The Really Useful TCM Thread

Well I've had the lap and I have to say I'm not a very happy girl right now. The pain from the lap is bearable, tummy is a bit tender and the shoulder pains are more annoying than anything. My body did not respond well to the anaesthesia though as usual and I couldn't wake up out of the anaesthic properly. Ladies who went in after me were up and walking around and I couldn't even keep my eyes open. I could not keep anything down including water and they weren't going to let me go but finally did when I said I was going to stay with my mum.

When I was in recovery I came round to the sound of a new born crying and me being so out of it was dreaming I had just had a baby and it was so real. When I did finally wake enough it was only to look over at a new dad holding his brand new baby. I still have no idea why the baby was there (I think it must have come over from emergency dep.) It wasn't nice to wake up from that dream. :cry:

Then my Gyno came to talk to me and told me I had a lot of scar tissue in my uterus most likely from my e-c-section with ds. He said he had cleaned most of it. Then went on to say I had adhesions in my right fallopian tube which he removed and dye was running through it. My left tube had no dye running through it and I now after my next af I have to go have another HSG. I am just so miserable right now I don't know what to do with myself and I'm sorry for being such a downer but I just feel so alone and that nobody truly gets it and mum is trying to help but keeps saying oh well you just have to get on with it and do what they say.

I have so many questions for my gyno but was so out of it when he spoke to me and I don't see him till after the HSG, so another 3 weeks or so. I just want to know what it all means.

I see Adam on Friday so maybe he can give me some hope. . . .

Glitter, wishing you luck on your first IVF cycle. Looks like I might possibly be heading that way now

Fitzy, hope your body has produced some nice healthy follies for you!
Oh Daydream..I'm so sorry you had bad news about tube and scar tissue:hugs: During mine I had scar tissue and endo removed's awful when not expecting it. I know you prob just want answers. Hopefully the HSG will unblock the leftie:hugs:
Daydream, I'm so sorry for all that you've been through today :hugs:

I am glad that dr was able to remove much of the scarring from uterus and the right tube.

I'm sorry you have to wait so long to talk to the FS and hope the HSG does it's magic on the left tube.

I wish you a very speedy recovery and am thinking of you. :hugs:
Oh you both made me well up again! In a good way though. I am so glad I found this forum because you all really do get it. We are all going through slightly different journeys but we all have the same end goal. I am feeling better today I think it all just got to me yesterday. I was a bit of a mess, but I know I have to pull myself up and as mum said get on with it! I know she said it with love as she took 10 yrs to concieve me so knows how heartbreaking this all is and she lost a baby due to hydrops. So growing up I had a niggling feeling that I may have troubles some day.

dreading the HSG but just want it over with and maybe it's not as bad as I'm thinking it all is right now.

Hope everyone else is doing ok.

Lulu I still can't believe your news although I did have a funny feeling about you this month. O:)
Daydream - I'm so sorry to hear that you had scarring. Big big hugs. Im so glad though that they managed to remove scarring and unblock one of the tubes. So that explains why it was taking so long. Good luck with the hsg- but even with one open tube you still might fall pg before then. Thinking of you and sending you big hugs and lots of super baby dust (specifically focussed on the unblocked side!!!) xxx
I know its hard but think positive vibes-your womb is all nice and clean now and ready for a wee sticky bean to move in- i got pg in Jan after my lap in nov and accu can focus on making you ov with your one good tube- as can reflexology hope you heal well and soon xx
well girlies
even though I am going for ivf i am still stickin with accu- still seeing cathy once a week then having accu at clinic before and after egg transfer and i will have it hopefully to help the eggies stick. still really nervous though...........
Glad to hear you'll be doing accu in conjunction with IVF. What clinic are you going with Glitter??
Hey acugirls!
I was just going to catch up on my reading - it's 6 days since I even read anything on here! - but I can't just read and run after everything I've read in the last 2 pages.

