Holy crap! So many updates!!

TWINNIES?! HUGE congrats, girl!!!

That's amazing! Are you going to find out the sex? I'm so happy for you! You've waited SO long!!!!
MrsI, oh my, your boy is so freaking adorable. Like seriously. The sleep thing...can you nap while he naps during the day? Are you bf? Can dh help at night? Just know this...it DOES get better. I promise. I was so miserably tired during that 4th trimester and it felt like it would never end, but it does. Now, Jack sleeps 12 hours at night. You'll get there...
Brandy, OMG!!! CONGRATS on the BFP!! that's so exciting! I didn't even know you were trying again!
Andrea, your post exhausted me just reading it. You're my hero. I'm sorry you're struggling, but thank GOD for your mom.

I'm glad you have someone to help you.
AFM, Jack's doing well! He turned one last week and is transitioning well in day care.

It's still hard for me to leave him, but luckily dh drops him off and I pick him up, so I don't have to deal with the tears in the morning. I'm still struggling with being exhausted when I come home from work, but it IS getting easier.

the first week was awful. I just wanted to be with Jack all day long...here I am, taking care of other people's kids and my poor baby is in day care.

But it's okay. He was biting for a while (not MY baby!) but he's stopped, so that's good. Not an anger thing, but a "hey, there's an arm...I think I'll see what it tastes like" kind of a thing.