Laura- How exciting! I bet this week is going to fly by!
Jess- How are you feeling? Do you feel preggo yet?
Well I decided to quit my job I know I'm insane but my school schedule is 4 days a week! There is no way I'm fitting in homework plus family time in just 3 days so the job had to go. Not entirely sure what we are going to do money wise, but I'm sure it will work out. I'm so excited to be done working in retail- hopefully I never have to go back!
MrS I'm actually not doing so well today the nausea is terrible today! Some days I'm perfectly fine then others I'm gagging at the sight and smell of everything lol idk what each day will bring.
I had a scan the other day at a school (my friend is in school for ultrasound) so I let her and a bunch of other girls practice scanning and taking measurments. I'm measurin 1 day ahead! So maybe I'm 8weeks 6days today!
Ill post a pic in a min
I actually just qiut my job too! I know what you mean about working in retail, and I'm never going back! Lol
I couldn't take all the stress from the incident that happened a few weeks ago between anoher employee and my manager. Its hard enough working ALL the time and not seeing my family but ill be damned if I'm going to do it under those conditions. Everyone was treating me like crap so I decided that ill be a stay at home mom! DH really wants me to just be at home with the kids
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