hot tea
Formula has its place, for sure! I just believe that supply issues usually stem from a lack of education. Even midwives push bottles earlier than they should, it is a shame.
I really cannot fathom these supply issues. This will absolutely never happen to me.
The base to a good supply is:
Constant skin to skin
Constant suckling
Introducing no bottles
Leave soothers for after 6 weeks if possible
Use absolutely no substitutes such as formula
Do not try to express if it just doesnt work for you
Keep in mind if you do express, it does not reflect the amount of milk you have
Encapsulate your placenta and take ASAP
I think that a lot of women have supply issues because they make a mistakevery early on. The mistake usually involves a bottle.
Hot tea, whilst I would agree that most women who think they have supply problems don't, (its usually a support/lack of correct information issue) there are a minority of women who do have genuine supply problems and will never be able to EBF their baby, no matter what help or support they get.
That said, IMO, Donor milk is really the next best option to being able to BF yourself, but it's not for everyone.
Tell that last bit to my breasts, which produced copious amounts of milk in increasing quantities when I had to exclusively express last year! As a result of building my supply so fast then I ended up with massive oversupply this time.
I think a big issue is women do not realize that expressing and pumping does nothing to build a supply. Only the suckle of their baby will.
did not work for me. even if i put him on every 30 minutes for 1 week. even if i ate like a pig and drunk water like an elephant.
dont forget that NOT all women or human bodies are the same.
about what the OP said. i dont mind the 4 year old BF. i find the old woman being rude to her friend. this again is because people wont accept that everybody is different. everywhere are different cultures and norms. everybody is different. can we do anything about that? we cannot change ourselves for everybody, the best thing is to accept who we are.
While I am not trying to criticize anyone for extended BFing (and don't know how long I'll go myself), all the discussion here made me think. I am curious why 'self-weaning' is ideal for BFing... we don't let kids self-potty train, kids who use pacifiers don't always wean themselves and have to be weaned, kids who have a lovie often have to learn how to cope without it, etc. I'm not comparing the value/benefit/downside of any of these things (obviously pacifiers can cause harm after prolonged use), just that the urge to self-wean may not be there at the appropriate time and we have no problem pushing our child to stop other habits that are in the 'baby' category before they might be ready.
I do agree that the majority of supply issues are down to lack of education and not actual supply. There are, of course, women who have very real supply issues no matter what they do (I can think of a few women on here who are still BF + supplementing at 1+ year for real need), but most girls simply don't understand
- You can't just give a bottle of formula
- Cluster feeding (honestly, how many threads are there of this? Soooo many girls don't understand why their newborns feed constantly, they think something is "wrong", I know I sure did!), it seems like people keep going on about 4 hour feeds this, 4 hour feeds that, where did that arbitrary number even come from?? A sleep training book?
- They don't get the concept of stimulating further milk production
And so on....
They just don't know. Hell, when I had to pump out of medical necessity as my son was injured in labour and couldn't breastfeed, I didn't understand how to pump. I thought every 6 hours was okay. I thought adding a bottle of formula (making it 12 hours!!) was okay. I was cluuuuuuuuuuueless. And the lactation nurse gave me bad information anyways![]()
He would always grab at my opposite boob, and twist my nipple then pull it as hard as he could... Then stare at me with huge starry eyes. He KNEW it annoyed me, haha!! I always kept a poker face but he saw riiiight through me.