Hey everybody, just wanted to say a quick hi! It is pouring buckets here, flood warnings, and the whole street is flowing like a river! Of course I'm absolutely giddy with excitement. We don't get a lot of rain so this is a big deal for us desert rats. Lol. Hope all is well. I'm off to watch the rain some more!
I have been keeping a TTC chart but I just haven't had a chance to put it in my signature. I'm making an attempt at temping but it's difficult when I'm up in the night. I'm taking a vitamin B complex to hopefully extend my LP this cycle. I hope it works, fingers crossed.
So our crazy monsoon storm was just that- CRAZY! Sadly we have heard of one fatality tonight, the persons car was swept into a wash and they were ejected from the car and drowned. Several other vehicles were caught in the washes too. There is a ton of property damage all through town. This was the Worst flash flood we've had in a good 15 years. People were having to abandon cars and seek safety. We are supposed to have another one tomorrow.
Wow mrs.s that is CRAZY! I'm glad you and your family are ok.
How long is your LP? Did you have to lengthen it to concieve your DS?
Grumbela that's wonderful! yey for vacation!
Where are you going?
Well girls I got my first glimps into what's its going to be like once the baby is here last night....kinda
My puppy is sick she has been throwing up and had horrible diarrhea. I woke up at 12am, 130, 245,300,330 and 630 to let her outside to do her business. So needless to say I'm super tired today!
Idk why she is sick, maybe she got into something. This is the second day she's like this. I didn't know the night before last and woke up to it all over my house so she slept in our room last night and woke me whenever she needed let out.
I forgot what it was like to get up 5 times in the night lol but I remember now
Aw, poor puppy! My dog was not feeling good last night either, had to get up more for her than the baby!
My LP last cycle was only 3 days 4 at the most. Apparently it's extremely common for the LP to be very short when breastfeeding because your prolactin levels are so high. It seems to naturally lengthen after a few cycles but a little extra help never hurt and I'm impatient lol.
Oh wow I didn't know that. I thought that it was impossible to get pregnant while you are breastfeeding. isn't it the bodys natural birth control? I didn't even think that you could even have a period while nursing.
I love that your nursing! I think its wonderful! I nursed my DS for like 5 or 6 months on me, then I slowly weened him off, id only do it at night and by like 7 or 8 months he was done all together.
I was the only one out of my friends and family that breastfeed my child. Everyone else gave up. I can't wait to nurse again!
It just depends on the woman, for some it works great as a birth control but for others...not so much. I'm unusual since my periods returned right on time after birth and have actually been pretty punctual since. It annoyed me at first but then I realized that makes it better for us TTC. I love nursing but it's been a very bumpy road and still isn't how I envisioned it. Right now I'm fighting to maintain a decent supply and frozen milk stash. It's been an uphill battle but thanks to an incredibly stubborn streak I've stuck with it. I've had friends tell me to just quit and give in to formula. Not that I have anything against formula feeding but personally I would feel as if I fell short of my goal. I really want to make it to a year. I'd be happy if we can reach 6 months though.
https://i1181.photobucket.com/albums/x423/lauracpig/2379b94b.jpgErm I had an urge to poas and I don't know Why but I did and I'm sure I see somthing there but the strip is so thin :/
Mrs.S I know what you mean but it def feels SO wonderful when you stick with it!
I would have felt like a failure if I quit and went to formula, breastmilk is SO good for a baby. Plus you don't have to fuss with bottles lol
OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG! I think I see it too!
Where are you at in your cycle?
Can someone tweak it? Idk how
I am SO excited for you! How awesome would it be if you got a BFP before treatment!?
Well I had my injection 3 weeks ago tomorrow and I got af that day it's supposed to stop your cycles but as I had the injection the day af started it says you can ovulate
What kind of injection was it? I'm clueless when it comes to that stuff sorry
But I def see something there.
How do you feel? Any symptoms? Is that why you tested?
Sorry for all the questions Laura but I am just so damn excited for you!
It was a 3month lupron injection its supposed to reduce my endo before starting ivf
I have felt very strange but not sure if it's side effects but I just had an urge lol
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