Lulu, that's wonderful news! :happydance: You must be thrilled. I wouldn't worry about the bleeding - although obviously you will - because it's very normal up to 12 weeks, even a bit of red, rather than old, brown blood. You have TCM on your side! :flower:

Daydream, what a horrible shock - I'm not surprised you were in pieces (and what the hell are they doing, having women coming round from procedures to do with infertility in the same place as new-born babies?!! FFS. Don't we have enough to deal with?). I suppose on the bright side he managed to remove teh scarring and the blockage in one tube - but it must be horrible to have to wait weeks to go through the same procedure, waiting and hoping for the blockage to be removed. I hate, just hate, the knowledge that my body's not working properly. Then there's the fact that all your TTC up to now has efectively been a waste of time - much like our first 12 months before I started seeing Qing (and the good few months after then that it took for things to improve). Yes, your mum is really trying to help - and she obviously knows what it feels like - but if you dont' hear the right words for you then you don't feel you're being helped at all. Hope you feel stronger soon - after all, you have us :hugs: And you have Adam! Qing always makes me feel better x

Glitter, it's good to hear you're keeping up the acu - everything Randine says tells me it helps a great deal with IVF. Is it nerve-wracking gearing up to it? I can imagine it's all a bit unknown isn't it? Big hugs from here - here's to a summer 2011 baby!

Hey Bernina, how's the sickness? Very pregnant!

Sorryyour follicles weren't that great Fitzy - do you need a larger trigger shot? That's how I understand it but i'm not sure.

Oops, can't read any other posts to reply to them... how's my memory today...?

Laummatt and Rubes, thanks for your advice. Venison's a bit no-no because I'm veggie, but I'm having nettle tea now (not managed to find decaff green yet) and already have loads of iron rich stuff. However, I spoke to Qing about it when I saw her last saturday and guess what? A deficient spleen means you dont' absorb iron properly! Iron deficiency solved! It's gettin better now my spleen's stronger, obviously, but I've started taking 2 of my iron tablets a day on top of pregnancare, plus blackstrap molasses, nettle tea and the other iron-rich stuff I usually eat. I'll go for another blood test in a month or so and see how it's rocketed.

As for the rat and weddin fiasco the weekend of 14th august... we got up early on the saturday morning so we could leave the house at 8 to take #1 to my parents' house and take the 3-hour drive to the hotel and wedding venue for wedding ceremony at 2pm. Except we came down to breakfast and discovered that the rat we didnt' know was in the house had in fact been shut in the sitting room all night and wrought havoc. Including pooh. Change of plan - I take #1 to parents' house and Andy sorts out rat man andi start washing all #1's toys and the throws etc that we have in sitting room. At 2pm (argh!) the rat man arrives and is great actually. To cut a long story short when we find and then chase rat out of room it goes behind washing machine in kitchen which, it turns out, is next to a hole in the concrete floor around the pipes and wiring. So, they're coming in from outside - prob a cracked pipe under the house somewhere - we have floorboards under most of teh house - and have then come into our house. Probably on the offchance rather than infesting us, as we've not seen - or foudn since - any other pooh. So now we have 2 trays of poison under the kitchn units and 3 locked boxes in the garden. Got to the wedding reception at 8 after leaving at 4pm and spent sunday evening and most of monday steam cleaning the carpets and sofa and washing/disinfecting everything else. Ugh! The poison in the kitchen' not been touched but the 3 boxes outside have been well and truly gnawed and will need rebaiting maybe next week. When we get the kitchen done soon we're going to have a load of cement oured down the hole adn put down a solid ceramic-tiled floor. Not what I really wanted but it'll keep out hte vermin...

REmember I took soy from CD1-5 this cycle because I forgot CD1 is first day of full red flow and starting late at night meant I didn't get any til the following day? Well it stopped me ovulating first time round, on CD12. CM dried up but temps stayed low, so the egg clearly wasn't ready.. I've had my temp rise today - from 36.21 to 36.66! - so I think CD21 was ov day (or poss CD20 - 36.21 is low but I'd had less then 3 hours' sleep). Qing didnt' seem to o concerned but I doubt I'll have a long-enough LP (still, Lulu, you give me hope!). Fingers crossed!
I had my normal session with her last saturday and will see her again next sat (4th Sept) before we go to the seaside for the weekend. Fells liek ruddy winter now but I'm stubbornly hanging onto the hope that we'll have a beautiful sept.

Thanks for all your comments about our SA and CD21/4 results. :flower: Andy's now taking CO-Q10 enzyme, my old B-100s and l-carnitine as well as the anti-oxidant formula he's been taking for a while which has selenium, vit c, vit e and vit a in it.

