Things you'd wish you'd known BEFORE going to the hospital?


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2011
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This is my first time.
Please say whatever you want!
What are things you wish you had known before being in the birth process that you know now?
Share please with all the NEWBS like myself. :happydance:
Please only hospital or birth centre experiences only.
I was at Rochdale Infirmary.

I wish I had known the MWs are NOT gods!! They do not know everything, they cannot feel what you are feeling, They don't know if something feels wrong inside you. You are the one going through it and your body is giving YOU the signals as to what is happening. Don't feel pressurised into doing anything, and if something feels majorly wrong then for gods sake get your birthing partner to barracade them in the room until they investigate and take some action. :flower:
Don't go in too early unless told to.
Keep an open mind to what might happen.

Make sure your birth partner is clued up on what you want, they will be your advocate and will need to speak up for you.

If you want to make noise...go for it.
And no question is a silly question.
And stitches hurt me more than the birth (personally)

Be prepared for the possibility of not so nice showers/bathroom.
I wish I'd have slept with a baby blanket for a while before giving birth so it smelt like me, as the only time my little one would settle when not being held by me was when she was wrapped up in my tshirt..

Oh and take anti bacterial wipes in to make using the public bathrooms mildly sanitary..
Don't go in too early unless told to.
Keep an open mind to what might happen.

Make sure your birth partner is clued up on what you want, they will be your advocate and will need to speak up for you.

If you want to make noise...go for it.
And no question is a silly question.
And stitches hurt me more than the birth (personally)

Be prepared for the possibility of not so nice showers/bathroom.

i'll second the stitches are worse than the birth part! although only had stitches on my first labour though, not second..
i'd say go with what your feeling - your body will tell you - the midwife was telling me to push with my second and i knew i wasn't ready a couple of contractions later my body was telling me to push and that's when i did - 2 pushes and my DS was out.. so listen to your body..
Have an open mind, you might not be one of the lucky ones where its over in an hour you may still be waititng for your baby to make an appearance 32 hours after your first contraction.

Take a few pairs of pj/night dress & knickers with you because if your waters break then you could be changing quite a few times especially if like above your waiting that bit longer x
Also make sure the diposable pants you buy actually fit, because mine didnt, they were too small so couldnt wear them & ruined a good few pair of my normal pants x
I wish I'd have slept with a baby blanket for a while before giving birth so it smelt like me, as the only time my little one would settle when not being held by me was when she was wrapped up in my tshirt..

Oh and take anti bacterial wipes in to make using the public bathrooms mildly sanitary..

:thumbup: Both very good suggestions!
I had a back to back labour, although at my midwife appt the day before he wasnt back to back, little monkey had changed over night, i had terrible contractions in my back and the only thing that helped me was heat, so i had to sent my DH out to buy a hot water bottle! so have one on standby just in case.
Lipbalm - gas and air dries your lips out badly.
I packed a bag of food for DH as we were at the hospital for a long time and the food at the hospital is very expensive.
I also took my ipod and little travel speakers - listening to my own music really helped

I'll add more when i can think of them x
I wish i'd eaten and slept after my waters broke when my contractions were like period pains..... 35 hours later i'd only just given birth... I was tired, hungry and didnt get given anything to eat by the bloody hospital until 11 hours later!!

My advice.... PACK SNACKS and sleep as much as you can before labour!!! lol
With my first I wish I'd known what I was letting myself in for when they said my labor had barely started but if I liked they could help speed things up. This sounded great. But induction isn't great. I wish I had gone home and come back hours later.

I guess I wish I had done my research and joined somewhere like BnB :) x
Theres a lot of good suggestions on here :)
I was induced with my son and i wish i known how long induction can take inbetween pessaries etc.. they didnt exactly tell me i had to wait 6 hours inbetween pessaries etc
I wish i had taken my own food in, i was SICK of their stupid sandwiches!
Dont wait for them to ASK you if you want some pain relief, ASK for it yourself, i was waiting for a while thinking theyd ask me soon, it never occured to me to ask for it myself :rofl:
Becareful what you drink in labour, I was sick if i drank anything fizzy, so nice flat drinks like quench was the only things i could keep down i advice bringing your own drinks as their vending machines tend to have very limited options :)
Be prepared that everything may not go as you want or follow your birthplan but whatever happens your going to have your beautiful baby at the end of it all :) :D
i also agree about stitches, VERY painful :( i was so scared to go number 2 as i was so sore down below xxx
Be prepared...i was ecxpecting labour to be long, and for their to be a build up (symptoms) before labour but no they came on thick and fast for me totally in a 3 hour labour. my advice for anything like this make sure you have everything pack and practise breathing techniques really wish i had
Gas and Air is like being really really drunk, like the best student night ever where the vodka and red bull is 20p each and its someone elses round! And then the feeling is gone, with no hangover within a few seconds of your last breath of it.

Epidurals (when they work) are like someone insta-stopping the pain, but its a little odd not being able to feel your legs.

Not all doctors/midwifes feel the need to tell you thier name before asking to stick thier hand up your foof!
My advice is not to be too clued up, I wasn't with my first and had a good labour (8 hrs, gas & air & pethadine) this time round ive watched so many programs and im way too aware of what can go wrong that i worry more about that!
First and foremost, keep an open mind. You'd be surprised how much your mind will change.

Sleep when you can, try not to snack (I snacked and was very sick in my EMCS) but make sure to stay hydrated. If you feel something's wrong, speak up and stay calm! It'll all be okay in the end!

I agree with keeping an open mind. :thumbup:

Also make sure you drink plenty and eat high fibre foods as soon as you've given birth to help things 'move along' afterwards. :blush:
make sure you pack your hospital bag BEFORE you go into labour!! i did mine when i went into labour,it ws a mad rush as i didnt have a lot of the things i needed as we were supposed to go shopping that evening! x
Take some food with u jst incase as hospital food is awful sometimes and make sure you take something to do as the wait can be very long and boring.
Also i would recommend taking really old pants as it can get very mess :p lol
yes definitely food. i hadn't eaten for the whole of my labour. they forgot to bring me my toast but luckily the OH bought me a packed lunch! and ll i had in the morning was a bread roll!
They dont tell u after birth u get biggish clots - i panicked and thought there was another babycoming out.
They dont tell u that u get after pains so contractions continue for a bit after birth.
They dont tell u that u cant stand up straight or walk proparly after _ ouch.
The whole experience is the best in the world.
When u get home you will feel like youve been gone longer and to another planet not a hospital.
You will also b a different person & in love with your new baby most in the whole world.

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