The 'OFFICIAL' Ex Mirena Thread

Are you 6 days late? What are you using to test with?

Pip x
Hi Ladies,

I hope you don't mind me jumping onboard?

I'm 27 and my DH is 34, we've been married for 18 months and I had mirena removed 11th March after having it in for 3yrs 9 months. I loved it for the first couple years and as a BC method I can't fault it, but then I sarted becoming emotional, had messed up sleep pattern and the acne of a 15 year old! It was only after having my mirena removed so we can ttc that I found out lots of the symptoms I had were likely due to mirena.

I had what I think might have been AF on 13th March for only 2 days but as my cycles were very irregular with mirena I don't know if it was AF or just a bit of bleeding from having it removed. I had the evil mirena crash which lasted about 3 days, all I wanted to do was sleep, I was on an emotional rollercoaster - either happy, crying, having a go at DH for nothing etc... had the worst headache, back ache etc... but its all passed now luckily!

I have read so much about women getting a BFP first cycle after mirena and I would love to be one of them but somehow think I just won't be that lucky! I took my first OPK today which I guess would be CD8 if that was AF on the 13th?? I had a line but it wasn't as dark as the control line so just gonna keep testing everyday and DTD every other day - much to DH delight!!

Can I ask you ladies how long it took for your cycles to get into a regalar pattern and if you have had your BFP's how long it took afte the evil mirena was removed?!

Thanks and sticky baby dust to everyone

Luxy xx
Hi Luxy, the time it takes everyones cycle to get back to normal varies A LOT! We try to keep a running list of ladies on this thread who have gotten their BFPs and how many cycles it took... the last updated one I could find was on page 107 if you want to check it out. Good luck TTC!
welcome luxy :)

Yeah I am 6 days late now Pip honey :) Have only used tescos and sainsburys own brands so far as no money for a digi until monday :( Was really hoping for a :bfp: by yesturday really as was OH's birthday :)

Hows the pregnancy going Harly? All good and well i hope :) XXX
aw calasen Im sorry hun, I hope the docs can shed some light on it all for you xx you must be so fed up xxx sending lots of positive thoughts xx

Hey luxy, yea Harlie's right, everyone is very very different. And its not always ideal to catch in the first cycle, although its all you can think about at the time!! your body isn't always ready for that eggie xx I learnt the hard way unfortunately.

lots of luck an dust though, its all a monster journey!!!xxx
I took about 15 tests when I found out, 4 of those were tescos own, and they all showed negative when the others were positive. I dont think they're as sensitive hun xxx

Hope you dont mind me joining in here! My OH and I have just decided to start TTC#1. I'm on my 2nd Mirena Coil and have had them in place now for 7 years! I'm phoning the FP clinic tomorrow to arrange to have it removed.

I'm a bit scared about how long it will take to conceive as apart from the first month after insertion (for both coils) and maybe the odd once or twice in 7 years I havent had AF at all.

Now that we have decided I want it to happen already! Patience is not something I have a lot of clearly :lol:
Hello collie welcome to the thread, lots of newbies at the mo!! I had my mirena in for six years, with no af, bliss! I had a small bleed when it was removed, and conceived next cycle. Unfortunately I lost the lil bubby, but my fertility returned quickly. However if you read through the girlies stories on here, you'll see that everyone has very different experiences, but we all seem to get there in the end!! Lots of relaxed PMA, and patience!! Good luck hun and here's hoping for a quick BFP xxxx
I had what I think might have been AF on 13th March for only 2 days but as my cycles were very irregular with mirena I don't know if it was AF or just a bit of bleeding from having it removed.

I have read so much about women getting a BFP first cycle after mirena and I would love to be one of them but somehow think I just won't be that lucky! I took my first OPK today which I guess would be CD8 if that was AF on the 13th?? I had a line but it wasn't as dark as the control line so just gonna keep testing everyday and DTD every other day - much to DH delight!!

Can I ask you ladies how long it took for your cycles to get into a regalar pattern and if you have had your BFP's how long it took afte the evil mirena was removed?!

Hi Luxy

Welcome to the group.

The bleed you had a few days after having the mirena removed is quite normal, but doesn't always count as :witch:.

