The Positively Positive thread of Positivity!*66 Positive Thinkers 24 BFPs so far!!!*

nautegesocks & Wantanerd - Im super excited for you both....i know ive said it a million times, but I truly am. I enjoy reading your does give us hope.
I dont want you guys to feel that just because we are not preg, we dont want to hear all the juicy details....because I live for those things! Keeps me going!

Opera - We are on a mission! We WILL get preg this year! 2013 babies! Im on a mission! I need to lose like 10-20 lbs as well....i tried on colored jeans today and let me tell you what a sad site that was lol I think they were made for size 0 people.

DH got his bloodwork back yesterday and everything was that suggests it is a blockage! Doc said its easier to treat a blockage than a hormonal issue. Hopefully he is producing sperm and those extra veins he saw were what is blocking sperm from coming out. I read the operation is complicated, but when done by a good urologist that specializes in it, there is a great chance of natural pregnancy afterwards. Time will tell I guess. I am prepared for whatever comes my way.
Sounds promising realy hoping everything works out hun good luck :)
I will keep you updated dont worry am realy routing for you all :)
Good luck on the metformin opera :)
Stinas that's good! I bet once that's taken care of things will just happen naturally!

Wantanerd...I really hope the metformin will help me lose this weight. It's not normal for me to be as heavy as I am right now. I've been eating the "insulin resistance diet" which is a good balance of protein and carbs. It's a little tedious making sure I have enough protein at every meal but I've already lost 2 lbs in about 3 days. If I keep on this track I'll be at a healthy weight in no time. What's great about this "diet" is that it can easily become a lifestyle. I can splurge every once in a while (you know, like when my grandma takes us out for ice cream) and not have to worry about it and I can cook food for both hubby and myself. Thanks for your encouragement and I'm super glad to hear it worked for you!

Everyone else, please keep us updated!
Wish me luck ladies im being induced at 9am tomorrow morning im feeling abouut 100 different emotions all at once fear, excitement, impatiant, joy im think i may explode :) i still cant belive how lucky i am i feel truely blessed will give youan update once ive had her :)
sending you all the biggest tonne of baby :dust: <3
nautegesocks - OMG YAYYYYYY ITS TIME!!!!!!! How exciting!!!!! Best of luck in your delivery!!!! Give us an update when you can!!!!! Yay! Super duper exciting!!!

Opera - Im glad everything is going good! I need to lose a few pounds myself...meanwhile im eating icecream as I write this post! haha

wantanerd - How are you feeling?
I am feeling pretty good. We just got word that we will definitely be moving by the end of the year. Right around the time our son is born, we should find out where. The squadron we are at now is pretty stressful for DH so it will be great when we move.
I went yesterday and got the last odds and ends I needed for the baby and now am just waiting and hoping the next 4-6 weeks go by fast!
Nautegesocks!!! OMGosh!!!!! How'd it go????

Wantanerd...I'm glad to hear that a move will be a positive thing for you and DH. :) Keep us updated. I bet you can't wait to meet your son!'s it going with you? O'd recently? Feeling pregnant? Feeling positive?

Wantanerd and anyone else who took metformin...did it make your sense of smell hyperactive? I was trying to do yoga this morning and all of a sudden the room I was in started smelling like dog vomit (I have two dogs...neither of them got sick and certainly not in that room) and then I could smell our trash can which was making the whole house stink and then I could smell the coffee on my breath which made me so nauseas I had to lay down. I still feel a bit queasy. My bedroom window is open and I can smell the trash bin in the parking lot next to our yard - it's like more than 100 feet away. Metformin is such a wonderful drug. Sigh!

How is everyone else? We haven't heard from a lot of you lovely ladies recently. :)
Nautegesocks - sooooooo????? Any news????

Opera - right now there is no way for me to get pregnant. DH was diagnosed with azoospermia sperm in ejaculation. We have an apt may 8 with a specialist to see if it's hopefully a block and he is still producing sperm. I am praying he still has sperm...urologist says it looks like a block since the testicles look good and all this bloodwork is normal. He also said it looks like there are some extra veins that could be the cause of the block. I pray every day for this. If there is sperm, we will do icsi or ivf hopefully right away. Besides all this heartache, I'm in waiting limbo.
How are you??

Wantanerd - that's great that you will be moving to a less stressful place....perfect timing too.
Luckily he will be back on day shift next week which is a huge relief for the both of us. I hate being on a different schedule then him. 4 months of night shift 5 nights a week really suck. We are celebrating next weekend by having a crawfish boil (we are flying in crawfish from Louisana).
My next Dr appt is on Thursday. I doubt anything will be happening as I will only be 35 weeks. I am hoping by the next appointment, I will be engaged a little or (fingers crossed) dilated some as well. I really hope he isn't too late. We pretty much have everything we need for him. I just washed the first batch of clothes, towels and blankets for him. I still need to pack for the hospital and get the lovely after birth supplies but that's it.
We are hoping we get orders to move in October but its most likely we will get orders to move in December. I am dying to know where! We put a few bases in Germany on our list as well as Boston, Ohio and of course Florida.

