The Ultimate Gender Prediction & Outcome Thread!


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2014
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The name says it all - we obsessed over our charts and symptoms before that first BFP, so where is all the energy supposed to go? Into silly tests and old wives' tales of course! There are mini threads all over debating the validity of individual tests and tales, so we figured we'd combine them all and--most importantly--come back to update when we do find out!

Copy and paste the text from the "Quiz to take" spoiler and put it in a comment and I'll paste it in the original post along with your outcome (blue/pink!). You can also sneak a peek at the outcomes in the "References" spoiler. Game on!

:yellow: aidensmommy1
Baking soda test: Too soon, will update when I hit 10+ weeks.

Salt test: Too soon, haven't done this yet.

Ramzi theory: Left side @ 5w2d & 7wks :pink:

Headaches: Almost everyday, but this one is due to the progesterone, as I only get them right after doing my progesterone. So I guess it'd be :blue:

Morning sickness: TONS! :pink:

Beauty: A few breakouts and my skin doesn't look as "full of color" or soft. :pink:

Cold hand & feet: no, clammy/sweaty hands :pink:

Sleep position: On my back or to the right :pink:

What do you crave? Sweets/citrusy stuff (lots of fruit!) :pink: and some salty stuff & :blue:

How fast is baby’s heart beating?: 7 weeks--134 :blue:

Chinese calendar: :pink:

Did your chest change? Definite fullness :pink:

Along with the size of your chest, how are your breasts? Lefts a little bigger. :pink:

How is your hair growing? Same rate :pink:

What color is your pee?: clearish lately. :pink:

Are you moody?: VERY moody :pink:

How is your balance?: About the same as before for now...not clumsy, yet lol. :pink:

What does the vein in your left eye look like?: DH says he sees a "V" :pink:

Key test: I picked it up from the small/pointy end :pink:

Ring Test: Swings in circles :pink:

Spouse weight gain? it's early but he's already got a little pop belly! Lol. :pink:

I *think* I got them all...

17 :pink: & 3 :blue:

:yellow: babee_bugs
Baking soda test: No Fizz :pink:

Salt test: (Haven't tried this one yet)

Ramzi theory: Left side :pink:

Headaches: had a couple but not more than usual for me :pink:

Morning sickness: 24/7 nausea for 6 weeks :pink:

Beauty: Horrible!, oily skin, oily hair and Acne :pink:

Cold hand & feet: Warm Hands and Feet :pink:

Sleep position: Left :blue:

Pillow position: West

What do you crave?: Sweet :pink:

How fast is baby’s heart beating?: 12weeks - 160BPM+ :pink:

Chinese calendar: Girl :pink:

Mayan Calendar: 28, 2015 :blue:

Did your spouse gain weight?: haha sure has :pink:

Did your chest change?: Definite fullness and gone up 2 cup sizes :pink:

Along with the size of your chest, how are your breasts?: Right slightly bigger than the left :blue:

How is your hair growing?: normal :pink:

What color is your pee?: dull and cloudy :pink:

Are you moody?: Yes but only slightly :pink:

How is your balance?: Clumsy :blue:

What does the vein in your left eye look like?: V :pink:

14 :pink: 5 :blue:

Predicted: :pink:Babydreams85
Intuition: :pink:

Baking soda test: fizz or no fizz? I need to repeat this one. I used too much baking soda and not enough pee lol. When I shook it, it did foam (but didn't fizz), and as soon as the foam was there it cleared within 5 seconds. I'm thinking ? But who knows? :pink:

Salt test: Pour a layer of salt into a glass and then pour urine over the salt--make sure the glass is about half filled with urine. If you're less than 8 weeks, you must use FMU (first morning urine). Did the color of the urine change and start to look cloudy and/or did a bubbly/cloudy pattern layer form? Or did the urine stay the same color and remain clear and/or have elongated streaks from the bottom of the glass to the surface that immediately disappeared? Haven't done this one yet--will update later

Ramzi theory: Where is your baby & placenta attached in the uterus--right or left side? If you have a transvaginal ultrasound, the placenta will be either on the right or left - true to looking at the photo. If you have an abdominal, reverse the side--if the placenta is on the right in the photo, it's actually on the left in your uterus. This one is tricky for me, because my placenta/baby are directly on top of the photo. I'm not sure if the sonographer changed the angle either. I did compare it to my son's 6 wk u/s picture though, and placenta appears to be on the opposite side, so I'm going with :pink:

Ring test: String your wedding ring on a piece of string or a piece of your own hair and dangle it over your belly. Does it swing in circles or in a straight line back and forth? Circles, so :pink:

Headaches: Do you have more headaches since pregnancy? No, less :pink:

Morning sickness: Do/did you have morning sickness? YES! A lot :pink:

Beauty: Are you looking finer than usual or is your skin has broken out and are you otherwise looking lesser-than? I look terrible and so does my skin/hair lol :pink:

Where's the bump?: High or low? Sort of in the middle--too early to tell?

Where's the weight?: All out front, like a basketball, or is the weight spread evenly around your middle? Right now I'm bigger all over :pink:

Cold hand & feet: Are your hands and feet colder than normal or are they a bit moister and toasty warm? Warmer than normal, I sweat a lot (gross) :pink:

Sleep position: Do you prefer to sleep on your left side or your right? Right :pink:

Pillow position: Does your pillow face south or north? Not sure?

What do you crave?: Are you mostly craving salty foods and proteins, or sweets and citrus? Sweets/chocolate/ice cream :pink:

How fast is baby’s heart beating?: Is your LO's bpm greater or less than 140 beats per minute. Stays around 170bpm :pink:

Chinese calendar: This one gets a bit complicated, so just take the more accurate test here (this factors in your LUNAR age, not just your Western calendar age): It says boy, but every other one I've taken says girl (this one actually says my DS should've been a girl ) :blue:

Mayan Calendar: The Mayan’s took the mothers age at conception and year of conception to determine the gender of the baby. Are both numbers even or odd? Or is one number even and the other number? Both numbers are odd :pink:

Did your spouse gain weight? No :blue:

The Key Test: After placing a key in front of a pregnant person, watch to see what end they pick the key up with. Did you pick up the key by the round end or by the narrow end? I can't do this one, because I knew the results beforehand

Did your chest change?: Was there was a dramatic change in the size and fullness of your breasts or no real change? Definitely bigger :pink:

Along with the size of your chest, how are your breasts?: Is your right breast larger than your left/both the same size? Or is your left breast larger? Left :pink:

How is your hair growing?: Is it growing faster or at the same rate? Same :pink:

What color is your pee?: Is it bright yellow or dull? Dull :pink:

Are you moody? YES! :pink:

How is your balance?: Clumsier than normal or graceful? Not really clumsier than normal :pink:

What does the vein in your left eye look like?: Does the vein makes a V or not? Yes, it looks like a "V" right under the eyeball :pink:

TOTAL: 19 :pink: and 2 :blue:

:blue: Babifever
Predicted: :blue:
Intuition: :pink:

Baking soda test: n/a

Salt test: n/a

Ramzi theory: right, I think :blue:

Headaches: yes, but could be because of diabetes :blue:

Morning sickness: None :blue:

Beauty: No blemishes :blue:

Cold hand & feet: both, buts winter lol :blue:

Sleep position: both, I can never get comfortable, but mostly right :pink:

Pillow position: dont understand the question lol

What do you crave?: sweet and sour stuff and fruit :pink:

How fast is baby’s heart beating?: 6 weeks 121, 7 weeks 162, 9 weeks 179 :pink:

Chinese calendar: Boy :blue:

Mayan Calendar:

Did your chest change?: fullness a little, not much of a change :blue:

