Hi ladies,
Sorry - I'm new to all of this! So I'm sorry if I am posting in the wrong area etc! Lol. I'm 29 years old and am currently TTC my first. I've never really been a 'wanting kids' type of person.... but I'm about to turn 30 and I have had a change of heart!
My husband and are decided that we would maybe start trying. I have been on the pill since I was 17. I skipped my period for that whole time and maybe had it once a year. The doctor told me that was fine. Since going off the pill about 6 months ago - my cycles have been really messed up!!! (here I was thinking that everything would go back to normal as soon as I went off the pill) how wrong was I!!!
I didn't get my period for over 3 months after coming off the pill. When I did get it - it was REALLY heavy, which was unusual for me because mine was never heavy. I didn't even get a period pain until I was on the pill!

So now my period was really heavy, but only lasted for 3 days, which was strange as they usually go for 5 or 6.
So after that... my cycles were ranging from anything from 35ish days to 60's days. I only every once got a positive Ovulation test in that whole time. This was most likely due to testing at the wrong times.... but it was so hard to work out when I may have been ovulating as my cycles were so irregular.
This may sound like way too much info - but this whole time, I hardly ever got any cervical mucus. I can honestly say that prior to this I never, ever really paid any attention to it - so I'm unsure whether this is unusual for me or not.
So I've been off the pill for over 6 months - having unprotected sex regularly and I'm still not pregnant. These last 2 months have been the most regular cycles being around 30 - 31 days.
I started doing the Ovulation tests on CD 17 and got a negative. Then a positive on CD18. We had sex that night and the next morning (I had a little bit of EWCM). I never bothered testing again after that. Then on CD20 I tested again because I felt like I was getting ovulation pain & I still had EWCM. I got a positive. Then 3 more positives each day after that! Its so strange!
We have had sex on most of those days so far as well. This morning I went to the bathroom and had a LOT of EWCM - which is really strange for me. I've never seen this much before! I didn't do an ovulation test this morning, but will do one this afternoon. I still have what feels like ovulation pain. But I will note that I usually get ovulation pain on my left side... but this pain seems to be below my belly button in the middle.
Is it strange to get 6 days worth of positive ovulation tests?! I did a pregnancy tests and it came back negative - although it may be too early to test as I only got the first positive ovulation test 5 days prior!
Can someone please help me?! LOL.... I'm hopeless with all of this TTC stuff as Ive never really paid any attention to it!!!! All of your information would be greatly appreciated!