Come on baby! In fact come on babies that are already growing or still being waited for, in ireland, n. ireland, australia, england, wales and the US. Hope I've not missed anybody out:blush:
I'm off to stay with my best friend for 3 nights in London whilst #1 has fun and frolics with daddy. Hurrah! I'll be travellin glight till I add my BBT thermometer, supplements, ginger to eat in the morning, huge jar of blackstrap molasses - shall I leave some of it behind?!
Have a wonderful weekend everbody!
Abi x
Hello again girls!

glitter, I'm nervous for you! I know you will be ok though using the accu with it I think will make a huge difference. When does it all start or have you already?

Fitzy how r u going? I was wondering after your lap how long did you bleed for? I'm still bleeding a bit but it's quite watery but hasn't really lessened. Still feeling quite sore and tender too.

Lulu, how r u feeling? hope bubby bean is getting very comfy in there. So exciting.

Abi, OMG at the rat destroying the house. I would have freaked. Sounds like something out of a movie lol. When are you planning on doing the kitchen? We are starting ours soon and I'm dreading it. We did our bathroom a while ago and the mess!! I think we will go with tiles too even though the rest of the house is floorboards. Hope you have a blast with your bestie. Girls need that every once in a while.

Well afm, had my appointment with Adam today and as usual he made me feel better and like my world isn't crumbling lol. Sometimes I think tcm is more councelling for me than anything. Anyway he said the results were obviously not what we were hoping for but he's glad I had it done as now he can target this problem. Apparently there are herbs that can help clear blockages. He was worried with my constitution that I could have cysts, scar tissue or endo but didn't want to treat for that till certain.

So I'm now on extra strong herbs that need to be cooked for 90minutes every night! One of the herbs is Wolfsbane and when I told my mum she was worried as it's poisonous but I assured her it's treated specially first then cooked for so long it is fine. I'm kind of excited to be starting these new herbs. I'm only on them for a week then new ones during af to really flush me out then onto some other concoction after that. I had accu in my lower legs mostly today and I do feel a bit better. He said my pulse was very weak after the op and my tongue coating is worse so good old spleen defiency. Lets hope these extra strong herbs do their thing. Oh and he said yes I should go for the HSG. Damn!
hey girles
fitzy I am going to care in sheffield as they specialise in older women so it involves a two week stay in England so going to try to treat it like a holiday hopefully keeping me relaxed
abs I usually ask loads of qestions with every procedure but i think I am going to go with the flow and try to just trust they know what they are doing
daydream I staet the tabs on monday-they are effectively hrt then first injection on 22nd sept and ec around 4th oct I am so nervous and such a lot riding on it as we can't afford to do it again it's so expensive. We get 3 eggies put back in though so its the best chance
Hi ladies

Just having a quick catch up. Daydream - glad to hear you are feeling a little more positive :) and so you should. I know the news is not what you wanted but your body is now in a much better place than it was this time last week and with Adam working his magic your BFP is just around the corner - I have a feeling....!

I am doing ok thank you - still excited and shocked but am so grateful that my little bean is in me. Just trying to think positive - I think Gabriel may have been looking down and helping us this month :)

Abi - rats sound like a nightmare! I'm keeping everything crossed for you. I know easier said than done but try not to worry about the LP. I was obsessed with mine (as you know) and on average it was 9 days (last month a ridiculous 6 days!) - but I still fell. And so did Laumatt and Jen with their short ones too - so it can be done. Send loads of visualisation for the egg to move quickly down to your nice womb - I am sure I had implantation cramps at 6/7 dpo (they were so bad I thought it was AF and even had to take paracetomal). I also ovulated late this cycle (i think day 17... compared to day 13/14 the 2 months before). Keeping everything crossed. Have a great few days in London.

Glitterqueen - best of luck with the IVF. oooh imagine if you had triplets! :) glad you are going to try and relax throughout the treatment - sounds like a good plan to let them get on with it. I know for one I overanalyse everything and sometimes I think it does more harm than good. Please let us know how you get on. Sending LOADS AND LOADS of babydust.

Fitzy - I saw your signature update. I really hope the increase in FSH stimulates some superlarge follies - go follies go!!! Hopefully the tcm will be able to help alongside that too.