Along with the size of your chest, how are your breasts? Light tenderness, sometimes

How is your hair growing?: Fast :blue:

What color is your pee?: dull :pink:

Are you moody?: moody, one minute I'm up, one minute I'm down, less affectionate :pink:

How is your balance? Its okay, I'm always clumsy anyway

What does the vein in your left eye look like?: No V :boy:

TOTAL: 9 :blue: and 6 :pink:

:yellow: BethMaassen
Baking soda test: No Fizz :pink:

Salt test: Stayed the same :pink:

Ramzi theory: Right :blue:

Ring test: Back and Forth :blue:

Headaches:No :pink:

Morning sickness: Not really :blue:

Beauty: Beakouts and dry skin :pink:

Where's the bump?: High. :pink:

Where's the weight?: Spead out :pink:

Cold hand & feet: Warm hands and feet :pink:

Sleep position: Right :pink:

Pillow position: North :blue:

What do you crave?: Mostly sweet :pink:

How fast is baby’s heart beating?: 175 bpm :pink:

Chinese calendar: :pink:

Mayan Calendar: 28, 2015 :blue:

Did your spouse gain weight? Don't know.

The Key Test: Narrow. I always have picked keys up this way though. :pink:

Did your chest change?: Fuller :pink:

Along with the size of your chest, how are your breasts?: Same Size

How is your hair growing?: Same rate :pink:

What color is your pee?: Dull and cloudy :pink:

Are you moody? Extremely :pink:

How is your balance?: Not clumsy :pink:

What does the vein in your left eye look like?: V :pink:
TOTAL: 18 :pink: and 5 :blue:

:yellow: bparsons
Baking soda test: fizz or no fizz? Fizz :blue:

Salt test: Pour a layer of salt into a glass and then pour urine over the salt--make sure the glass is about half filled with urine. If you're less than 8 weeks, you must use FMU (first morning urine). Did the color of the urine change and start to look cloudy and/or did a bubbly/cloudy pattern layer form? Or did the urine stay the same color and remain clear and/or have elongated streaks from the bottom of the glass to the surface that immediately disappeared? N/A

Ramzi theory: Where is your baby & placenta attached in the uterus--right or left side? If you have a transvaginal ultrasound, the placenta will be either on the right or left - true to looking at the photo. If you have an abdominal, reverse the side--if the placenta is on the right in the photo, it's actually on the left in your uterus. Right :blue:

Ring test: String your wedding ring on a piece of string or a piece of your own hair and dangle it over your belly. Does it swing in circles or in a straight line back and forth? Back and Forth :blue:

Headaches: Do you have more headaches since pregnancy? Yes :blue:

Morning sickness: Do/did you have morning sickness? No :blue:

Beauty: Are you looking finer than usual or is your skin has broken out and are you otherwise looking lesser-than? Finer Than Usual :blue:

Where's the bump?: High or low? Low :blue:

Where's the weight?: All out front, like a basketball, or is the weight spread evenly around your middle? All out in front :blue:

Cold hand & feet: Are your hands and feet colder than normal or are they a bit moister and toasty warm? Colder than normal :blue:

Sleep position: Do you prefer to sleep on your left side or your right? Left :blue:

Pillow position: Does your pillow face south or north? North :blue:

What do you crave?: Are you mostly craving salty foods and proteins, or sweets and citrus? Mostly Salty savory foods :blue:

How fast is baby’s heart beating?: Is your LO's bpm greater or less than 140 beats per minute Greater :pink:

Chinese calendar: This one gets a bit complicated, so just take the more accurate test here (this factors in your LUNAR age, not just your Western calendar age): Chinese Gender Chart: Boy :blue:

Mayan Calendar: The Mayan’s took the mothers age at conception and year of conception to determine the gender of the baby. Are both numbers even or odd? Or is one number even and the other number? Both are odd :pink:

Did your spouse gain weight? Yes :pink:

The Key Test: After placing a key in front of a pregnant person, watch to see what end they pick the key up with. Did you pick up the key by the round end or by the narrow end? round end :blue:

Did your chest change?: Was there was a dramatic change in the size and fullness of your breasts or no real change? no real change :blue:

Along with the size of your chest, how are your breasts?: Is your right breast larger than your left/both the same size? Or is your left breast larger? Right is bigger than left :blue:

How is your hair growing?: Is it growing faster or at the same rate? Faster than normal :blue:

What color is your pee?: Is it bright yellow or dull? bright yellow :blue:

Are you moody? no not at all :blue:

How is your balance?: Clumsier than normal or graceful? clumsier :blue:

What does the vein in your left eye look like?: Does the vein makes a V or not? Makes a V :pink:

TOTAL: 20 :blue: and 4 :pink:

:yellow: carebear1981
Baking soda test: gross... I don't want to play with my pee. Staying :yellow: for this one

Salt test: Again, the thought of playing with pee grosses me out... :yellow:

Ramzi theory: from what I remember looking at the screen for the transvaginal, the baby was attached on the left side of the screen so but will double check at next scan :pink:

Ring test: crap... I stopped wearing my ring cuz my fingers would get so hot and sticky at night that I would wake up and have to pry my rings off... will try this when I get home. UPDATE: swung back and forth so :blue:
Headaches: Do you have more headaches since pregnancy? Yes :blue:

Morning sickness: Do/did you have morning sickness? Urm... I have night sickness, does that count? if so, :pink: if not, :blue:

Beauty: Are you looking finer than usual or is your skin has broken out and are you otherwise looking lesser-than? I'm looking like usualy, kinda have acne prone skin anyways so I'd probably go with :blue:

Where's the bump?: High or low? Too soon to tell :yellow:

Where's the weight?: All out front, like a basketball, or is the weight spread evenly around your middle? Well, I broke my foot a couple months ago so I put on weight all around anyways. So :pink:

Cold hand & feet: Are your hands and feet colder than normal or are they a bit moister and toasty warm? Tough one too. Cuz it's winter so I'm freezing all the time but like I said, my hands would get sweaty and swell at night so I'd have to say :pink:

Sleep position: Do you prefer to sleep on your left side or your right? I sleep on my back. Been trying to learn how to sleep on my side cuz I know it's supposed to be bad for back sleepers, especially in the second and third tri. But I think I prefer my right side :pink:

Pillow position: Does your pillow face south or north? North... but it does all the time! :blue:

What do you crave?: Are you mostly craving salty foods and proteins, or sweets and citrus? I've been craving fruit, mostly the sweet kind like strawberries and melon so I'd have to say :pink: BUT, I also read that if you eat like a teenage boy it means you're having a boy so possibly :blue:

How fast is baby’s heart beating?: Is your LO's bpm greater or less than 140 beats per minute: Not sure my doc only told me it was good. I will update at my next scan. For now :yellow:

Chinese calendar: This one gets a bit complicated, so just take the more accurate test here (this factors in your LUNAR age, not just your Western calendar age): Chinese Gender Chart :pink:

Mayan Calendar: The Mayan’s took the mothers age at conception and year of conception to determine the gender of the baby. Are both numbers even or odd? Or is one number even and the other number? Both odd :pink:

Did your spouse gain weight? No... jerk... he's been losing!! :blue:

The Key Test: After placing a key in front of a pregnant person, watch to see what end they pick the key up with. Did you pick up the key by the round end or by the narrow end? From what I know of what I normally do, I always pick up the big end so :blue:

Did your chest change?: Was there was a dramatic change in the size and fullness of your breasts or no real change? No change :blue:

Along with the size of your chest, how are your breasts?: Is your right breast larger than your left/both the same size? Or is your left breast larger? Yep... just felt my boobs at work they feel the same so :blue:

How is your hair growing?: Is it growing faster or at the same rate? No change so :pink:

What color is your pee?: Is it bright yellow or dull? Bright :blue:

Are you moody? Not really... more emotional like things make my cry like commercials on tv... I guess that's moody so :pink:

How is your balance?: Clumsier than normal or graceful? I feel clumsier though I'm not very graceful to begin with. And it could also be my broken foot so :blue:

What does the vein in your left eye look like?: Does the vein makes a V or not? No V :blue:

Looks like 11 :blue: 8 :pink: (I ignored the ones I answered both or )
At first I was so sure it was a girl but recently I've been feeling boy!

