Hiya girls, I've only just noticed this thread in the groups section..... can I join please
I moved to my DH's RAF base 2 years ago and as I was working full time and did alot of commuting I never got round to meeting anyone or making friends properly.
I thought things would be better once I was on maternity leave as I could get out and about more and make 'mummy' friends.... but that hasn't really happened
Theres no fluffy bum mums at the baby clinic and when they see Noah's fancy pants they look at me like I'm weird
I dont want to make friends with the mums that stand and breathe their smoke all over their kids in their pushchairs and shout and swear loudly at them.
Some people are wary of me as I'm a social worker and think that I'm going to watching their every move...
So its mainly just me and Noah, DH when he gets home from work and DS1 when he isnt in one of his teenager type moods!!
I often find myself chatting to the goldfish when Noah's napping
Does this qualify me as a loner