Those TTC for awhile.

Bjorn is being quite good, still has good and bad days but overall very smiley! He only normally wakes once in the night now and has the cutest laugh you have ever heard! (Well maybe you girls have heard cute laughs too ;) )
Afm af hit today, it's still strange getting it and not being disappointed if you know what I mean! Also only have 4lbs left to lose to get back to my pre pregnancy weight :) xx
kash is doing great, the perfect baby, couldn't have asked for a better one. i think aden conditioned me for all babies after him to be a breeze lol! kash is great, aden has been evaluated my the state's program and will be getting some special education for his speech when he starts preschool soon. he has a developmental delay, and we are hoping he will catch up by kindergarten. he does not speak like a 3 year old normally does, so we have that to work on with him.

Moter sounds like you have the perfect baby there! Glad he is being a good boy!
Sorry to hear about Aden. I'm sure with the correct special education his speech will improve, I didn't realise he was suffering with that. How are you feeling about it? X
yes, he is a good baby. :flower:
aden has always been behind in speech. everyone (including the pediatricians) kept saying to wait, he will catch up, boys are slower than girls etc. but i've known for awhile he wasn't developing as he should in the speech area. i tried to get help from the state last year but they said to wait and see if he catches up. finally, i was able to get him evaluated and the good news is he is getting help early, a lot of kids don't get help till kindergarten, so he has 3years yet of therapy to help him get caught up before he reaches kindergarten. he has a severe expressive language delay, an articulation disorder, and an adaptive delay (often comes along with speech delay) he is normal in cognitive, social, behavioral, and receptive language....though he is actually diagnosed as severe receptive delay as well because he would not do the exercises from the test. but he displayed he understands while the tester was here. i work with him a lot everyday, and feel blessed to get to stay home with him to give him the extra help he needs. the therapist seemed to think he will do well with therapy and make big improvements. we have a plan for him for this year and i will be very happy if he reaches all of the goals that have been set for him. if he does, he would still not be caught up per say, but he would be making huge progress as far as from where he is starting, which would make is a possibility for him to catch up in future. so this year is gonna be a big year for him!
Bjorn is being quite good, still has good and bad days but overall very smiley! He only normally wakes once in the night now and has the cutest laugh you have ever heard! (Well maybe you girls have heard cute laughs too ;) )
Afm af hit today, it's still strange getting it and not being disappointed if you know what I mean! Also only have 4lbs left to lose to get back to my pre pregnancy weight :) xx

oh don't you love the baby giggles? it is possibly the best sound in the world. glad Bjorn is doing so well. he sounds like a good baby too.
yes, the whole af thing is strange now. always feels like i should be upset it came now, ha!
good job on losing the pregnancy weight!! i've reached my prepregnacy weight but my belly is still just a bit bigger than before, but my thighs are smaller. (i measure) go figure. been working hard at it here, i workout 6 days a week, lift weights, eat at a deficit, eat high protein, eat clean. i have probably 4 more months of that, and then i plan to bulk (put on muscle).....unless of course we decide to have another baby :winkwink:
Bjorn is being quite good, still has good and bad days but overall very smiley! He only normally wakes once in the night now and has the cutest laugh you have ever heard! (Well maybe you girls have heard cute laughs too ;) )
Afm af hit today, it's still strange getting it and not being disappointed if you know what I mean! Also only have 4lbs left to lose to get back to my pre pregnancy weight :) xx

oh don't you love the baby giggles? it is possibly the best sound in the world. glad Bjorn is doing so well. he sounds like a good baby too.
yes, the whole af thing is strange now. always feels like i should be upset it came now, ha!
good job on losing the pregnancy weight!! i've reached my prepregnacy weight but my belly is still just a bit bigger than before, but my thighs are smaller. (i measure) go figure. been working hard at it here, i workout 6 days a week, lift weights, eat at a deficit, eat high protein, eat clean. i have probably 4 more months of that, and then i plan to bulk (put on muscle).....unless of course we decide to have another baby :winkwink:

Sounds like you are doing everything right a fit and healthy mummy!
Wouldn't it be great in time if we all were pregnant together again?!
I have no idea if it would take as long as it did last time but I'm going to try not to even think about it!
You seem to have caught Adens problem early enough and got the best possible help for him and I'm sure he will achieve all his goals with a wonderful supportive mother like yourself x
I agree with rooster...aden is going to do fab because he as a wondereful mummy! Im sure he will not only meet the goals but surpass then. Perhaps Kash will be good for this too!

So good to hear how wondereful kash is! I think when you have a difficult first baby the next must be like a breeze! Atleast i am hoping!