Predicted: :blue: by 1! BRIT1416
Baking soda test: no fizz :pink:

Salt test: :blue:

Ramzi theory: :blue:

Ring test: :pink:

Headaches: :blue:

Morning sickness: :pink:

Beauty: :pink:

Where's the bump?: :pink:

Where's the weight?: :pink:

Cold hand & feet: :blue:

Sleep position: :pink:

Pillow position: n/a

What do you crave?: :blue:

How fast is baby’s heart beating?: 150 :pink:

Chinese calendar: :blue:

Mayan Calendar: :blue:

Did your spouse gain weight?: :blue:

The Key Test: n/a

Did your chest change?: :pink:

Along with the size of your chest, how are your breasts?: :blue:

How is your hair growing?: :blue:

What color is your pee?: :blue:

Are you moody?: :pink:

How is your balance?: :blue:

What does the vein in your left eye look like?: :blue:

12 :blue: 11 :pink:

Predicted: :pink: Catith
Baking soda test: fizz or no fizz? No fizz :pink:

Ramzi theory: left. :pink:

Headaches: :blue:

Morning sickness: :pink:

Beauty: ance. Bluh. :pink:

Where's the bump?: High :pink:

Where's the weight?: hard to say. I'm not showing enough to determine accurately.

Cold hand & feet: yeah but it's winter lol

Sleep position: I switch back and forth all night.

What do you crave?: fruit :pink:

How fast is baby’s heart beating?: :pink:

Chinese calendar: I can't remember but I think it said :blue:

Mayan Calendar: :blue:

Did your spouse gain weight? No yet lol

Did your chest change?: :pink:

How is your hair growing?: :pink:

What color is your pee?: :pink:

Are you moody? :pink:

How is your balance?: but I was never very clumsy :pink:

What does the vein in your left eye look like?: :pink:

12 :pink: 4 :blue: lol

Predicted: :blue: Catith Last Pregnancy
Baking soda test: fizz or no fizz? I hadn't heard of this with him.

Ramzi theory: right. :blue:

Headaches: yes (the headaches are way worse this time though) :blue:

Morning sickness: (with DS I threw up A LOT but I felt ok in between the throwing up. This time I am nauseous 24/7 and could never eat but I never throw up.) :pink:

Beauty: :blue:

Where's the bump?: low. :blue:

Where's the weight?: :blue:

Cold hand & feet: we lived in the south and it was spring/summer so I was boiling all the time.

Sleep position: I switch back and forth all night.

What do you crave?: I had ZERO cravings with him but when I wanted junk food it was always things like chips or fries, never cookies or sweets so I'll say :blue:

How fast is baby’s heart beating?: both babies actually had the exact same heart rate :pink:

Chinese calendar: :blue:

Mayan Calendar: :pink:

Did your spouse gain weight? Yes :pink:

Did your chest change?: not at all and it hasnt yous time either. :blue:

How is your hair growing?: :pink:

What color is your pee?: I'm very well hydrated lol :pink:

Are you moody? I was surprisingly normal for a pregnant women. :blue:

How is your balance?: but I was never very clumsy :pink:

What does the vein in your left eye look like?: I hadn't heard this one either.

9 :blue: 7 :pink:

:yellow: CrazyMumma
Ramzi theory: Left side of uterus according to scan pic but she did say its anterior? :pink:

Ring test: String your wedding ring on a piece of string or a piece of your own hair and dangle it over your belly. Does it swing in circles or in a straight line back and forth?

Headaches: Do you have more headaches since pregnancy? No :pink:

Morning sickness: Do/did you have morning sickness? Yes :pink:

Beauty: Are you looking finer than usual or is your skin has broken out and are you otherwise looking lesser-than? I look like crap! :pink:

Where's the bump?: High or low? High :pink:

Where's the weight?: All out front, like a basketball, or is the weight spread evenly around your middle? Out the front atm :pink:

Cold hand & feet: Are your hands and feet colder than normal or are they a bit moister and toasty warm? Colder :blue:

Sleep position: Do you prefer to sleep on your left side or your right? Right :pink:

Pillow position: Does your pillow face south or north? No idea!

What do you crave?: Are you mostly craving salty foods and proteins, or sweets and citrus? Salt salt and more salt :blue:

How fast is baby’s heart beating?: Is your LO's bpm greater or less than 140 beats per minute Between 150 - 170 :pink:

Chinese calendar: This one gets a bit complicated, so just take the more accurate test here (this factors in your LUNAR age, not just your Western calendar age): Chinese Gender Chart Girl :pink:

Mayan Calendar: The Mayan’s took the mothers age at conception and year of conception to determine the gender of the baby. Are both numbers even or odd? Or is one number even and the other number? Both odd :pink:

Did your spouse gain weight? No :blue:

The Key Test: After placing a key in front of a pregnant person, watch to see what end they pick the key up with. Did you pick up the key by the round end or by the narrow end? Round :blue:

Did your chest change?: Was there was a dramatic change in the size and fullness of your breasts or no real change? My boobs exploded :blue:

Along with the size of your chest, how are your breasts?: Is your right breast larger than your left/both the same size? Or is your left breast larger? Same size :blue:

How is your hair growing?: Is it growing faster or at the same rate? Too friggen fast :blue:

What color is your pee?: Is it bright yellow or dull? Bright :blue:

Are you moody? Yes...poor hubby :pink:

How is your balance?: Clumsier than normal or graceful? I wish I was graceful! I'm clumsy as f*ck :blue:

What does the vein in your left eye look like?: Does the vein makes a V or not? Eww! its a V :pink:

I didn't do the pee tests yet though!

TOTAL: 12 :pink: and 9 :blue:

Predicted: :blue:GingerPanda
Here were my test results:

Baking soda test: :blue:
Salt test: :blue:
Ramzi Theory: :blue:
Ring test: :blue:
Headaches: :blue:
Morning sickness: :pink:
Beauty: :pink:
Weight: :blue:
Cold hands/feet: :blue:
Sleep position: :pink:
Cravings: :blue:
Baby's HB: :pink:
Chinese calendar: :pink:
Mayan calendar: :pink:
Spouse weight gain: :blue:
Key test: :blue:
Breast change: :pink:
Breast size difference: :blue:
Hair growth rate: :blue:
Urine color: :blue:
Moodiness: :blue:
Balance test: :pink:
Eye vein test: :blue:

:blue: = 15
:pink: = 8

:pink: horseypants
Predicted :blue: !
Baking soda test: fizz or no fizz?

Fizz :blue:

Salt test: Pour a layer of salt into a glass and then pour urine over the salt--make sure the glass is about half filled with urine. If you're less than 8 weeks, you must use FMU (first morning urine). Did the color of the urine change and start to look cloudy and/or did a bubbly/cloudy pattern layer form? Or did the urine stay the same color and remain clear and/or have elongated streaks from the bottom of the glass to the surface that immediately disappeared?

