If you decide to POAS please share. Your last test looked promising!
I really hope the tech toeday will try and get me a pic.
DH thinks I shouldn't ask but I want to I went to school for sonography and I think it would be fun to take a guess, I know what I'm looking for
No symptoms is a good thgng from what I'm begining to see.
The month I got my BFP I wasn't expecting it at all. I had zero symptoms, its so weird.
PMS seemed so much worse! Its such a mind f*** lol
So no gender guessing pix today
But she did take a look down there for me, I think its a girl.iv had a feeling from the beginning that's its a girl. Guess time will only tell.
I got a pix of the baby, I'll up load it in a min
Grace I'm so sorry its a bfn....but I still swear I see something there.
Oh I'm excited to see the pic Jess! I just realized my SIL goes for her first scan today, of course I won't be able to gender guess with her.
We had a great little fourth of July here. It rained! It's always funny driving through our town when it rains because everybody is outside standing in the rain. You'd think we had never seen this mysterious water falling from the heavens before I can't wait for this summer to just be over, I have no idea why we live somewhere that gets so damn hot.
I'm kind of in my TWW. I finally got some super obvious positive OPKs on Sunday and Monday and there may have been some recklessness going on then... AF is predicted to arrive on the 18th so we shall see. Otherwise we will officially be TTC next cycle. Sometimes I question my sanity. Roxas is officially 4 months old today, where on Earth did the time go? So if it did happen this month they would be 13 months apart
Lol, I tried, but couldn't pull anything, but it shouldn't be a super faint line at 14 dpo!! Idk, and there's no way I'm pregnant if I ovulated later, cuz I can't get pregnant in Ohio from sperm that is in Kansas
I don't know how to load a pic up here off my phone. Does anyone else?
We still in hospital Devon not feeding. With all the trauma and him being in nicu for a few days we are behind the game on sucking and I have very little milk. We can't go home till this is resolved. I'm over being in hospital too
I don't know how to load a pic up here off my phone. Does anyone else?
We still in hospital Devon not feeding. With all the trauma and him being in nicu for a few days we are behind the game on sucking and I have very little milk. We can't go home till this is resolved. I'm over being in hospital too
Awwww T I hope he catches on soon, is he out of nicu now?
If you send it to my email I can upload it for you I will pm my email address to you are you on iPhone?
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