Crikey, I can't keep up with this thread!
My thoughts are:
-It's no-ones business how anyone feeds their baby, no matter how old they are, although it's natural to form judgements about people.
- Why is it OK to BF a baby in public, but not a toddler/older child? Some people get upset about/don't like seeing/are offended by a baby being nursed in public, yet not many would suggest their opinions or feelings mean we shouldn't BF our babies in public, so why shouldn't the same reasoning apply to BF an older child in public?
- There are nutritional benefits to the child from breastmilk for as long as BF continues. The benefits to the Mother increase the longer the BF continues.
- If the child and parents are happy for the BF to continue, why shouldn't it? I
- Why should a Mum have to express breastmilk for an older child if she doesn't want to?
- People forget that the reason breast are sexual is because breasts equal baby feeding ability and at a biological level, men are attracted to women who can bear and rear their children.
- LOTS of women BF toddlers and older children, but they mostly do it in private, so people aren't used to it or aware how much it actually happens. Just like the more people see babies being BF in public the more they see it as normal, the more people see older children ursed in public, the more they'll see that as normal.
- It's proven that extended/natural term BF relationships only benefit the mother and child.