Talking of which, we are going for it this cycle. I think!
Bjorn is being quite good, still has good and bad days but overall very smiley! He only normally wakes once in the night now and has the cutest laugh you have ever heard! (Well maybe you girls have heard cute laughs too ;) )
Afm af hit today, it's still strange getting it and not being disappointed if you know what I mean! Also only have 4lbs left to lose to get back to my pre pregnancy weight :) xx

oh don't you love the baby giggles? it is possibly the best sound in the world. glad Bjorn is doing so well. he sounds like a good baby too.
yes, the whole af thing is strange now. always feels like i should be upset it came now, ha!
good job on losing the pregnancy weight!! i've reached my prepregnacy weight but my belly is still just a bit bigger than before, but my thighs are smaller. (i measure) go figure. been working hard at it here, i workout 6 dayus a week, lift weights, eat at a deficit, eat high protein, eat clean. i have probably 4 more months of that, and then i plan to bulk (put on muscle).....unless of course we decide to have another baby :winkwink:

Sounds like you are doing everything right a fit and healthy mummy!
Wouldn't it be great in time if we all were pregnant together again?!
I have no idea if it would take as long as it did last time but I'm going to try not to even think about it!
You seem to have caught Adens problem early enough and got the best possible help for him and I'm sure he will achieve all his goals with a wonderful supportive mother like yourself x

Thank you, I try hard with Aden, he learns everything differently so he always keeps it interesting for me.
It would be so wonderful to all be pregnant at the same time again! Would be nice to know if it would take so long again cause last time was so hard being ready and then no sticky bfp for ages....I just want to decide I'm ready for another and bam I'm pregnant. That would be so much easier
I agree with rooster...aden is going to do fab because he as a wondereful mummy! Im sure he will not only meet the goals but surpass then. Perhaps Kash will be good for this too!

So good to hear how wondereful kash is! I think when you have a difficult first baby the next must be like a breeze! Atleast i am hoping!

Talking of which, we are going for it this cycle. I think!

Oh thank you for that. We are hoping and praying Aden does meet those goals.
Yes baby #2 is so easy I forget he's there sometimes! I have to think which baby contraption I set him in he can be so quiet. He's very happy just playing on his own, it's so nice and works out perfectly so I can still have lots if time to spend with aden
So glad to hear that hun! Did you worry at all when you were pregnant about whether you would have the same issues again?

Alex has not been so food aversion he screams the place down when we try and feed him (he hates the allergy milk so damn much) and gets so stressed he then throws up what we give him. we introduced a little bit of baby cereal. WHAT a difference. He had his mouth open for the spoon whenever we went near him, was going mmmmmm all the time its in his mouth and hes smacking it around..and ate quite a lot then allowed us to give him 2oz of milk! No sickness and totally crashed out for a nap!

Realise early weaning is a controversial subject but...I always planned to milk only till 6 months but I realised that plan went out the window the second we had the reflux diagnosis! (talking of which..he hasnt refluxed at all all afternoon since his feed!) xxx
So glad to hear that hun! Did you worry at all when you were pregnant about whether you would have the same issues again?

Alex has not been so food aversion he screams the place down when we try and feed him (he hates the allergy milk so damn much) and gets so stressed he then throws up what we give him. we introduced a little bit of baby cereal. WHAT a difference. He had his mouth open for the spoon whenever we went near him, was going mmmmmm all the time its in his mouth and hes smacking it around..and ate quite a lot then allowed us to give him 2oz of milk! No sickness and totally crashed out for a nap!

Realise early weaning is a controversial subject but...I always planned to milk only till 6 months but I realised that plan went out the window the second we had the reflux diagnosis! (talking of which..he hasnt refluxed at all all afternoon since his feed!) xxx

i did worry yes. as far as the clubfoot, we had met with the genetics team and were told our likelihood of another child with it was 3%, and aden's specialist told us it will not happen again to us. He was so confident and sure about it. we were prepared for it to happen again and really, it isn't something that would deter us from having another as it is correctable and no surgeries needed. as far as the speech issue, when i got pregnant, i wasn't even sure there was something wrong there, i just always had this feeling and then when kash was born, right away i could tell the difference between the two as far as development wise. but, there is really no way to know if that kind of thing is going to happen or not, all you can do is be healthy during your pregnancy and the rest is up to god!

poor baby! i feel so bad for him....and for you, not easy to deal with day in and day out. glad the food is helping. i bet its the heaviness of the solids that keep it down in his tummy instead of coming back up all the time to burn his throat. remember a plan is just a plan, with kids all of your "plans" tend to go out the window and you just do what works for your baby and you and that's the best you can do!! there are "heavy" formulas out there that would keep things down for him if you are wanting to try a different one. here it is called enfamil AF, which is just regular formula with rice cereal mixed, but they take out the starch. it's almost the same thing as adding rice cereal right to a bottle, but it doesn't have the clumps or the starch. that's the one and only one that aden would take and keep down without pain. not sure that they make one that's the allergy free too though. another option, and some may not agree, is to try adding a bit of rice cereal right to his bottles to help him keep it down. if you do that, you would prob need to cut a small x in the bottle cause it would be thicker than formula.
Thanks hun...we do have that here but dont think he can have it as he cant have any regular formulas. Hes on one called neocate whicj is hypoallegenic.