As a few others have said, everyone is different. For example, I used IUC/IUD for 14 years following the birth of my DS. For the last 7 or 8 years I used Mirena. I had very irregular light bleeding/spotting (never enough to soak a regular tampon) over the last couple of years. The last such bleed was on 14 October 2010 and I had the mirena removed on 18 October 2010. :witch: never came so I tested around CD28 but never got a :bfp:. I did test again a few weeks later and got a :bfp: at 7w3d. Unfortunately I contracted swine flu and miscarried at 10w 3d on Boxing Day. My cycles since the miscarriage have been all over the place and I didn't even know if I was ovulating.

I started temping, checking my CM and using the CBFM this month. I found out that I was ovulating 4 days earlier (CD12) than I thought and therefore was able to :sex: at the right time. I got a :bfp: at CD21/9DPO and baby is due in November.

Yeah I am 6 days late now Pip honey :) Have only used tescos and sainsburys own brands so far as no money for a digi until monday :(

What miu are they Calasen? I've been using ICs and Superdrug (both 10miu) although the Superdrug is giving a better line. Superdrug have an offer on at the moment, 3 for 2, and you can buy a twin pack for £4.99 (so £9.98 for 6 tests).

Now that we have decided I want it to happen already! Patience is not something I have a lot of clearly :lol:

Hi Collie. Welcome to this group. It's a perfect place for impatient women - I should know 'cos I love it here!

:dust: to all

Pip x
Welcome to the newbies! It's very normal to spot a few days after removal and just like the others have said, each experience is vastly different. However, I will continue praising the unconditional support and encouragement you get from being a part of this wonderful group. We are with you every step of the way. It personally took me 6 months. At first I was just miscalculating my cycle length and on my 4th cycle I decided to use opks which helped immensely pinpoint that instead of a 28 day cycle, I was at a 38 day cycle!! I finally 'gave up' and decided to not try for a cycle. And as fate has it after a spontaneous test 'sunday' I got my :bfp: NOT expecting it.. I would've gone MAD without the support of this thread.

Pip; How are you doing, hun? Have you scheduled a doc's appt yet?

Calasen; keeping my fingers crossed for you, hunny. =)
Hi Megarice

Saw the doctor on Friday. Asked about progesterone and early scan. He's going to consult obgyn at hospital today to see what they recommend but not to get my hopes up. Booked in to see midwife on 15 April.

Got plenty of nausea, bloat, wind, backache, light cramps and sore boobs to make surei don't forget I'm pregnant! Did another test on Saturday just to make sure lines were getting darker and they were.

How are you?

Pip x
I'm glad to hear, Pip. I'm doing swell. I have my first appt today and I am excited. I don't know if to take my DH or not but he's coming! He's super excited as well. It's refreshing as my first husband did not take the news so well. Symptoms wise I haven't experienced much nausea. Instead I've been super tired, my breasts feel full and I definitely go to the ladies more often. So glad to be sharing in this journey with you! Hope everyone else is doing great. :dust: :dust:
Well I definately think my body is getting itself into a cycle after having mirena out. (tmi alert)...After a trip to the loo a bit earlier I got far too excited after wiping and seeing some CM on the loo paper! Hopefully evil mirena has not messed up my body too much after all!

Being very new to this I never realised or understood what this "gunk I keep seeing" was but having spent the past 10 days obsessivly reading about cycles, ovulating etc... I've been waiting for some kind of sign that I'm getting fertile! Hubbys gonna get some tonight!!! :rofl:

Sorry for the tmi but I am ridiculously excited!!

Sticky baby dust to all

Luxy xx
Well I had my mirena out today!! So I guess its all systems go. Speaking to the nurse that removed it she said I should start ovulating within about 7 days and she see's no problem with 'starting' straight away!

I'm excited!!

We're thinking about trying the Clear Blue Fertility Monitor, as I've been without AF for 7 years now I have no idea about my cycle. Do you think this is a good idea? Has anyone used it successfully after Mirena?
Yey Collie_Crazy how exciting!! I elected against the CB monitor as we decided to keep the pressure off and NTNP first (the first few :sex: seem sooo naughty!) but thinking about OPKs now after miscarrying :D
OK ladies, I have a question...This is the first cycle since I've been off the Mirena. I didn't have AF for 3.5 years on it, so as much as I would LOVE to have a baby, I'm primarily keeping track of everything via OPKs to know what my cycle is.

