I've also read a whole lot of stories about women getting pregnant on Cycle 2 after having the endometriosis surgeries Laura I don't know if I spelled that right, but I have a good feeling for you!!!
Well I'm trying to be positive it didn't work for me last time but at least I have the ivf back up this time I guess im going to have to do some serious manifesting
Lol, that's why I never commented on the Secret when you mentioned it, I thought I would let you read it yourself and see what you thought about it. Putting it out in the universe and all. Lots of people say it really works!!
Yes, he better!! Lol, that's the whole reason I told them I want to come in. They are putting up with my crazy obsessive worrying like rockstars!! Just a little blood test is all I need and maybe a repeat blood test in a couple of days.
Awwww I'm so sorry Laura. I really do have a good feeling for you though, you're going to be joining us SO SO SO SO SO Soon!!!! And then I can tell you to step away from the pee sticks and not worry about darkness and all the craziness that goes through your head!!!
No baby yet
Called L&D and was told to just stay put until the contractions get 5 minutes apart. Decided to take it easy and relax but they eventually faded from every 10-15min to every 20 and at that point I figured this wasn't it and went to bed. Kept waking up throughout the night with contractions though. Hopefully today they will get themselves organized and real labor will start. I'm off to work, I'll update everybody if things change
Peed on a $tree test and it was I'm so freaking scared, wish I could just relax and let whatever happen just happen. This sucks. Getting ready to go to the doc. Hopefully he can make me feel better.
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