Those that TTC together, Stick together!! 4 BABY BOYS/3 BABY GIRLS

Thank you ladies! And congratulations swep on twins!! Yay!!

Brandi! I haven't talked to you since your mc but those two lines makes me very happy!! I can't wait to see updates!!

Afm- Isaac is now 16 days old and I have forgotten what sleep is like. Lol I get maybe 5 hours of sleep a night and am still unable to nap during the day when he naps. My oh and I are still learning what he needs and what his cries mean. I'm learning them moreso than oh is. Obviously because I'm with him 24/7.
So when he cries and wants his mommy it's starting to make OH a little jealous because he can't soothe him the way I can. I could use a little advice on how to make this better.
I just read about the 4th trimester and it totally makes sense and collaborates with my intuition. Oh has told me to try to let him cry it out when he's fussy and doesn't want to lay in his bassinet. My first instinct is to pick him up and soothe him because he doesn't know that everything is going to be ok.. He needs to be soothed.
Any advice on how to explain to oh about the 4th trimester thing??
Well had a great discussion about the "4th tri" went great! Crazy what we learn each day! Heres an updated pics of my LO
Thank you ladies!! He's so perfect. That's my little nickname for him ... Mr. Perfect :)

Question.. How do I deal with this "never sleeping" thing? I was able to get maybe 4 hours last night. And just when I started to fall asleep for a nap, he wakes up this morning. "/ idk what to do?!
I only had a dollar tree this morning. Its bfp but still very faint. I am only 9dpo today. I was only 7dpo when it got that first bfp! Here is todays. Gonna buy a digi tomorrow.


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Mrs :) he is beautiful :)

The girls are good. We are hopefully seeing a neurologist soon for the youngest one. I won't lie this is so hard :( I broke down crying tonight because of trying to get everything done. School work, making dinner for the kids (hubby is of course on night shift), making their lunch boxes for the next day getting all four of them a bath, clothes on, clean up and BEDTIME!!! Plus homework for 3 of them...its a lot....tonight I broke down because I forgot to buy bread for their sandwiches :( but thank goodness my momma called to check on me an heard in my voice I was having a horrid day :( she's going to the store an getting drinks/bread for me. <3 Thank GOD for my momma! We are trying to get the girls to be a little more dependent b/c they are needing me as much as a newborn baby with their disabilities :( It is sooo hard some days just to get out of bed....I think I might be a little depressed but I'm trying to hang in there and just take it day by day. I'm in school as well so finding time to juggle everything is quite hard...especially with the girls they have about 3-4 appts or more a trying to find time to study is almost impossible so I stay up only getting around 3-4 hours of sleep a night. THAT WEARS ON YOU...Mrs!! I totally feel the no sleeping pain :( its ROUGH! I think it wears you down.... :( really really badly. Prayers that we all get a little more sleep....I know some of us need it LOL
Awe hugs Andrea. My prayers are with you girl! You've got a lot on your shoulders but ill tell you what I tell myself in rough times.. And I'm not overly religious, but I truely believe that God never gives you more than you can handle. And you were meant to play this role in these girls' lives. Being able to do what you do is just a sheer sliver of the strength you have in you, although at times it seems like its taking all you have.
And yes.. Thank god for mothers. My bio mom and I have grown really close in the last year and having her around to help me with LO is a blessing. Keep your head up girl..
Thanks Mrs!!! I'm trying to hang onto my faith LOL!! Sometimes I feel it slips but at other times I'm feeling more like "I got this..." ....I'll be ok just going to take some adjustments. I hope you got more sleep last night :) I got about 6 hours which was nice!
Holy crap! So many updates!!

Swep, :saywhat: TWINNIES?! HUGE congrats, girl!!! :wohoo: That's amazing! Are you going to find out the sex? I'm so happy for you! You've waited SO long!!!! :yipee:

MrsI, oh my, your boy is so freaking adorable. Like seriously. The sleep thing...can you nap while he naps during the day? Are you bf? Can dh help at night? Just know DOES get better. I promise. I was so miserably tired during that 4th trimester and it felt like it would never end, but it does. Now, Jack sleeps 12 hours at night. You'll get there...:hugs:

Brandy, OMG!!! CONGRATS on the BFP!! that's so exciting! I didn't even know you were trying again! :yipee:

Andrea, your post exhausted me just reading it. You're my hero. I'm sorry you're struggling, but thank GOD for your mom. :hugs: I'm glad you have someone to help you.

