Lol thank you. He is so perfect. I am quite biased though I have to say

sleep is coming along better! I don't know who's adapted to what.. But I'm pretty sure I'm just going with his flow and getting used to him.
He's in his own crib now, which has helped tremendously.. And we've been working on the same routine.. At 7pm we start bedtime bath (I'm doing this every other day right now) after bath it's snuggle time and he eats one more time. We snuggle some more for about 20 min while his food goes down and then, while he's still awake i lay him in his crib and push play on his cdplayer and he puts himself to sleep now.
I was given a symphony cd that plays concertos from Bach and Beethoven etc and he soothes himself to sleep with that. (For now)
So for now it's going good. I wish my hunny was home more often. He's a Foreman for a concrete company, and their working on some commercial jobs in Missouri, so I'm here in Kansas all week by myself with the baby. It sucks but it's what we have to do right now.
Adam hates it like crazy, but aside from playing with Isaac when he's home and helping with diaper changes, there's not much he can still do with him yet in the comforting side if our routine.. Unless he bottle feeds him for me, which he's done too.
Adam isn't a big fan of the night wakings.. And at 4:30 when Isaac wakes up I'm still so tired that I just bring him to bed with me and feed him and he sleeps the next hour with me till it's time to get up..
So that's our routine.. Lol goin pretty peachy.
How is everyone else doing?