The Really Useful TCM Thread

hey daydream
I started the tabs on monday and the usual pms and cramps stopped the next day. the ibs has settled too so I think it proves it was all related to hormones. I usually get pms and period cramps from day 20 onwards but that had dramatically reduced since I started the meds. on the count down now to 22nd sept first injection ahhhhhhhhhh....
Hi ladies

Daydream - Good luck with the hsg. I know it's not nice having to have it but you are right at least you get it over and done with - and that means your BFP will arrive even sooner. I have a really strong feeling on that one! Please let us know how you get on!!

I am OK thank you! - have an early scan on Monday so am a little nervous about that. I will only be 5w6 (by ov dates, I think more like 6w6 by last AF) not sure if they will be able to see much.... keeping everything crossed and just trying to think positive that everything is going to be OK! I saw my gp and he has referred me to my consultant for my ante-natal care due to the complications I had last time. Still waiting for 1st app date to come through. hopefully will be soon....

Fitzy - sending lots of baby dust for a super sticky little bean. so glad you ovulated. fingers crossed the bean implants early - could be any day soon.... let us know when you get your BFP!!

Glitter - very very very best of luck with the ivf. glad to hear the ibs has got better -definitely sounds like its related to hormones. keep us posted with your news. IVF must be very stressful but worth it for when you get your bfp!

hope everyone else is ok. have a lovely weekend!


ps does anyone know how to change status? i notice some of you have personalised yours but I couldnt work out how to do it. I'd like to do that to mine too but can't work out how to....
Thanks Lulu..hoping I'm as lucky this injection cycle. To customise select "other" in the dropdown menu for family status and then in the "My Family" section underneath just type whatever you want your status to be. Hope that makes sense!
Hi Ladies,

I'm Back from my holidays and depressed - can't believe this weather - its a big change from the 40+ degrees in Spain for the past 2 weeks.... Oh well I should be use to it by now.

Hope your all keeping well - I tried to catch up on the posts there but there are alot of them so sorry if I miss people out.

Day Dream - sorry the LAP didnt go to well and the news wasnt great - hopefully your Acup man can give you some great herbs etc to unblock and heal the scar tissue. :hugs:

Glitter - good luck with the IVF - i can just imagine how nervous/scared/excited/sick etc you are feeling. I would be the exact same. And i hope it all ends in twins or triplets for you......

Lulu - OMG so happy for you - and so glad I came back to at least one BFP on here - it was too quiet for a while there. :thumbup:

Fitzy, Abi and the rest of the gang - hope you all doing well.

As for me - I started my usual spotting whilst on holidays (3 days later though on CD29) and it only lasted for 3 days (usually 5-6), then got AF CD32 which was heavy for a day then light then back to spotting for the past 4 days. So the clomid didnt work for me this cycle - onto my 2nd cycle now - take my last tablet tonight. The FS said if it doesnt help the spotting then no point taking it but it kinda helped in that it reduced the days a bit so I'll give another 3 cycles before giving up.

I think I might need to come to terms with the fact that i might need IVF - I should be called for it again in April 2011 as I deferred it last april - me and DH think it might be the only way for us. ANd if it doesnt work Im gonna have to give up and accept that its not meant to be for us!!!! :cry:
Oh and I got a call whilst on holidays to say my DH's best friends wife is pregnant..... :growlmad:

But I am happy for them as they are the couple who lost the baby in April at full term (2 days before her due date). They have been in a bad way since then but now at least they have something to focus on and look forward too. She is only 5 weeks and she thought it was ectopic but thnakfully it wasnt - really hope it all works out for them.
Welcome home Reba..hope you had a nice holiday! Even if clomid didn't result in BFP at least it helped the spotting..think that has to be a good thing. You still have the rest of clomid cycles and even if IVF is needed I'm sure you and OH will hold your little one in your arms someday soon so none of this negative talk that it's not meant to be..!! :hugs:
Hi Girls,

Reba, welcome back! I'd be depressed coming back from 40deg days too! Hopefully your body responds even better to the clomid this cycle, try not to get too down, easy said I know, but even if we all end up doing IVF together we will get there and it will all be worth it. :hugs2:

fitzy, I've got absolutley everything crossed that your baby bean is getting comfy. When you said your back at school are you a teacher or studying?

