Hi girls. I'm doing good. This pregnancy is breezing by! I will be 26 weeks on monday.

I feel so blessed. We named our son Isaac Benjamin

Its crazy how much I love him already!
He moves all the time, and I'm starting to see my belly move when he moves.
I expected pregnancy to take forever like I've seen many ladies say, but it feels like we just found out yesterday and I'm already almost 6.5 months along.
I hardly ever get online anymore, life is so busy. I do have a bump buddy though. One of my highschool best friends is just 4 weeks behind me. I told her yesterday that this weekend, now that we're definitely showing, we need to go grab an ice cream and walk through the park and get a picture for our albums, just so we can say we did something like that during our pregnancies.
Um.. not much else is going on new here. Life feels like a fairytale.

and I'm just enjoying every minute of it!