The first option :blue:

Ramzi theory: Where is your baby & placenta attached in the uterus--right or left side? If you have a transvaginal ultrasound, the placenta will be either on the right or left - true to looking at the photo. If you have an abdominal, reverse the side--if the placenta is on the right in the photo, it's actually on the left in your uterus.

The right :blue:

Ring test: String your wedding ring on a piece of string or a piece of your own hair and dangle it over your belly. Does it swing in circles or in a straight line back and forth?

Mostly back and forth :blue:

Headaches: Do you have more headaches since pregnancy?

More headaches :blue:

Morning sickness: Do/did you have morning sickness?

Yes :pink:

Beauty: Are you looking finer than usual or is your skin has broken out and are you otherwise looking lesser-than?

Breakouts, not beautiful! :pink:

Where's the bump?: High or low?

High :pink:

Where's the weight?: All out front, like a basketball, or is the weight spread evenly around your middle?

All out front :blue:

Cold hand & feet: Are your hands and feet colder than normal or are they a bit moister and toasty warm?

Cold hands and feet :blue:

Sleep position: Do you prefer to sleep on your left side or your right?

Right side :pink:

Pillow position: Does your pillow face south or north?

North :blue:

What do you crave?: Are you mostly craving salty foods and proteins, or sweets and citrus?

Sour! :yellow: :shrug:

How fast is baby’s heart beating?: Is your LO's bpm greater or less than 140 beats per minute

On the fast side. :pink:

Chinese calendar: This one gets a bit complicated, so just take the more accurate test here (this factors in your LUNAR age, not just your Western calendar age): Chinese Gender Chart

Girl! :pink:

Mayan Calendar: The Mayan’s took the mothers age at conception and year of conception to determine the gender of the baby. Are both numbers even or odd? Or is one number even and the other number?

Both even. :pink:

Did your spouse gain weight?

No :blue:

The Key Test: After placing a key in front of a pregnant person, watch to see what end they pick the key up with. Did you pick up the key by the round end or by the narrow end?

Round :blue:

Did your chest change?: Was there was a dramatic change in the size and fullness of your breasts or no real change?

No real change :blue:

Along with the size of your chest, how are your breasts?: Is your right breast larger than your left/both the same size? Or is your left breast larger?

Same size :blue:

How is your hair growing?: Is it growing faster or at the same rate?

Same rate :pink:

What color is your pee?: Is it bright yellow or dull?

Bright :blue:

Are you moody?

Yesssssss :pink:

How is your balance?: Clumsier than normal or graceful?

Clumsy as ever :blue:

What does the vein in your left eye look like?: Does the vein makes a V or not?

Yup! :pink:

TOTAL: 9 :pink: and 15 :blue:

:yellow: jrob
Baking soda test: Didn't try this one.

Salt test: Stayed the same. :pink:

Ramzi theory: My guess is left side, but I don't really know for sure. :pink:

Ring test: Did not do this one.

Headaches: I get headaches sometimes, but no more than I did before being pregnant. :pink:

Morning sickness: HORRIBLE morning sickness :pink:

Beauty: Breaking out pretty bad lately :pink:

Where's the bump?: Too soon to tell

Where's the weight?: Can't tell yet. I've lost weight so far because of the morning sickness and am only starting to gain it back now.

Cold hand & feet: Warm hands and feet :pink:

Sleep position: Right side :pink:

Pillow position: I have no idea. How do you even tell which direction it's facing?

What do you crave?: Sweet and Citrus :pink:

How fast is baby’s heart beating?: Last scan was 157 bmp. All previous scans have been above 145. :pink:

Chinese calendar: Predicts Girl :pink:

Mayan Calendar: 31, 2015 = Girl :pink:

Did your spouse gain weight? A little bit. :pink:

The Key Test: Narrow end. :pink:

Did your chest change?: No real change yet. :blue:

Along with the size of your chest, how are your breasts?: Same as before pregnancy, right breast is slightly bigger. :blue:

How is your hair growing?: Same rate. :pink:

What color is your pee?: Light yellow. Not bright or dull, just healthy and hydrated, so I don't know what that means.

Are you moody? Yes :pink:

How is your balance?: I have always been clumsy, but lately I have been more careful since I know it's not just me I can injure. So I guess I'm more graceful than before. :pink:

What does the vein in your left eye look like?: I don't think so. I wear glasses so it is hard to tell with them on and then I can't see when I take them off. UPDATE: I just had a few people look in my eye and they said there is a V. :pink:
TOTAL: #17 :pink: and #3 :blue:

Predicted: :blue: by 1! K8te
Baking soda test: fizz :blue:

Salt test: Stayed the same :pink:

Ramzi theory: N/A

Ring test: circles :pink:

Headaches: None :pink:

Morning sickness: Yes :pink:

Beauty: Same :blue:

Where's the bump?: N/A

Where's the weight?: N/A

Cold hand & feet: Cold :blue:

Sleep position: Left Side :blue:

Pillow position: North :blue:

What do you crave?: Protein and Carbs :blue:

How fast is baby’s heart beating?: N/A

Chinese calendar: Girl :pink:

Mayan Calendar: one odd one even :blue:

Did your spouse gain weight? No :blue:

The Key Test: Narrow :pink:

Did your chest change?: No change :blue:

Along with the size of your chest, how are your breasts?: Left bigger :pink:

How is your hair growing?: Faster :blue:

What color is your pee?: Dull :pink:

Are you moody? Yes :pink:

How is your balance?: Clumsy :blue:

What does the vein in your left eye look like?: V :pink:

= 10 :pink:
= 11 :blue:

Predicted: :pink: Catith
Baking soda test: fizz or no fizz? No fizz :pink:

Ramzi theory: left. :pink:

Headaches: :blue:

Morning sickness: :pink:

Beauty: ance. Bluh. :pink:

Where's the bump?: High :pink:

Where's the weight?: hard to say. I'm not showing enough to determine accurately.

Cold hand & feet: yeah but it's winter lol

Sleep position: I switch back and forth all night.

What do you crave?: fruit :pink:

How fast is baby’s heart beating?: :pink:

Chinese calendar: I can't remember but I think it said :blue:

Mayan Calendar: :blue:

Did your spouse gain weight? No yet lol

Did your chest change?: :pink:

How is your hair growing?: :pink:

What color is your pee?: :pink:

Are you moody? :pink:

How is your balance?: but I was never very clumsy :pink:

What does the vein in your left eye look like?: :pink:

12 :pink: 4 :blue: lol

Predicted: :pink: lau86
Here's mine

Baking soda test- no fizz :pink:

Ramzi theory- no early scan so I don't know

Ring test- swings round :pink:

Headaches- yes more frequent but not too bad :blue:

Morning sickness- or all day sickness! :pink:

Beauty- looking pale and horrid :pink:

Bump- haven't really got one but looks low :blue:

Weight- not really put any on so? :pink:

Hands and feet- cold, but my thyroid is playing up :blue:

Sleep position and pillow: right side, not sure how to know where my pillow is 'facing'?!

Cravings- salty and citrus?!! :pink: :blue:

Heart rate- always above 150 :pink:

Chinese gender chart- :blue:

Mayan calendar: age 28 conception 2015 :blue:

Spouse weight gain- yes I think he has :pink:

Key test? Not done

Chest changes: look much bigger IMO :pink: but I think right is bigger :blue:

Hair growth- the same :pink:

Pee- mostly dull :pink:

Moody- yes, but I am tired and nauseous! :pink:

Balance- definitely more clumsy!

Vein- not sure on this one

So 13 :pink: and 8 :blue: !