Glitter, hows the IVF cycle going so far? I have a good feeling for you too this time. Twins would be nice O:)

afm, should not look on google. I googled adhesions and scar tissue in uterus and fallopian tubes and I'm pretty certain it was caused by the c-section I had. It all seems pretty doom and gloom and I wish I had my Randine book back to see what she says in there. I'll have to ask my friend for it back. It seems the scar tissue can come back easily and risk of miscarriage is high blah blah blah. I know I'm doing the accu and tcm but still scared it won't help me and if my uterus is bad I wouldn't even be able to do IVF. Ok I know I really need to wait and talk to my gyno and see what he says.
hey day dream
still on the tabs twice a day- just e-mailed the clinic as i have no idea if i am to expect my period as normal as i began the tabs on day 21 of cycle it feels like it is about to come any day i even did a pg test- saddo i know but stranger things have happened but it was neg so i am 16 days past o but i suppose the hormone tabs are stopping it? sorry bout all the scar tissue etc can't they laser any of it away??
reba I am sure you wont need ivf but if you do we will all be here for you- small consolation i know but at least you should get one free go ??
hope everyone else is ok xx
Daydream, I'm a teacher..primary school! Going throught the ups and downs of a new school year and settling a class at the mo...mentally draining!!
Hi girls,

had my HSG today and all appears good!! Both tubes had fill and spill as they say and uterus appeared all normal. It wasn't as bad as I had thought it would be, uncomfortable yes and a bit crampy afterwards but ok. The dr and assistants who did it were really great I have been so lucky so far with everyhting I've had done. So I'm really excited and positive today that yes it's going to happen soon and we can start ttc again this month. Just had to come on here and share with my girls.

fitzy, my best gf is a primary teacher! I know from what she tells me it can be a tough job but she loves what she does. Some of things her kids get up too make me laugh! Hope all is going well with you.

Glitter, how are you going? I'm excited for you that it's all happening now!

Reba, hows this clomid cycle going for you? Are you having any accu aswell?

Lulu, have you had the scan yet? Hope you and bubby are doing well.

Abi, havn't heard from you for a while hope all is ok.

Love the fact that we are all over the world but have one common bond between us. Think of you all often. . .

Picked up some more herbs to brew today. Brewing for an hour and a half is a killer though and have my next accu app in a week. I'm trying not to get my hopes up that it will happen this month, but hopefully soon.
Hey Day Dream

Great news about the HSG - i hope your one of the lucky ones who gets pregnant the 1st month after their HSG....:thumbup:

My 2nd clomid cycle is going fine - nothing much to report. Im having alot more pains and twinges this month though compared to last month when I really had nothing worth noting. I hope thats a good sign....?? Just getting busy with DH now for the next week or so (will try for every other day and a few times a day around ov). I think I'll try a different position too (thinking about a hand stand type one :haha: ) might be a bit uncomfortable but sure what harm can it do..... :haha:
ooh Reba, hopefully those pains and twinges are all good signs. ROFL at the handstand type position! I'm sure it can't do too much harm except for maybe a broken bone, but hey if it makes a baby who cares right :winkwink:

Maybe I'll try that possi this cycle too!
yeah Im trying to imagine it in my head and how its going to work and I cant seem to figure it out. I think as long as there are plenty of pillows and cushions on the floor to break my fall I'll be fine..... hahahaha :haha: (might buy a karmasutra (is that the correct spelling) book and see if that gives me any tips! :rofl:
Daydream what wonderful news :) so so so happy for you. I know your bfp is imminent. You must feel so relieved all the investigations are done and now you can get back down to business knowing everything is working! Such good news.

I'm well thanks - just got back from 2nd scan and saw the bubby's heartbeat today :) am so pleased. The baby has grown 4mm since monday! They've put my dates back to 5+6 even though I make it 6+3. (and was using cbfm).

Reba- twinges sound good! I had loads of twinges for a week before ov the month I fell pg. Good luck!!

Fitzy- I had a dream last night you got your bfp! (I've been having very crazy dreams lately and dreamt I came on here to you announcing your bfp!). Let us know how you get on.

Love and baby dust to everyone!

Oh Lulu...that's so sweet..I've just come over a bit teary reading that..hormonal moi...??!!:haha:

Daydream...great that the HSG went'll be up the duff before you know it:hugs:

Reba..if you do manage to master that position reckon you should patent it as the "ultimate baby-making" position....could make you a bery rich lady!!!:haha:

Abi..where are you?? Am getting concerned:shrug:
Great news about the HSG Daydream, so glad it wasn't too painful for you and that you got the all clear.

