Laura I really hope the drugs will work for you, you are for sure in my prayers!
I've been doing OPKs for most of my cycle trying to figure out what is going on in my cycle. According to FF ovulation should be any day, what do you gals think? The last one kind of looks positive to me. I hate stupid confusing
Thanks ladies I'm feeli g much better today I think it was just the 10 weeks of drugs before stimming and the low AMH both took me by supprise but I guess this is what has to be done and it's the path that's made for me so instead of stomping down that road feeling sorry for myself I will skip with a smile after all I'm very lucky to have the opportunity to do IVF so as of now it's one skip at a time
I know me too!
I'm actually 10weeks1day today. My dates changed at my last can and I never fixed my ticker lol they'll prob move around acouple days through out this pregnancy.
I got a pic ill post in a minute
Hi Ladies!! Sorry I've been MIA, T went to Kansas to work and since it was O time I went with him But I am home now thank god and 2 dpo I feel like I did every thing right and can't wait for my 2ww to be over!!!
Heather, I was so sorry to read your last post, I can't imagine what you much be going through, but am always here if you need someone to talk to
Laura, I'm sorry about your blood test results. I hope this next few months just flies by for you!!
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