Well, we'll be staying in without company tomorrow, Tristen is still puking a lot, and I just can't have new babies and everyone over here and risk everyone getting sick. All this home made food, I've been cooking for literally 3 solid days. This sucks
Lol, it's not even just Tristen now, Aiden started throwing up at about 9 o' clock And to be honest. I'm not feeling so hot myself. Just hope the throwing up part will wait till Friday, so I can eat all of this food!!!
And nope, things are worse here So much so that I will not be cooking today. Tecumseh started getting sick a few hours after Aiden. I'm praying it won't hit me. I'm so afraid to get what they have!! They are all SOO sick. This sucks.
Hope you're feeling better Grace Being sick should be outlawed during the holidays
I hope everyone had a wonderful Turkey Day! We had a blast, Roxas loved getting to try so many different foods. We told our parents about the pregnancy and it was great. I put a little poem I wrote in a handmade Thanksgiving card that ended with the line "and we hope you're excited for our family to expand to four!" My father in law read it first and apparently it didn't hit him at first, because he just handed it to my mother in law then it must have hit him because he grabbed the card back and re-read it. I wish we would have recorded it.
My mom had a great reaction too, and we did manage to record that! After spending most of the day avoiding the wine I kept getting offered I gave her the fake progress report after dinner. She read it, then re-read it and I had to ask her to re-read it again...which she did but out loud this time. When she got to the last one and started reading Pregnancy Test (+) she just about had a heart attack! It was great. I'm glad I don't have to worry about letting something slip around our family now. DH still doesn't want to tell his brother who is expecting their first. He is afraid of stealing their thunder but I'd rather just get it out of the way now rather than later.
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