Predicted: :pink: Laurac1988
Baking soda test: n/a

Salt test: n/a

Ramzi theory: :pink:

Ring test: n/a

Headaches: (I'm having headaches, but no more than I had pre pregnancy) :pink:

Morning sickness: :pink:

Beauty: :pink:

Where's the bump?:

Where's the weight?:

Cold hand & feet: :pink:

Sleep position: :blue:

Pillow position: :blue:

What do you crave?: :pink:

How fast is baby’s heart beating?: :pink: (159bpm)

Chinese calendar: :pink:

Mayan Calendar: (27/2015) :pink:

Did your spouse gain weight?:

The Key Test: :blue:

Did your chest change?: :pink:

Along with the size of your chest, how are your breasts?: :blue:

How is your hair growing?: :pink:

What color is your pee?: :pink:

Are you moody?: :pink:

How is your balance?: :pink:

What does the vein in your left eye look like?: :pink:

15 :pink: 4 :blue:

:pink: DD in 2014/2015 madseasons
predicted :blue:
Baking soda test: Fizz :blue:

Salt test: Didn’t do this one….

Ring Test: :blue:

Ramzi theory: Left side :blue:

Headaches: YES! :pink:

Morning sickness: No :blue:

Beauty: Great :blue:

Cold hand & feet: Warm Hands and Feet :pink:

Sleep position: Left :blue:

Pillow position: Northeast :blue:

What do you crave?: Sweet :pink:

How fast is baby’s heart beating?: then (it changed halfway through) :blue:

Chinese calendar: :blue:

Mayan Calendar: :pink:

Did your spouse gain weight?: Nope, lost :blue:

Did your chest change?: Nope :blue:

Along with the size of your chest, how are your breasts?: Left has always been a little bigger, so I couldn’t tell while pregnant a difference.

How is your hair growing?: FAST! :blue:

What color is your pee?: Dull :pink:

Are you moody?: Yes!!!! :pink:

How is your balance?: Better than with DS… :pink:

What does the vein in your left eye look like?: V :pink:

8 :pink: 12 :blue: - One went from :pink: to :blue:

:blue: DS in 2009 madseasons
predicted: :blue:
Baking soda test: Fizz :blue:

Salt test: Didn’t do this one….

Ring Test: :blue:

Ramzi theory: Right side :blue:

Headaches: Nope! :blue:

Morning sickness: No :blue:

Beauty: Great :blue:

Cold hand & feet: COLD! :blue:

Sleep position: Left :blue:

Pillow position: South :pink:

What do you crave?: Savory :blue:

How fast is baby’s heart beating?: :blue:

Chinese calendar: :blue:

Mayan Calendar: :blue:

Did your spouse gain weight?: Nope, lost :blue:

Did your chest change?: Nope :blue:

Along with the size of your chest, how are your breasts?: Left has always been a little bigger, so I couldn’t tell while pregnant a difference.

How is your hair growing?: FAST and all over! :blue:

What color is your pee?: Bright :blue:

Are you moody?: NOPE, Mellow the whole time :blue:

How is your balance?: Clumsy as ever :blue:

What does the vein in your left eye look like?: V :pink:

2 :pink: 18 :blue:

Predicted: :blue:MamaBunny2
Intuition: :pink:

Baking soda test: Fizzed and foam :blue:

Salt test: Cloudy :blue:

Ramzi theory: My guess is right side but not 100% sure :blue:

Headaches: None :pink:

Morning sickness: None :blue:

Beauty: No blemishes :blue:

Cold hand & feet: Cold feet :blue:

Sleep position: Left :blue:

Pillow position: South :pink:

What do you crave?: Salty and sour :blue:

How fast is baby’s heart beating?: 12 weeks noted at 149-156 :pink:

Chinese calendar: :pink: :blue:

Mayan Calendar: 31, 2014 :blue:

Did your chest change?: Definite fullness :pink:

Along with the size of your chest, how are your breasts?: Left slightly larger than right (always has been) :pink:

How is your hair growing?: Fast (at least my leg hair seems to be lol) :blue:

What color is your pee?: Bright and cloudy :shrug:

Are you moody?: SUPER moody :pink:

How is your balance?: Clumsy :blue:

What does the vein in your left eye look like?: No V :blue:

13:blue: and 7:pink:

Predicted :blue: Melewen
Intuition: :blue:

Baking soda test: fizz or no fizz?: after about 15 weeks, foam! :blue:

Salt test: also unsure--weird jellyfish-like part at top but not exactly cloudy and not exactly bubbly. Guess this is :blue:

Ramzi theory: right :blue:

Ring test: Wow.. I've done this one over and over (over my heart & my girl dog, and over DH and my belly) and every single time it goes in circles over my heart and my dog and in big back and forth lines over my belly and DH. This is a big point for :blue:

Headaches: Not really any. Just one. :pink:

Morning sickness: Not much - just a bit of bleh after eating. :blue:

Beauty: Better than normal - good skin aside from a couple cystic zits at the beginning (ew!): :blue:

Where's the bump?: High or low? Low :blue:

Where's the weight?: All out front, like a basketball, or is the weight spread evenly around your middle? All out front - can't tell I'm preggers from the back or the front (far away at least!) :blue:

Cold hand & feet: Super cold! :blue:

Sleep position: It feels good to lay on my right when I go to bed but I often end up on my left so I'm going with :blue:

Pillow position: North :blue:

What do you crave?: Sweets! :pink:

How fast is baby’s heart beating?: At 7 weeks, 159 bpm :pink:

Chinese calendar: Simple charts say boy, but lunar age charts say girl - :yellow:

Mayan Calendar: :blue:

Did your spouse gain weight? Oh yeah! :pink:

The Key Test: After placing a key in front of a pregnant person, watch to see what end they pick the key up with. Did you pick up the key by the round end or by the narrow end?

Did your chest change?: Not really - maybe a little more fullness :blue:

Along with the size of your chest, how are your breasts?: Right one is bigger :blue:

How is your hair growing?: Same right :pink:

What color is your pee?: Dull :pink:

Are you moody? Not really, just maybe less patient and slightly more aggressive! :blue:

How is your balance?: Clumsier! :blue:

What does the vein in your left eye look like?: No V vein for me! :blue:

TOTAL: 18 :blue: and 6 :pink:

When will I find out? Most likely around April!

predicted: :blue: Monix
Baking soda test: fizz :blue:

Salt test: stayed the same :pink:

Ramzi theory: looks like middle or right on abdominal ultrasound :pink:

Ring test: don't have a ring...

Headaches: more headaches :blue:

Morning sickness: none! :blue:

Beauty: less :pink:

Where's the bump?: none yet

Where's the weight?: none yet

Cold hand & feet: they've always been cold so hard to say

Sleep position: left :blue:

Pillow position: west

What do you crave?: salty which is new for me!! :blue:

How fast is baby’s heart beating?: 164 at 7week6day ultrasound :pink:

Chinese calendar: :blue:

Mayan Calendar: :blue:

Did your spouse gain weight? not sure but it's kind of early still

The Key Test: :blue:

Did your chest change?: very early still but not dramatically...

