question charters- should I be worried with my flat temps?

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