AFM, Jack's doing well! He turned one last week and is transitioning well in day care. :sad2: It's still hard for me to leave him, but luckily dh drops him off and I pick him up, so I don't have to deal with the tears in the morning. I'm still struggling with being exhausted when I come home from work, but it IS getting easier. :thumbup: the first week was awful. I just wanted to be with Jack all day I am, taking care of other people's kids and my poor baby is in day care. :nope: But it's okay. He was biting for a while (not MY baby!) but he's stopped, so that's good. Not an anger thing, but a "hey, there's an arm...I think I'll see what it tastes like" kind of a thing. :shrug:
Thanks so much for the warm wishes! Keep us in your prayers and thoughts.

Andrea- I am keeping you in my prayers. You have done such a wonderful thing for b those girls and I know that the hard work you are going through now will pay off in a lifetime of happiness!

Mrs.- wishing you lots of restful naps!!! It will get better!

Rosa- I hope things get easier for yoy with work and daycare! Lol, on the wanting to know what arms taste like!

AFM- I just took this!


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Brandy!!!!!!!!! :) Look at that digi!!!!!!!!! Yayyyyy!!!!!!!!! I'm PRAYING!!!

Rosa :) Bless you!! I do the same DH takes Trysten to PreK and I just pick him up :) so I don't cry!! He's my baby and I can't believe next year he'll be in Kindergarten. Myra is my baby to of course :) But she's been in school since she was very small. I cried the first day I dropped her off at PreK Disability...We had just got her and I didn't want her to go to school everyday I wanted her home with me. But I know its best for her to get an early start on her education! She will be 4 in December!! We went from a 3 and a half year old to almost a 4 year old :) Time flies!

I hope you're all having a wonderful weekend :) so glad to see everyone coming back together :) I've missed you ladies :)
I miss all you ladies too!!

Is anyone able to answer a breastfeeding question for me?

When Isaac was first born and my milk came in, my boobs got so large and full that they leaked all over the place. After we got home and I started pumping, I was able to get a minimum of 5oz each time I pumped. 3-4 oz out of one breast and 2-3oz out of the other. One time they were so full I got 9oz total at one time.
Well my LO is more of a snacker and sometimes he'll sit on there for 5 min before passing out so we gave him a bottle. He ate 3oz and slept the longest that he ever had at tht point and I was a me to get some sleep. Yay.
Well I'm not sure if that's inhibited me. I nurse him about 4-6 times a day and before he takes his 3 hour naps I feed him my milk out of a bottle so that I know he's getting the full amount.
Well now when I pump I'm only getting 1-1.5 oz out of each one.. I nurse him regularly and I read that as long as I'm nursing my milk production shouldn't decrease.. But it's seeming that it is.. As far as pumping goes.

Now after I pump and only get that amount, he can still latch on and fully nurse.. And get full (I think) as he seems content and falls asleep.. But why can't I pump that much out of them?
I need to start stockpiling for when I return to work and the bags of frozen milk that used to be 6-8oz full have gone down to only being 2-3oz full :?

Is something wrong? I've never gone to the breastfeeding clinic as I feel completely confident in my abilities.. But I'm starting to wonder..?

We spent $240 on this pump.. And I will be heartbroken if I have to start supplementing... Or possibly not be able to bf anymore. :( I can't help but feel sad right now... Any advice??
My only advice is to pump every 2 hours...even if he's not nursing to increase your supply....and if you can I know this sounds kind of dumb maybe record him crying and play that in a nice quiet room if you have a chance quietly so your body thinks he needs more...which may in turn produce more milk. If that doesn't work or help then I suggest seeing a consultant :) They usually have free ones in communities :) you could try and find a good one. I had the same problem and I don't want to discourage you but DONT STOP PUMPING and feeding him on the breast....I made that mistake because I gave up and well a week later my milk ran completely down to a drop a day :( it was so heartbreaking NEVER GIVE UP!!!

Also try warm packs on your breast maybe a low setting on a heating pad or warm shower to get them ready...that always helps to usually...and if you have to help massage the outer breast to soften them up...that will help when you pump. I hope this helps!! Prayers your way as I know how heartbreaking and helpless that can feel. Lots of :hugs: :hug: hang in there and again ;) NEVER give up!!!

Do not supplement until you HAVE to...if that makes sense ;) Once you start that your supply will definitely decrease!! Again LOTS OF LOVE your way!
Thank you Andrea. I feel a bit more confident today, I'm sure now that it's just my body regulating itself to my baby's needs, because I pumped today after not pumping last night and got a full 6oz. :thumbup: but I didn't feed him any from the bottle today and have just breastfed and have felt a letdown several times today.. So I feel much better about it!

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