Hows my ladies doing? We are ok here. Still weaning on guidance of specialist. He still loves it bless him and is so much happier!

Gimme your updates!!


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Hi sarah!! Glad he is settling! Sounds like you have not had it easy but you seem to be doing a great job!! He is adorable! Did you say you were going to actively start trying again?
Moter sounds like little Kash is an angel! Would love to see a pic of him!
How Are you getting on?
Faythe long time no hear! How are you and little Jacob!? X
Afm Bjorn is good, getting big weighs 17lb10 now! Starting baby massage tomorrow so hope he is a good boy for that! Sleeping fairly well, slept 20.30-5am last night. Thinking about putting him in his own room soon. :(
He is 18 weeks old now. Myself and DH are NTNP I'm not too fussed about getting pregnant Anytime too soon but I'm not preventing it either... If its ment to be its ment to be.
Anyone ever here anything from pinky? Xx
I do hun, she is getting by :) Ill tell her you asked about her!

Bless him! We need more piccies of him! Im dreading putting alex in his own room, i love having him near me. I actually hate not co-sleeping unless hes unwell!!

Hi girls just reading my last post saying Bjorn was sleeping well, well the night of that post he was up all night and has been waking all night ever since! Some people say its the 4 month sleep regression but it been going on for weeks and weeks! He is waking every two hours and I'm like a zombie with the biggest headache going!
Hope the other babies are behaving themselves? I'm back to work next month so really need this to stop!
Sarah love your avatar pic!
Wow chick look at your piccie!! He looks so grown up hun!!

Oh no..Im glad we dont have the regression going on..alex is actually starting to crash at night lol.

How else is things going? Tina/Faythe? :)

Good here. We managed to get Alex back onto normal formula after we went through a serious bottle aversion stage. Hes still on solids too and loving them. He loves his creamy porridge for breakfast, its one of his favourites, along with rice pudding!


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I am new to the forum and really needed to meet new people who are long term ttc. Today i came on my period and i feel really low. I don't know anyone who is trying to conceive. I started trying to conceive in May 2012 at age 28 but because my boyfriend is in the military, there has only been 9 months we've been able to try.
I confided in a friend in January who i've known since i was 24 that i was ttc and in April i met up with her and she seen how down i was feeling. I asked if she was going to try for a baby and she said she was going to leave it for a few years. A month later after that meeting she got pregnant. She didn't tell me despite messaging me asking how i was and left me to see her 3 month scan on my facebook homepage. It broke my heart and she hasn't bothered to speak to me since. I really want to delete her but part of me wants to see her baby updates as i am so desperate for my own but every time i log into facebook, i end up crying.
My boyfriend has low sperm count and low morphology. I menstruate every month and have all the fertile signs every month but doctors wont see me until it has been a year.
Well guys...looks like Im back to the crazy train of pregnancy....EEEEEk!


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Well guys...looks like Im back to the crazy train of pregnancy....EEEEEk!

Holy crap!! I'm delighted for you Sarah!! It must be early days? Wow!!
How are you feeling? How are you feeling about having another LO?

How is everyone else? I'm ok. Bjorn is adorable! Still waking loads at night!! Every 2-3 hours! I'm going back to work in two weeks so dreading it! He is 6 months old tomorrow! X

Here is a pic of the cheeky chap!
Also sarah there is no way I'm getting a BFP soon! Me and DH are rarely dtd as we are both absolutely shattered from being up all night! Still rush at the mo but would still bbw chuffed if it happened again! Don't feel that desperation like last time though! X
Hes sooooooo cute!! Cant believe our little men are turning 6 months already!!

I hear you on the not dtd much. Matt and I went from every day pretty much pre alex to a couple times a month. Its why I am highly shocked atm that we got pregnant!

Im a bit overwhelmed with it all :) I didnt expect to be pregnant quite so soon after having Alex. Matt is super happy, im not unhappy, just thinking about all the logistics!

And yeah its super early :) Im guessing 4wks, nto sure as I dont know when I Ovulated but must have been earlier than usual because ive been ovulating around cd18 and i got a positive pregnancy test at ce23 x

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