Opera, I never noticed that big of a change in smell but I started metformin back in 2002. I thought I had more sensitive smell than most until I got pregnant and then it really goes crazy.
OMG Night shifts suck! DH works crazy hours, 85+hrs a week, but we work the most on weekends, so he will be gone from 9am to I know how much it sucks.
oooooo warm weather is always nice!
crawfish boil mmm...sounds good even though I have never tried it.
Im sure you will have everything ready by the time its time. Dont stress about it. Do you have a "coming home" outfit?
I actually have two coming home outfits. One newborn with embroidered ducks with a matching blanket and a hat that says "I love mommy" or if he is too big (my guess is he will be over 8lbs) is a Classic winnie the pooh sleeper with a matching hat. Its always good to take two outfits! Especially since my MIL told me my husband didn't fit into the newborn outfit they brought to the hospital. (he was almost 10lbs!)

I am pretty calm usually, thinking about labor kind of scares me. Afraid going to the hospital too soon when contractions start and being sent home or waiting too long and missing the chance to get an epidural. (I am really not good with pain). So I am really hoping my water breaks naturally and they have to admit me.

I was scared after the birthing class hubby and I took. The nurse wasn't pro epidural so she just glazed over it and went on with mainly natural childbirth strategies. Then I went to a class a few weeks later with a very pro epidural nurse who explained a lot about what happens after you get the epidural and what birth is like and now I am calmer. Even though I always planned on getting one, after hearing the pro epidural nurse and talking to my friend who just gave birth without pain meds, I know an epidural is the way to go for me.

Hoping he comes around his due date or just before. I really want to meet my son in 5 weeks!
wow...just 5 more weeks? Thats crazy!
I agree with the two just never know! OMG 10lbs! God bless his mom!!
I went to one of those classes with my friend last June/July. There were a few classes, but I went in one day when her husband was unable to make was actually the day they showed the birthing room, the regular room, and where the baby goes and gets weighed...they also showed us all about the epidural. It was very interesting.
Im sure you will be ok...even if you go in and they send you home, you wouldnt be the first one to do that. My friend who I went to that class with went in when her contractions were getting bad....her water never broke, they broke it for her and she got the epidural.
I cant believe its almost time!
Hello ladies im so sorrt its taken a wile :) on 26 april at 11:30 pm i gave birth to a gorgious baby girl eden-rose i couldnt be more proud . here are the details i went in on the 25th had my first pessery about 11am started getting mild contractions on and off second pessery went in at about 6-7 pm then about 11-12 contractions started to come regularly and were becoming more painfull i tried to sleep but woke up each time i got a contraction they were coming every 5 mins by the morning they were even more painful the midwife examend me and broke my water (felt weird) was coping well.with contractons got to 4/5 cm and requested gas and air wich was fine for a wile but contractions were increasing with intensity i asked to try the pool they ran it for me was 4/5 in for 5 mins was lovely but contractions started coming literaly back to back so after half an hour got out by this timwa starting to become too painfull got examind again and had gone from 4/5 cm to 8/9 cm within half an hour id had enough was exasted so asked for an epidural midwife tried to put it off as i had gone so quickly but i insisted even the anasthetic that nubs the back before the epi helped me cope through as i was having a back labour so epi went in i was fully dialatwd but they wanted her to get as far down as possible so left me for 2 hours in wich time i was able and relax a little i let it ware off and at 10 :30 was feeling my contractions they wernt as painfull as before but enough so i knew when to push and pushing relived the pain and finally at 11:30 my baby girl was placed into my arms for skin to skin she was perfect after 2 hours of skin to skin she was grunting a little so they took her up to the scbu my partner went with her and i was left to wait im not gonna lie it was traumatising and i spent the next hour 2 hours having a panic attack and crying uncontrolably i finaly got to go up and see her at about 3am they gave her to me and i tried to.get her to breastfeed she wasnt very hungry she did well on all her tests and was breathing well so they let her come back to the ward with me she had a thing in her little hand and had to be on antibiotics so we were in hospital a little longer all her blood tests came out fine so we finaly got to bring her home sunday night i sobed with relife and happyness for about an hour we are settleing in now realy well shes perfect breast feeding well and genraly content she hardly ever cries is so laid back and more BEAUTIFULL every day i love her more than i could have imagind and now know the reason for my existance realy love being a mum THANK YOU for alk your support ladies i wish you all the luck in the world and am truly preying for your bfps thanks again for reading good luck and baby :dust:
The link doesnt work =(

CONGRATS on your baby girl!!!!
Sorry about photo ill put some up when i get to a pc for some reason i cant upload from my phone thanks for letting me know :) x x x
nautegesocks - Thats so wonderful!!!!!!!! CONGRATS!!!! Glad to hear everything went well and you and baby are home!! Cant wait to see the pics!
Aw nautegesocks thank you so much for sharing your story! I'm so glad everything went well and that you can enjoy your little baby in your ARMS! :) :flower:

Stinas I'm sure everything will be okay. Keep your chin up and good luck on your appointment. I'll be praying for you and your hubby!

Thanks for the info wantanerd! I think I've finally gotten used to the 1500mg/day. I'm half tempted to up it more b/c I don't know if it's actually doing anything.
I know how you feel with hubby being gone all the time, mine worked in the oil fields for a while. We hardly ever saw each other...kinda sucked. Anyway, I hope that things will work out for you and that everything goes smoothly. :)

Hope everyone else is doing well!

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