Good morning girls
Well I'm at the dr now waiting for my sono.
Good thing I have it today because I woke up today with the WORST pain in my right side, I believe its a cyst
Looks like I have a cyst on my right ovary. Which is weird because the o pain I had yesteday was on my left. Then I wsake up this morning and have horrible right sided
Now idk if he's even going to have me take the clomid. This sucks
AND FF took away my crosshairs.
If I did ovulate it was yesterday....or today
Well that's good, at least you got the BD timing down! And I had pains on my left side this month, but O'ed from my right side! It's weird, and has to be some kind of transference.
Omg! I just went back and read the last few days on the thread (sorry my memory is shot)
5 days ago you were ready to call it quits and said it was look!!!! Your prego!!!! that's so wonderful
Maybe that's why you kept getting all those positive opks lol
HEATHER!!!!!!!!!!!! OH>>>>MY>>>>>GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I couldn't be happier for you if you'd just won the lottery YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It was definately a shock and we both cried like babies
Staying optimistically causious... Not telling anyone at the moment.
Turns out all those +opks for the last 2 weeks weren't from an extremely late O or a cyst like we thought.. I had the 'feeling' something was going on because my nipples are so sensitive I can't wear a bra. I knew the urine test was + when the dr wheeled in the u/s machine with a big smile on his face I still can't believe it
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