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they are letting baby Ps mother out... wtf?

Wow...I don't mean this in a weird way, but I thought English courts were tougher than that.
Baby P is baby Peter (I think someone asked)

Sorry but I had to comment because I read this too today and I think it's soooo disgusting! There letting her out as she 'no longer poses a danger to the public' - no just poor innocent defenseless babies!

There's been so much of this in the paper recently and it makes me so mad, someone should do to them what they do to those poor babies! I actually cried when that poor little boy who was starved and drowned! I would do anything to protect my baby I don't know how anyone could harm theirs even slightly let alone all these horrendous things they do!!

P.s. You are an amazing lady looking after those children from bad homes you must be very strong and they are lucky to have you :) x
Oh i agree she should be tortured or at least Britain should bring the death penalty back for these exact people. The ones who torture or abuse kids with no damn remorse.

My foster daughter abi is from an abusive home (sexually) and she still has issues even though shes been with us for a while she won't even shower if my oh is here and hes NEVER even mentioned her past.

And our youngest adopted India is from parents in prison which is where i hope they stay or I'll be in for murder of the two animals, drugs and drink, starving her (whoop she hit her weight gain goal today and is 15lb. 7more lbs and she'll be in safe weight zone) and sickeningly we found out on Friday from our new social worker that she was sexually abused from 8weeks old.

Joys! We all know what happens as a baby has an impact on the rest of our lives lets just hope shes young enough to forget that part of her life

Oh wow. I am so sorry that happened to your adopted children! I can't even imagine. If anyone EVER even thought about touching either of my daughters I would personally be the reason they stop breathing! I got my degree in criminal justice and am now working towards my law degree. Some of the cases I have had to read you wouldn't even believe are real they are so bad. :growlmad:
Oh i agree she should be tortured or at least Britain should bring the death penalty back for these exact people. The ones who torture or abuse kids with no damn remorse.

My foster daughter abi is from an abusive home (sexually) and she still has issues even though shes been with us for a while she won't even shower if my oh is here and hes NEVER even mentioned her past.

And our youngest adopted India is from parents in prison which is where i hope they stay or I'll be in for murder of the two animals, drugs and drink, starving her (whoop she hit her weight gain goal today and is 15lb. 7more lbs and she'll be in safe weight zone) and sickeningly we found out on Friday from our new social worker that she was sexually abused from 8weeks old.

Joys! We all know what happens as a baby has an impact on the rest of our lives lets just hope shes young enough to forget that part of her life

Oh wow. I am so sorry that happened to your adopted children! I can't even imagine. If anyone EVER even thought about touching either of my daughters I would personally be the reason they stop breathing! I got my degree in criminal justice and am now working towards my law degree. You would pass out at some of the cases I have had to read. :growlmad:

I worked as a prison custody officer until last year. Seen so many sad excuses for people come through the doors. Makes me sick though, kill an adult you get life (25years) kill a baby and you get a slap on the wrist and 5years??? That's not long enough
I don't understand why they didn't take baby P away from them?? They've taken kids away from parents who've done a whole lot less than that...People like that should be sterilized, they have no right to bear children.
I couldn't believe this when I read it. And that letter her partner (I think it was him anyway, might have been his brother) had written saying that worse shit has happened since and people need to get over it. He's been jailed for life with a 10 year minimum because he also raped a 2 year old girl. 10 year minimum?!! That's just not enough,these people make me sick. Why don't they get proper sentences here like they do in America? You hear of people getting 100+ years for the evil things they have done and that's the way it should be.
:cry::cry: Absolutely horrible.. What i don't
undertand is why she wasn't charged with Murder? If she was then 6 yrs is a really light sentence..
She was given an indefinite sentence and had to serve a minimum of 5 or 6 years. I agree that she should've been done for murder but somehow she wasn't.
She was given an indefinite sentence and had to serve a minimum of 5 or 6 years. I agree that she should've been done for murder but somehow she wasn't.

WOW..That is really sad :cry: I hope someone at least beats the shit out of her when she gets out.. I usually don't hope or wish but with her I would :nope::nope:
I couldn't even voice all the things I hope happen to her!
She is NOT getting a new identity.

It makes me sick that we live in a country where someone like this does not lose their place in society. Forever. The technicalities surrounding what they charge people with and how long a sentence can be imposed is a lot of bollocks. It needs a serious shake up. I would live to go and speak to every member of the justice system involved and ask them why this is deemed as acceptable.
This whole thing is just horrible, poor little boy :nope:

I admit I have not really known anything about the details of the case but just looked it up and found an article on her background. It seems that the whole family has been massively let down by the system, herself and her boyfriend are also from an abusive background.