Along with the size of your chest, how are your breasts?: Right is bigger for sure :blue:

How is your hair growing?: same rate :blue:

What color is your pee?: :blue:

Are you moody? no more than usual :blue:

How is your balance?: haven't noticed a change :pink:

What does the vein in your left eye look like?: :pink:

12 :blue: / 8 :pink:
I have a Harmony test on May 13th so I'll update after

:yellow: Mintastic
Baking soda test: fizz or no fizz?
No fizz. :pink:

Salt test:
Stayed the same. :pink:

Ramzi theory:
Placenta is on the left. :pink:

Ring test:
Straight line back and forth. :blue:

Headaches: Do you have more headaches since pregnancy?
No. :pink:

Morning sickness: Do/did you have morning sickness?
No, none. :blue:

Hard to answer. In 1st tri I got hottible acne on my face, chest, and back. But it has since cleared up and I look great. :blue:

Where's the bump?: High or low?
High I guess? :pink:

Where's the weight?:
Spread evenly. :pink:

Cold hand & feet:
Moister and warm. :pink:

Sleep position: Do you prefer to sleep on your left side or your right?
Left mostly but I toss and turn. :blue:

Pillow position: Does your pillow face south or north?
North :blue:

What do you crave?:
Citrus. :pink:

How fast is baby’s heart beating
Dunno, haven’t paid attention to heart rate since 1st tri. :yellow:

Chinese calendar:
Girl. :pink:

Mayan Calendar:
One odd, one even. :blue:

Did your spouse gain weight?
Yes, a little. :pink:

The Key Test:
Round end. :blue:

Did your chest change?:
Yes, much bigger. Does anyone’s chest NOT get bigger in pregnancy?? :pink:

Along with the size of your chest, how are your breasts?:
Left is larger but it was pre-pregnancy also so I don’t know if that counts. :pink:

How is your hair growing?:
Not sure how to answer – first trimester my legs got really hairy really quickly. Since then it has slowed down and my hair is actually growing slower than usual. :pink:

What color is your pee?:
Bright Yellow. :blue:

Are you moody?
Unsure. A little? No more than usual though? :blue:

How is your balance?:
A little clumsier now in 3rd tri just due to size but normal the rest of the time. :pink:

What does the vein in your left eye look like?:
There’s a bunch of veins there so it is a little confusing but I think I do see a V in there, yes. :pink:

TOTAL: 15 :pink: and 9 :blue:

:yellow: oox_tasha_xoo
Baking soda test: Not done yet

Salt test: Not done yet

Ramzi theory: Left side :pink:

Headaches: always :( :blue:

Morning sickness: Constant nausea :pink:

Beauty: Horrible skin and hair lately :pink:

Cold hand & feet: warmer :pink:

Sleep position: mixture lol

Pillow position: Not sure lol

What do you crave?: Sweets, chocolate and fruit! :pink:

How fast is baby’s heart beating?: not sure yet

Chinese calendar: :blue:

Mayan Calendar: 23,2015 :pink:

Did your chest change?: not yet so :blue:

Along with the size of your chest, how are your breasts?: nothing different

How is your hair growing?: Normal rate :pink:

What color is your pee?: umm not checked lol

Are you moody?: A lot lol :pink:

How is your balance?: Fine :pink:

What does the vein in your left eye look like?: No V :blue:

4 :blue: 9 :pink:

:pink: Twag
predicted: :pink:
Baking soda test: fizz or no fizz?
Salt test: Pour a layer of salt into a glass and then pour urine over the salt--make sure the glass is about half filled with urine. If you're less than 8 weeks, you must use FMU (first morning urine). Did the color of the urine change and start to look cloudy and/or did a bubbly/cloudy pattern layer form? Or did the urine stay the same color and remain clear and/or have elongated streaks from the bottom of the glass to the surface that immediately disappeared?
Ramzi theory: Where is your baby & placenta attached in the uterus--right or left side? If you have a transvaginal ultrasound, the placenta will be either on the right or left - true to looking at the photo. If you have an abdominal, reverse the side--if the placenta is on the right in the photo, it's actually on the left in your uterus.
From listening on the Doppler the placenta is on the right :blue: but baby is on the left
Ring test: String your wedding ring on a piece of string or a piece of your own hair and dangle it over your belly. Does it swing in circles or in a straight line back and forth?
Not done this yet!
Headaches: Do you have more headaches since pregnancy?
None :pink:
Morning sickness: Do/did you have morning sickness?
All day sickness still on meds :pink:
Beauty: Are you looking finer than usual or is your skin has broken out and are you otherwise looking lesser-than?
Minging :pink:
Where's the bump?: High or low?
Bump is high :pink:
Where's the weight?: All out front, like a basketball, or is the weight spread evenly around your middle?
Cold hand & feet: Are your hands and feet colder than normal or are they a bit moister and toasty warm?
Sleep position: Do you prefer to sleep on your left side or your right?
Right :pink:
Pillow position: Does your pillow face south or north?
I move it down so south :pink:
What do you crave?: Are you mostly craving salty foods and proteins, or sweets and citrus?
If anything sweet :pink:
How fast is baby’s heart beating?: Is your LO's bpm greater or less than 140 beats per minute
At 16 weeks was exactly 140bpm so ??? :pink:
Chinese calendar: This one gets a bit complicated, so just take the more accurate test here (this factors in your LUNAR age, not just your Western calendar age): Chinese Gender Chart
:pink: based on my LMP
Mayan Calendar: The Mayan’s took the mothers age at conception and year of conception to determine the gender of the baby. Are both numbers even or odd? Or is one number even and the other number?
Even & Odd so :blue:
Did your spouse gain weight?
Yup :haha: :pink:
The Key Test: After placing a key in front of a pregnant person, watch to see what end they pick the key up with. Did you pick up the key by the round end or by the narrow end?
Narrow end :pink:
Did your chest change?: Was there was a dramatic change in the size and fullness of your breasts or no real change?
:thumbup: :pink: Yup my boob’s are back
Along with the size of your chest, how are your breasts?: Is your right breast larger than your left/both the same size? Or is your left breast larger?
Strangely my left is usually bigger but they are the same :pink:
How is your hair growing?: Is it growing faster or at the same rate?
Same :pink:
What color is your pee?: Is it bright yellow or dull?
Dull I guess :pink:
Are you moody?
Apparently according to DH :pink:
How is your balance?: Clumsier than normal or graceful?
Not clumsy :pink:
What does the vein in your left eye look like?: Does the vein makes a V or not?
Huge V :pink:

TOTAL: 19 :pink: and 3 :blue:

:pink: Twinsie
Baking soda test: No fizz! :pink:

Salt test: haven't done it yet

Ramzi theory: right side :blue:

Headaches: Daily :blue: (this in reality is usually opposite! so this could be girl)

Morning sickness: Nausea until 12 weeks :pink:

Beauty: Broke out like crazy and I always had great skin!! :pink:

Where's the weight- spread out :pink:

Where's the baby- middle of belly :pink:

Did your spouse gain weight- yes :pink:

Key tst- round end :blue:

Cold hand & feet: no :pink:

Sleep position: on my back or right side :pink:

Pillow position: North :blue:

What do you crave?: Salty and carbs! :blue:

How fast is baby’s heart beating?: greater than 140 :pink:

Chinese calendar: boy :blue:

Mayan Calendar: 30, 2015 :blue:

Did your chest change?: Definitely bigger. Getting stretch marks already!!!! :pink:

Along with the size of your chest, how are your breasts?: Right slightly larger than left :blue:

How is your hair growing?: Always been fast so same ? :pink:

What color is your pee?: Dull :pink: (but this is usually opposite within our thread!)

Are you moody?: DEF have my moody days :pink:

How is your balance?: Same- clumsy at times

What does the vein in your left eye look like?: No V :blue:

13 :pink: 9 :blue:

of the most accurate questions (with answers accounted for)..:

6/7 point to :pink: !!!


Baking soda test: fizz or no fizz?

Salt test: Pour a layer of salt into a glass and then pour urine over the salt--make sure the glass is about half filled with urine. If you're less than 8 weeks, you must use FMU (first morning urine). Did the color of the urine change and start to look cloudy and/or did a bubbly/cloudy pattern layer form? Or did the urine stay the same color and remain clear and/or have elongated streaks from the bottom of the glass to the surface that immediately disappeared?

