Mammag when I took the OPK that's what mine looked like. Yesterday was a little bit lighter but not by much. If you put todays and yesterdays side by side you could see a difference (getting darker) I'm so pumped right now!

also I believe I'm Oing on my left side (past 4 months its been on the right) after hearing that left side gossip I'm adding that one to my google search list! Lol
I'm not that proud to say that DH and I were both a little tippsy last night. I went through 3 pitchers of daquaries between all the girls (all 2 of them including myself) DH was sticking to his favorite drinks: vokda and redbull. Needless to say it was a long night ;-)
I can't help but feel bad for drinking, I feel like I should be preping my body for a marathon or something. I feel bad for drinking but then again I need to take it easy. Its so hard sometimes to watch girls party it up and BAM! Just like that there prego. It baffels my mind.....ok my done ranting