DH and I want to have as little stress as possible when TTC. We want to just have fun doing it, and leaving the rest into gods hands. However, I wouldn't complain at all if I had my BFP on April 8th for our 5 year anniversary.

Got the mirena out Feb. 16. Had post removal spotting for 4 days from the 16th-20th of February. 25 days later on March 12th I started my period so I marked the 12th as CD1. I decided to start using OPKs on CD9 since I wasn't sure exactly when I would be ovulating.

Took an First response OPK yesterday and it was negative (CD9). Took another first response OPK today (CD10) at the same time as yesterday, 1:30pm, and i'm pretty sure it is positive. Both control line and reference line are the exact same color, although, neither lines are super dark as they normally are. Usually the control line is always really dark, but in this case, they are both dark but not as dark as I thought they would be. They are both the same color nonetheless.

I know First Response predicts your 2 most fertile days and it predicts anywhere 12-36 hours. If it was positive today that would mean I will be ovulating around CD12 and CD13. Does this seem right? Would that mean my normal cycles right now are only 24-25 days? If that was right, then AF would becoming around 12DPO which would be around the 5th of April. Would I even be able to test that early? This is all so confusing. Thanks to anyone who made it this far. ;)

We BD last night, and this morning before DH went to work, and I'm sure there will be more when he gets home (like I said, we're having fun ;) )
We're thinking about trying the Clear Blue Fertility Monitor, as I've been without AF for 7 years now I have no idea about my cycle. Do you think this is a good idea? Has anyone used it successfully after Mirena?

I used the CBFM for the first time this month because I wasn't sure if/when I was ovulating. Turns out I was ovulating 4 days earlier than I thought so was missing the fertile window. Got my :bfp: the first month. I'd highly recommend them and, for me, worth every penny. Got mine from Amazon at a discount.


Pip x
Hello everyone

wow busy couple of days on here. My DS 15th bday was on thurs then more renos - just painting and redecoration on the weekend. 2 more rooms done now painting the kitchen and living room then the real renos start. But DP and i did much better then the first time no disagreements!

So I found my old calender when cleaning from before any bc 2yrs ago. I had a short cycle then 21-25 days long. That means if I have returned to that then I could have ov just after af first visit. When I wasn't charting anything for a few days.

However if I am now a longer cycle then I should ov in the next few days. I have no symptoms ie cervix or temps and ov kits are all neg.

I hate the waiting game and not knowing what my body is doing

welcome to all the newbies this is an amazingly supportive group!!!!

Pip that is good the dr is consulting with an ob! Calsen good luck on wed

baby dust to everyone!
Hello everyone

wow busy couple of days on here. My DS 15th bday was on thurs then more renos - just painting and redecoration on the weekend. 2 more rooms done now painting the kitchen and living room then the real renos start. But DP and i did much better then the first time no disagreements!

So I found my old calender when cleaning from before any bc 2yrs ago. I had a short cycle then 21-25 days long. That means if I have returned to that then I could have ov just after af first visit. When I wasn't charting anything for a few days.

However if I am now a longer cycle then I should ov in the next few days. I have no symptoms ie cervix or temps and ov kits are all neg.

I hate the waiting game and not knowing what my body is doing

welcome to all the newbies this is an amazingly supportive group!!!!

Pip that is good the dr is consulting with an ob! Calsen good luck on wed

baby dust to everyone!

I sooo feel the same honey -- its sooo frustrating not knowing one day to the next whats happening :)

Had 5 bdays this week so far and more to come -- I hate march/april :)

still no :witch: and no sign of her either :( so still clueless :) although OH claims thats my normal state :)

Hopw alls well girlys!!! :dust: to all!!!
Hi pdmcd17

Finally figured out what renos means!!! Hope your DS had a good birthday.

I'm all done in so off to bed, but I have just played my turn in Wordscraper. You're good!


Pip x

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