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The Two Week Wait ** January/Febuary** **NEW LIST FOR MARCH

Thank you Keerthy! It all makes sense now lol x This site is brilliant! Will keep you posted.:happydance:
Ladies update:

i have been dry for about 3 days now so i am assuming that i actually ovulated on Monday so that means i will actually be testing on e 12th but i am going to leave the 7th the way it is b/c this is when i am going to start testing!!



Testing in 24days!!!
I'm really nre to this whole CM thing and it really confuses me. If you are dry what does that mean exactly? I too have been dry for the past 3-4 days.
Congratulations emmalouise!

Sorry ladies, I didn't even get a chance to test this morning. My temp went down to 96.8 from 98.0 and when I went to the bathroom :witch: came. We are trying for a boy, so we only :sex: once when I OV.

:hug: Here's to a Jan :bfp: Chocolatecat!

:dust: to everyone :dust:
Congratulations emmalouise!

Sorry ladies, I didn't even get a chance to test this morning. My temp went down to 96.8 from 98.0 and when I went to the bathroom :witch: came. We are trying for a boy, so we only :sex: once when I OV.

:hug: Here's to a Jan :bfp: Chocolatecat!

:dust: to everyone :dust:

Sorry :witch: got you Hope 4 Second. Big :hug: and lots of :dust: for conception this month. Hey you may have an October due date and us Librans are lovely people :) We're trying for a baby boy if possible and only :sex: on OV day so I might be in the same boat as you this month if the timing wasn't spot on but I am still holding out hope and temping like a demon.

Chocolatecat big :hug: for you too. I'm glad you are still feeling positive and raring to go again for January. Lots of :dust: is winging it's way over to you as I type.

Also CONGRATULATIONS emmalouise. Wishing you a very healthy pregnancy.

Well I am 5 DPO today. Temperature has gone down a notch from 36.7 to 36.6 today and as I haven't got up yet not felt much else in the way of symptoms. Everyone seems to be getting sore boobs which I am not having and I feel left out :hissy: I do realise 5 DPO is a bit early to feel anything but one can always hope.
I just looked at the gender predictor chart at thebump.com and it said March is the month for me to conceive a boy at age 27. It was right about my daughter, I checked to see :rolleyes:, it said the only chance I had at a boy that year was in Jan. It also said this one might have been a boy! :dohh:

Just for fun! :winkwink:
Morning guys!!! nothing to report just bored so thought id drop a line!!!16th dec seems so so far away (my testing day), wonder if i can hang on til then??? not likely lol!! Can anyone tell me if motherhood comes naturally when u have a baby cos at mo i dont think id havve a clue!!!??

Love Jo
Hey luvs,

I woke up crying today! I felt my AF was on her way :cry:..... I felt broken! :cry::cry::cry: and was crying like a little baby next to my husband. Poor husband didnt know what to do??!!??
But ... am still here feeling its not my month. I am having AF type cramps since 3/4 DPO..... So may be she is on her way!
I think I am out this month too.....:cry::cry::cry:

Am off to visit my GP - TMI warning ....... to talk about my constipation and possible hemorroids!!!!!

Good Luck Everyone!

Well i am OUT - still no AF - but all these BFN 's finally sunk in ........i am NOT pg......
Hi ladies

Please can I join in, I havnt had the :witch: since my m/c 4 weeks ago but had a positive OPK yesterday so I think if am right 2 weeks today is testing date which will be around 15 January.

FX I am going to get my :bfp:this is going to be my year and am not going to give up hope if it nots positive as one month this year it will be.

Good Luck to all you lovely ladies:hugs:
Good Morning all.
No new things to report. Still having mild cramps (now wondering if it means af is on its way) and occassional twinges in my breasts.

I was going to test with FRER this morning but upon opening the box I realised it was a used one from last month :doh: af is due wednesday so I might test tomorrow but atm Im feeling like we didnt suceed. :(

Im beginning to worry, DH is 39 this month & I never thought TTC would take long at all... I know 4 cycles (if we miss out this time) isnt long compared to some but we really wanted our first before DH turns 40... only 12 months left. Eek!
Morning. I posted earlier in the thread that i'll be testing beginning of feb but it has changed to 25th jan!:happydance: only 23days to go x Still assuming i have a 28day cycle and ovulate around day14. A website said that my most fertile days would be next sat then for 3days after. Does this sound right? I'm still new to all these dates and things :confused: xxx
I reckon I will be testing around the 15th Jan, I don't chart my temps or use OPK's or anything like that. I reckon I am fairly in tune with my body to know when ov is roughly happening. Just about to enter the 2ww..
Good Morning all.
No new things to report. Still having mild cramps (now wondering if it means af is on its way) and occassional twinges in my breasts.

I was going to test with FRER this morning but upon opening the box I realised it was a used one from last month :doh: af is due wednesday so I might test tomorrow but atm Im feeling like we didnt suceed. :(

Im beginning to worry, DH is 39 this month & I never thought TTC would take long at all... I know 4 cycles (if we miss out this time) isnt long compared to some but we really wanted our first before DH turns 40... only 12 months left. Eek!

You hold out honey its too early yet and i dont want you having disappointment because you have a :bfn: because its too early, dont worry about your DH turning 40 next year hun, its never too late for men, my friend pippin has just got her :bfp: and her DH is 47.:hugs:
I know I am joining late but I expect to test on Jan. 14th.....

Current Symptoms are:
VERY VERY sore BB's for days, very heavy and painful. Unlike any BB discomfort I have had before. It hurts when I drive over bumps in the road or just walking...



I am 7 dpo and expect to get my :witch: on Jan. 12th..... I am hoping for a:bfp:

I have been trying since September and I had most symptoms under the sun... but this month I have BB pain like never before.... anyone experience this before and have been pregnant?
i am due 10-13 depends on cycle been having shorter cycles since coming of implant 24th oct last month 25days b4 that bleeding every 10 days so was not ovulating but did last month think i ov 26th-29th today 2nd havin bit of cramping more like heavy feeling what could this mean? good luck 2 every1

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