Ramzi theory: Where is your baby & placenta attached in the uterus--right or left side? If you have a transvaginal ultrasound, the placenta will be either on the right or left - true to looking at the photo. If you have an abdominal, reverse the side--if the placenta is on the right in the photo, it's actually on the left in your uterus.

Ring test: String your wedding ring on a piece of string or a piece of your own hair and dangle it over your belly. Does it swing in circles or in a straight line back and forth?

Headaches: Do you have more headaches since pregnancy?

Morning sickness: Do/did you have morning sickness?

Beauty: Are you looking finer than usual or is your skin has broken out and are you otherwise looking lesser-than?

Where's the bump?: High or low?

Where's the weight?: All out front, like a basketball, or is the weight spread evenly around your middle?

Cold hand & feet: Are your hands and feet colder than normal or are they a bit moister and toasty warm?

Sleep position: Do you prefer to sleep on your left side or your right?

Pillow position: Does your pillow face south or north?

What do you crave?: Are you mostly craving salty foods and proteins, or sweets and citrus?

How fast is baby’s heart beating?: Is your LO's bpm greater or less than 140 beats per minute

Chinese calendar: This one gets a bit complicated, so just take the more accurate test here (this factors in your LUNAR age, not just your Western calendar age): Chinese Gender Chart

Mayan Calendar: The Mayan’s took the mothers age at conception and year of conception to determine the gender of the baby. Are both numbers even or odd? Or is one number even and the other number?

Did your spouse gain weight?

The Key Test: After placing a key in front of a pregnant person, watch to see what end they pick the key up with. Did you pick up the key by the round end or by the narrow end?

Did your chest change?: Was there was a dramatic change in the size and fullness of your breasts or no real change?

Along with the size of your chest, how are your breasts?: Is your right breast larger than your left/both the same size? Or is your left breast larger?

How is your hair growing?: Is it growing faster or at the same rate?

What color is your pee?: Is it bright yellow or dull?

Are you moody?

How is your balance?: Clumsier than normal or graceful?

What does the vein in your left eye look like?: Does the vein makes a V or not?

TOTAL: # :blue: and # :pink:


Baking soda test: spoon about 2 tablespoons baking soda into a cup and add about 2-4 tablespoons urine. If the mixture fizzles and foams like beer, it's a boy; if nothing happens it's a girl.

Salt test: Pour a layer of salt into a glass and then pour urine over the salt--make sure the glass is about half filled with urine. If you're less than 8 weeks, you must use FMU (first morning urine). If the color of the urine changes and starts to look cloudy and/or a bubbly/cloudy pattern layer forms, it's a boy! If the urine stays the same color and remains clear and/or has elongated streaks from the bottom of the glass to the surface then immediately disappear, it's a girl!

Ramzi theory: Dr. Ramzi studied thousands of women and the relation between the attachment of the placenta and the sex of the baby. He states that 97% of boys' placentas are attached to the right side of the uterus; 97% of girls' placentas attach to the left. If you have a transvaginal ultrasound, the placenta will be either on the right or left - looking at the photo. If you have an abdominal, reverse the side--if the placenta is on the right in the photo, it's actually on the left in your uterus.

Ring test: String your wedding ring on a piece of string or a piece of your own hair and dangle it over your belly. If it swings in circles, it's a girl; if it swings back and forth in a straight line, it's a boy.

Headaches: If you have more headaches in pregnancy, you're having a boy! No headaches? Girl.

Morning sickness: If you have no morning sickness, it's a boy. If you're worshipping at the porcelain throne, it's a girl!

Beauty: If you're looking finer than usual, you've got a boy in there! If your skin has broken out and you're otherwise looking lesser-than, it's a girl.. and she "stole" her mother's beauty!

Where's the bump?: If you're carrying high, it's a girl; low, it's a boy.

Where's the weight?: If your bump is all front, like a basketball, it's a boy. If the weight is spread evenly around your middle, it's a girl

Cold hand & feet: If your feet are colder than normal, it's a boy. If your feet are a bit moister and toasty, it's a girl.

Sleep position: If you prefer to sleep on your left side, it's a boy. If you sleep on your right, it's a girl.

Pillow position: If your pillow faces south, you're having a girl; north, you're having a boy.

What do you crave?: If you crave salty foods and proteins, you're having a boy. If you crave sweets and citrus, you're having a girl.

How fast is baby’s heart beating?: If its greater than 140 beats per minute baby might be a girl. If the heart rate is less than 140 beats per minute you are said to be having a boy.

Chinese calendar: This one gets a bit complicated, so just take the more accurate test here (this factors in your LUNAR age, not just your Western calendar age): Chinese Gender Chart

Mayan Calendar: The Mayan’s took the mothers age at conception and year of conception to determine the gender of the baby. If both numbers are either even or odd you are said to be having a girl. If one number is even and one number is odd you are said to be having a boy.

Did your spouse gain weight?: If so you are having a girl, if your spouse stays the same weight or loses weight you are having a boy.

The Key Test: After placing a key in front of a pregnant person, watch to see what end they pick the key up with. If she picks up the key by the round end she is having a boy, if she picks up the key by the narrow end she is having a girl.

Did your chest change?: If there was a dramatic change in the size and fullness of your breasts you are said to be having a girl. If there was no change you are said to be having a boy.

Along with the size of your chest, how are your breasts?: If your right breast is larger than your left, or if the right and left breast are the same size, you are said to be having a boy. If your left breast is larger you are said to be having a girl..

How is your hair growing?: If it is growing faster you are having a boy, if it is growing at the same rate you are having a girl.

What color is your pee?: If it is bright yellow you are having a boy, if its dull you are having a girl.

Are you moody?: If so, baby is a girl….if not, baby is a boy.

How is your balance?: If you are more clumsy than normal you are said to be having a boy, if you are graceful you are said to be having a girl.

What does the vein in your left eye look like?: If the vein makes a V you are said to be having a girl, if it doesn’t you are said to be having a boy.
Baking soda test: Fizzed and foam :blue:

Salt test: Cloudy :blue:

Ramzi theory: My guess is right side but not 100% sure :blue:

Headaches: None :pink:

Morning sickness: None :blue:

Beauty: No blemishes :blue:

Cold hand & feet: Cold feet :blue:

Sleep position: Left :blue:

Pillow position: South :pink:

What do you crave?: Salty and sour :blue:

How fast is baby’s heart beating?: 12 weeks noted at 149-156 :pink:

Chinese calendar: :pink: :blue:

Mayan Calendar: 31, 2014 :blue:

Did your chest change?: Definite fullness :pink:

Along with the size of your chest, how are your breasts?: Left slightly larger than right (always has been) :pink:

How is your hair growing?: Fast (at least my leg hair seems to be lol) :blue:

What color is your pee?: Bright and cloudy :shrug:

Are you moody?: SUPER moody :pink:

How is your balance?: Clumsy :blue:

What does the vein in your left eye look like?: No V :blue:

13 :blue: 7 :pink:
How does the salt test work?

Pour a layer of salt into a glass and then pour urine over the salt--make sure the glass is about half filled with urine. If you're less than 8 weeks, you must use FMU (first morning urine). If the color of the urine changes and starts to look cloudy and/or a bubbly/cloudy pattern layer forms, it's a boy! If the urine stays the same color and remains clear and/or has elongated streaks from the bottom of the glass to the surface then immediately disappear, it's a girl!