Superbaby dust to everyone!

need a bit of advice I have ibs but recently the symptoms have been bad and not going away but the symptoms also match those of ovarian cancer so now I am worried. I have a laparoscopy in Nov and a dand c and several scans in feb so I ma thinking they would have picked up anything-am I right?? prob is just the ibs but the bloating and wind is really bad.
God this thread was busy today...

Abs, that rat issue sounds traumatic..glad it seems to be getting sorted with the help of mucho poisoning!! Hope you have a great time in London and that your temps stay nice and high for at least 10 days of an LP and then 9 mths beyond that!

Daydream...I bled for about a week I think but had spotting after that too, I was very tender for a week too so think that's normal. Glad Adam helped you feel bit more positive and those new herbs sound kickass!!

Lulu...glad everything is going well for you and hope Babs is making him/herself nice and comfy!!

Glitter...putting back 3 embies is fab. Can't believe you'll be starting treatment at the end of September. As for the IBS symptoms, amd sure anything out of the ordinary would have shown during lap but couldn't be sure. Might be worth ringing doc just for peace of mind??

As for me...well had a lovely dominant follie at 16mm today so will be triggering tomorrow. Follie will continue to mature and I should ovulate on Sunday evening...Bring on the BD'ing!!!:winkwink:
good luck fitzy!! catch that eggie xx have a gp appt on 5th Sept so will run it past him just encase xx
Glitter - I think I have ibs too as have terrible tummy pains (nearly always on the left) and it gets worse at certain times of the month - but apparantly ibs responds to hormones. I really think the scan (and esp the lap) would have picked anything sinister up - the scans can see tiny cysts (which are only filled with fluid unlike the bad dense ones) which are mm in size. I would raise it with your doctor but I really don't think you have anything to worry about as you have been so thoroughly checked out xxxx
thanks lulu
I get quite bad lower back ache and pelvic pain, can't help but worry but I know it's prob fine never had the pain for as long before its a nightmare xx hope you r doing ok xx
Hi my girls!

Hope you have had a nice weekend so far! I had a wine tour yesterday and did a little bit too much sampling :winkwink:

Glitter, the ibs sounds nasty. My mum has it and I always thought I did as I always got really bad wind pains and bloating (pains bad enough to make me vomit) and then sometimes constipation or diarrhoea but thinking about it now it's been a very long time since I've had it bad. Maybe it's the accu and no wheat/dairy that has done it? Knowing my luck I've jinxed it and it will pop up again now lol. I'm sure also the lap would have picked something up but definetly check with your Dr. Are you taking anything for the ibs? I know peppermint oil helped me sometimes. Oh and a girl I know just got her bfp yesterday after her first try with IVF they put back two embies and froze the other. So I'm thinking your chances will be good especially after the accu. I'll be sending lots of positive vibes to you.

Fitzy, catch that eggy! Sending lots of positve vibes your way too! Your body should be ripe and ready to go.

lulu, you really cheered me up saying you had a feeling! I hope your feeling was like mine and right.

Oh and I have to say that the new herbs taste disgusting! I'm usually pretty good at taking anything but I have to block my nose and drink. Anything that tastes and smells that bad must be doing something good? Right?
Hi all,

It's quiet in here hope your all doing ok.

I got af today so had to book my HSG, it's in 8 days eek. Really not looking forward to it, but hey at least it will be over and done with soon.

I'm going to see Adam tomorrow and will get some herbs to give me a good clean out apparently. I don't like going during af as he doesn't so much accu but oh well.

Glitter, hows your pains going hun? I think you've started the tablets now from memory, hope they don't have to bad side effects.

fitzy, hows the tww wait going? Got everything crossed for you.

Lulu, how r u going? Have you had any blood tests yet or got any dr apps coming up?

Abi, what are you up too? Hope you had a ball in London with your friend.

Well should go check on ds, I just left him eating dinner watching winnie the pooh as it's just us two for dinner tonight thought we'd have a lazy one!
Thanks Daydream! TWW is going ok..back at school so busy which takes my mind off it! FF hasn't put in crosshairs yet but when you do a HCG trigger hey recommend you use override facility in line with when Doc says you should ovulate. Think I'm 4dpo today:shrug: Went to accu this evening..just some shallow needles on surface points and worked on kidney a bit. Hope it'll help my beanie implant quickly and tightly..I'm thinking pregnant until proven otherwise:haha:

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