The pressure of gender expectations


Esmé and Teddy's mom
Oct 26, 2010
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Im currently team yellow, though we have our "gender anomaly scan" this Friday. I am fed up, I don't even know if I want to know the gender of this baby anymore, I cannot handle the constant comments from both my mother in law and my own family. I'm one of five and my mother currently has 7 grand daughters and no grandsons, my younger sister is yet to have children and I feel like I have the weight of the world on my shoulders at times to have a boy. My mother has said she doesn't mind, but then in the same conversation will say insensitive things like, oh, if you have a boy, I'll give up my job and move and look after him for you.
My younger sister is getting married in 5 weeks and she has pcos and has already cried to me because she's worried if I do have a boy, all the thunder will be stolen from her "big day" and everyone will be more interested in the baby than her. She's told me her fears of being infertile and how she many never even have a child.

My mother in law is worse at times and has two sons, she miscarried a daughter which has made her a little hard when it comes to girls. She loves her grand daughter now but kept insisting we would only ever have boys and when I said I hoped for a girl before we knew what sex our first baby was, she said, ugh, girls are whiney and spoiled and I flipped out and told her how dare she say such an insensitive thing. Well of course, we did have a girl and she made a huge fuss over names and refused to buy anything pink, only buying white or yellow or green items for the longest time, until she finally grew up! She has a different relationship with her grandsons and i very much feel her gender preference. This time she is pestering again, oh I hope it's a boy, for your mothers sake...and making me do gender tests, like peeing on bicarbonate to prove her intuition is correct.

I now feel like I have this chip in my shoulder , if it's a girl, will I be dissapointing people , if it's a boy, will they treat him differently or better than my daughter. The stress is terrible. My husband and I don't care either way, there are times I'd like a boy and times I'd like a girl. It just see,s so ridiculous!

I have told my sister that should I find out the gender I will keep it quiet until after her wedding, since no one is in dire need of knowing. I'm not trying to steal her thunder nor would I do anything that would and I do understand what she's talking about because clearly my family is nuts! :dohh:
Find out but just don't tell anyone till you're ready.
DO NOT worry about other people's reactions or disappointments. Their feelings on the sex of your baby means nothing. Boy or girl it doesn't matter it's just a beautiful new baby to love. If they don't like the outcome tell them to go jump, I would lol.
Hey Hun
I totally feel your pain
I too have a daughter, my parents have 3 granddaughters, and now my sister and I are both expecting again.
Everyone, including my mother in law want it to be a boy. My mother in law even said to me, what are u going to do if its another girl? And I said .. Nothing? Ill be happy.. And possibly in the future try for another baby and maybe God will give us a son. I don't even want to say what she really meant by "what am I going to do" because I cried so much after I understood what she really meant :( it was the most insensitive thing a person could ever say to a pregnant woman) anyways my husband really wants to wait until I deliver to know what we are having. Although he calls the baby a boy and even has a name picked out. The best thing to do is ignore these comments from family because at the end of the day, your going to be the one who takes care of the baby.
I think you and your husband should find out the gender and keep it a secret.
Just tell everyone that the " legs were crossed" or you'd like to keep it a surprise. If they keep insisting you find out, make a comment like
"We are happy to know that our baby is healthy and that's what matters to us, we are still gonna love the baby no matter what the gender is, so we don't care,
And those who feel the same way, shouldn't really care about the gender either"
I have three girls and my mil had three boys ironically she has also done the defeminising of my daughter, she has bought her boy clothes and takes her hair clips out, she also lost a baby that she thinks was a girl. I'm 11 weeks and dreading my 20 wk scan as the pressure is already building from everyone else - looking at the date if this have you already had the baby? What did u have. Xx
Hi, still pregnant,30 weeks...and expecting a we will have one of each. The mother in law was thrilled of course..."I knew it was a boy" she keeps telling me, sent mea large care package of boy clothes and is insisting on being arou d for the birth, something she didn't offer when I delivered my daughter, even though she knew I had no family around.

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