I know it is too late for her and her little boy now but I wish the focus would be on offering these people more support and help to try and break the cycle that shows itself time and time again in these cases so that it never has to get to this.
I absolutely cannot fathom how they can let this woman out because "shes no longer a danger" what about punishment!? 5 years is nothing compared to what shes done. :nope:
This whole thing is just horrible, poor little boy :nope:

I admit I have not really known anything about the details of the case but just looked it up and found an article on her background. It seems that the whole family has been massively let down by the system, herself and her boyfriend are also from an abusive background.

I know it is too late for her and her little boy now but I wish the focus would be on offering these people more support and help to try and break the cycle that shows itself time and time again in these cases so that it never has to get to this.

How much support can you offer someone like that though. She was getting offered support im sure from social services. She knew right from wrong. What sort of sick individual stand by and lets someone torture their baby ? Keep her locked up, throw away the key, that will break the cycle !
The one thing i feel all these stories tend to have in common is the vast majority of blame is placed on SS,
Yes SS are under immense pressure and are missing children who need to be saved, that's obvious and yes something needs to be done, a change needs to be sought in order to create a system that's not failing so massively. HOWEVER.
The people to blame for these actions are the ones who do them, the mothers, the fathers, the boyfriends. They deserve the blame and should carry the entire weight of guilt.
The biggest letdown to these children are there absolutely useless, piece of krap, waste of air parents and boyfriends and girlfriends.
This whole thing is just horrible, poor little boy :nope:

I admit I have not really known anything about the details of the case but just looked it up and found an article on her background. It seems that the whole family has been massively let down by the system, herself and her boyfriend are also from an abusive background.

I know it is too late for her and her little boy now but I wish the focus would be on offering these people more support and help to try and break the cycle that shows itself time and time again in these cases so that it never has to get to this.

How much support can you offer someone like that though. She was getting offered support im sure from social services. She knew right from wrong. What sort of sick individual stand by and lets someone torture their baby ? Keep her locked up, throw away the key, that will break the cycle !

Thing is though she did do it whether she knew it was wrong or not, and you are right she is sick, no balanced person would do this. I would much rather see people like that who come from an abusive background themselves get their head sorted out BEFORE something truly horrendous like this happens and prevent it rather than think about how we are going to punish them when it's too late, I'm sure most would agree?

If that poor baby had survived the abuse and his mother been locked up, key thrown away what do you think might become of him in the future if he did't get the help and support he needed to get over it and his life took a twist for the worse? That's what I mean by breaking the cycle.
I am sure that if she is released people will go after her - the baby P case was one of the biggest (although sadly not the only) case around for a while. People simply wont let her get away with it.

It a sad state of affairs atm esp with the other two high profile cases going on at the moment. - something going seriously wrong somewhere.
This whole thing is just horrible, poor little boy :nope:

I admit I have not really known anything about the details of the case but just looked it up and found an article on her background. It seems that the whole family has been massively let down by the system, herself and her boyfriend are also from an abusive background.

I know it is too late for her and her little boy now but I wish the focus would be on offering these people more support and help to try and break the cycle that shows itself time and time again in these cases so that it never has to get to this.

This. People are so quick to jump. Yes the crimes are sickening but 98% of the time it's not an out of the blue thing, but from a lifetime of neglect and sadness and isolation and everything else that completely destroys people. Programmes like Women Behind Bars etc are very worth a watch as they give the offender's perspective. It's so easy to get caught up in the idea of the absolute villain.
This whole thing is just horrible, poor little boy :nope:

I admit I have not really known anything about the details of the case but just looked it up and found an article on her background. It seems that the whole family has been massively let down by the system, herself and her boyfriend are also from an abusive background.

I know it is too late for her and her little boy now but I wish the focus would be on offering these people more support and help to try and break the cycle that shows itself time and time again in these cases so that it never has to get to this.

This. People are so quick to jump. Yes the crimes are sickening but 98% of the time it's not an out of the blue thing, but from a lifetime of neglect and sadness and isolation and everything else that completely destroys people. Programmes like Women Behind Bars etc are very worth a watch as they give the offender's perspective. It's so easy to get caught up in the idea of the absolute villain.

I agree with this. The scariest thing in the world is to realise that these people are not monsters, they are human beings just like you and me. Cases like this will keep coming to light as long as people believe that their brother/sister/friend/neighbour is incapable of such horrific behaviour.

I've seen a few threads where it is asked why SS don't go after the real child abusers as if they expect them to be walking around with a sign on, looking shifty and not concealing their actions and acting normal.

I agree that the sentence seems much too short.
Seriously, what do people expect? For the law to be changed on a case-by-case basis using the country's outrage-ometer?

In what way was the public informed (the main point of journalism) by getting to see Peter Connelly's bloodstained little clothes and filthy cot in their papers and on the news? That there are sick people out there? That kind of material isn't even shown in fictitious accounts of crimes, so why are we subjected to it in real life?

I hate that there are people like this walking around too, but there are far worse cases than this we don't know about which the press decides not to cover because there isn't a picture of an angelic, blonde child looking at the camera for them to splash over the front pages.

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