Lulu, congrats on the scan, so glad everything is progressing well. And love your Fitzy BFP dream, talk about a sign!!!

Reba, DH and I did it mostly doggy style the month we conceived. Not sure if it made a difference but it sure doesn't sound nearly as exciting as your new move!! :rofl:
Hi girls,

lulu, thats awesome you got to see bubs heart beat! Glad your feeling well, hopefully you miss out on the ms. I think you deserve to have an easy pregnancy. Thats cool about your dream of Fitzy's bfp.

thanks Bernina, how are you travelling? When is your next scan?

AABBBIIIII, where are you?

Well dh and I dtd for the first time since lap/hsg today and I bled after. Kinda freaked me out as thats never happened but I guess with all thats been going on I shouldn't be surprised. I've bought some OPK's to use this month as I want to make the best of the next three months as they say you are sposed to be more fertile after the hsg. I asked dh if he would hold me upside down after dtd and he said no way I'd break something lol! I'm such a clutz.

Today I went to a new age festival and was selected by a medium out of a large crowd. I've been to three mediumships now and I always get selected and she was just so spot on. It was my nanna coming through to wish me happy birthday for my upcoming birthday. She knew I had a large broken mirror that broke recently in a storm, that my car was playing up and she knew my b'day was the 1st October. Weird . . .

I also got a Tarot reading but wasn't convinced. It was all a bit vague and could have applied to anyone and when I asked about more children she said just to relax and stop ttc and it would happen next year! Grrr well that was it for her! Anyway I'm pretty sure if you want a baby you have to dtd? Whats with ppl saying stop trying.

Oh and I tried some Kinesiology which is based on similar principles to Accupuncture and the same meridians but they communicate with your body and use pressure and touch. She told me my Kidney and gallbladder was weak and I had digestive problems so similar to tcm I guess. She also said I had a lot of pent up emotion of anger and sadness. I hadn't told her we were ttc. So quite interesting. I'm going to see her one more time to see if she can help move my negative emotions along.

Hope everyone is doing well, I can feel some bfps coming.
Hey girls,
I'm going to be taking a break for a bit. My body's pretty much fine now, but after 25 failed (and for the most part pointless cycles) my mind is toast and this could very well be what is preventing pregnancy for me now. It was my yoga instructor who suggested it on thursday and my first reaction was "No! What if we miss our chance?!" Which is exactly the point he was making and entirely why I need to give myself a break. I thought about it from Thursday evening to Saturday morning, when I saw Qing, and was really coming round to it being a very good idea. Qing thinks it is too and, coincidentally she's just about to go away for a month. So, the thermometer and Randine are locked away in a cupboard, I've put my chats away, the moxa's redundant and I'm not, that's NOT, checking my cm or cp - in fact, I'm not gointo have sex at all, not even once, this cycle! Fuck it, I'm in charge!! I'm not going to be pregnant by the time my friends have their babies and I'm not even trying to be.
I have another acu session booked for 16th OCtober and until then I'm going to follow the diet, eat ginger, use my hot wheat bag and take the TCM tablets but that's it. I'm already feeling very positive about it. If I think about TTC I start to panic that it still won't work , but I need to work at the relaxing about it I think.
Unfortunately there's no way I can keep coming on here if I'm to stop obsessing, so I won't be around for a while - I'm thinking maybe 2 cycles at the moment.
Good luck everybody - I hope when I come back the board's been a hive of BFP activity.
I'll come back this evening to do a last catch up but then I'm going AWOL. If anybody else is starting to hink this way, I have to say I think it's a good idea just to chill and be really healthy for a little while.
Lots of love,
Abi x
Hi ladies

Abi - Im totally with you on this - I actually posted something similar in my Journal on friday saying i think I will take a break from BnB (prob check up once a week or something). But Im def gonna stop panicking about not being pregnant etc - it really does take the joy out of your sex life and your life in general. Obviously im still gonna finish my clomid and see if that helps - if it doesnt we will just forget about it until i get called for IVF. Good luck to you over the next few months (i really hope you can totally forget about it and come back here to announce your BFP). Take care x :hugs:

Lulu - glad the scan went well

Fitzy - I will def patent the position if it results in a BFP :haha:

Daydream - I thought about kinesiology too - but at the moment its just another expense for me - it sounds interesting though.

Bernina - if the handstand doesnt work (physically) then its doggy for me all the way.... :blush:

Okay talk soon ladies :thumbup:

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