I thought I saw somewhere the actual measurements for salt/baking powder and urine. It's kind of tricky, I'm not sure if I used enough or too much of each :shrug:
Most of the girls who have had boy results on the baking soda test kind of just winged it and had major foam. You just don't want too much of either--too much wee and it's too diluted and too much baking soda and there's not enough to make an effect
My friend that's 2 weeks ahead of me wants to try the ring test again. I've never tried but our mutual friend and myself were trying it on her while she was pregnant with her son. I'm gonna give it a go and see what happens.
Baking soda test: fizz or no fizz? I need to repeat this one. I used too much baking soda and not enough pee lol. When I shook it, it did foam (but didn't fizz), and as soon as the foam was there it cleared within 5 seconds. I'm thinking :pink:? But who knows?

Salt test: Pour a layer of salt into a glass and then pour urine over the salt--make sure the glass is about half filled with urine. If you're less than 8 weeks, you must use FMU (first morning urine). Did the color of the urine change and start to look cloudy and/or did a bubbly/cloudy pattern layer form? Or did the urine stay the same color and remain clear and/or have elongated streaks from the bottom of the glass to the surface that immediately disappeared? Haven't done this one yet--will update later

Ramzi theory: Where is your baby & placenta attached in the uterus--right or left side? If you have a transvaginal ultrasound, the placenta will be either on the right or left - true to looking at the photo. If you have an abdominal, reverse the side--if the placenta is on the right in the photo, it's actually on the left in your uterus. This one is tricky for me, because my placenta/baby are directly on top of the photo. I'm not sure if the sonographer changed the angle either. I did compare it to my son's 6 wk u/s picture though, and placenta appears to be on the opposite side, so I'm going with :pink:

Ring test: String your wedding ring on a piece of string or a piece of your own hair and dangle it over your belly. Does it swing in circles or in a straight line back and forth? Circles, so :pink:

Headaches: Do you have more headaches since pregnancy? No, less :pink:

Morning sickness: Do/did you have morning sickness? YES! A lot :pink:

Beauty: Are you looking finer than usual or is your skin has broken out and are you otherwise looking lesser-than? I look terrible and so does my skin/hair lol :pink:

Where's the bump?: High or low? Sort of in the middle--too early to tell?

Where's the weight?: All out front, like a basketball, or is the weight spread evenly around your middle? Right now I'm bigger all over :pink:

Cold hand & feet: Are your hands and feet colder than normal or are they a bit moister and toasty warm? Warmer than normal, I sweat a lot (gross) :pink:

Sleep position: Do you prefer to sleep on your left side or your right? Right :pink:

Pillow position: Does your pillow face south or north? Not sure?

What do you crave?: Are you mostly craving salty foods and proteins, or sweets and citrus? Sweets/chocolate/ice cream :pink:

How fast is baby’s heart beating?: Is your LO's bpm greater or less than 140 beats per minute. Stays around 170bpm :pink:

Chinese calendar: This one gets a bit complicated, so just take the more accurate test here (this factors in your LUNAR age, not just your Western calendar age): It says boy, but every other one I've taken says girl (this one actually says my DS should've been a girl ;) ) :blue:

Mayan Calendar: The Mayan’s took the mothers age at conception and year of conception to determine the gender of the baby. Are both numbers even or odd? Or is one number even and the other number? Both numbers are odd :pink:

Did your spouse gain weight? No :blue:

The Key Test: After placing a key in front of a pregnant person, watch to see what end they pick the key up with. Did you pick up the key by the round end or by the narrow end? I can't do this one, because I knew the results beforehand

Did your chest change?: Was there was a dramatic change in the size and fullness of your breasts or no real change? Definitely bigger :pink:

Along with the size of your chest, how are your breasts?: Is your right breast larger than your left/both the same size? Or is your left breast larger? Left :pink:

How is your hair growing?: Is it growing faster or at the same rate? Same :pink:

What color is your pee?: Is it bright yellow or dull? Dull :pink:

Are you moody? YES! :pink:

How is your balance?: Clumsier than normal or graceful? Not really clumsier than normal :pink:

What does the vein in your left eye look like?: Does the vein makes a V or not? Yes, it looks like a "V" right under the eyeball :pink:

TOTAL: 19 :pink: and 2 :blue:
Wow babydreams! It's looking like you're pointing towards girl... just a little.... juuuust a wee.. :D
Lol Melewen, I have a strong suspicion that this one is a girl. Complete opposite of my last pregnancy (with DS). We will see! :D ;)
Do you remember what your pregnancy with DS was like? Or rather, the answers to any of those tests? Like did you really have cold feet last time and warm feet this time? I feel like we are having a boy but not sure how much stock I put into the little tales.. except that darn ring test that is freaking me out! Lol. But mostly I just have the ol' intuition
I do remember! He's 2 so it wasn't TOO long ago :) Let me look at them again and I'll tell you. Also, I did the baking soda test properly a few mins ago and it did foam, so that one is boy for me. I never did it with DS, so I can't compare.
Ok, with my DS (the ones I can remember): I had little to no morning sickness, I had a "glow" and looked better, hair grew beautiful and long, body hair grew faster (yuck), bump was low and right in front like a basketball (couldn't tell I was pregnant from behind, slept on left side (always), clumsy, ring swung back and forth, Mayan calendar said boy, and I craved spicy/savory foods (could not get enough Mexican). Hope that helps ;)
Definitely! Sounds a lot like my symptoms :) my baking soda is totally backwards though! I didn't get hardly any bubbles and no foam. My wee is 7ph which apparently midwives use to test for gender? That would indicate boy!
So after having a dream last night that my harmony test came back positive for a boy, I decided to do some comparison pictures of my son and the new baby.

PIC 1: measuring 9+4, LMP 11+6, EDD 1/15/2006. Induced @ 37 weeks 12/29/2005.
PIC 2: measuring 9+5, LMP 10+3, EDD 09/24/2015.

I believe I see male gentiles on both, now convinced I'm having a boy...

Baking soda test: n/a

Salt test: n/a

Ramzi theory: right, I think

Headaches: yes, but could be because of diabetes

Morning sickness: None

Beauty: No blemishes

Cold hand & feet: both, buts winter lol

Sleep position: both, I can never get comfortable, but mostly right

Pillow position: dont understand the question lol

What do you crave?: sweet and sour stuff and fruit

How fast is baby’s heart beating?: 6 weeks 121, 7 weeks 162, 9 weeks 179

Chinese calendar: Boy

Mayan Calendar:

Did your chest change?: fullness a little, not much of a change

Along with the size of your chest, how are your breasts? Light tenderness, sometimes

How is your hair growing?: Fast

What color is your pee?: dull

Are you moody?: moody, one minute I'm up, one minute I'm down, less affectionate

How is your balance? Its okay, I'm always clumsy anyway

What does the vein in your left eye look like?: No V


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Based on my previous two pregnancies I can remember a few things to compare to now:

With DS:
*could eat hamburger and loved unusual (for me) toppings like pickles and onion
*did not crave sweets
*bump was round like a ball and in front
*no morning sickness whatsoever

With DD:
*could not stand hamburger
*craved sweets like crazy - I'd eat an entire package of Oreos in one sitting and recall eating an entire chocolate molten lava dessert at Applebees
*bump was more wide
*no morning sickness whatsoever

*love me a big juicy hamburger and can eat hamburger meat in general, however, not fond at all of steak or whole chicken breast (can eat shredded chicken but not a favorite)
*crave salty/sour foods, enjoy onions
*no morning sickness whatsoever
Damn jyllian! We needed your chicken aversion to show up in one of your past pregnancies... So I can use it for my own predictions! :rofl: What's your overall intuition with this one? And how did i not know you had a DD?
Well many signs and tests/old wives tales point to BOY but for some reason I;m thinking it's a GIRL :shrug: Probably because we want a boy so very badly I just know it's gonna be the opposite!

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