Well I be damned!I just cannot believe all that I am seeing over there. In all honesty I think it is bogus...I really do
I must have missed a lot of it, but I gave up after a few yesterday.
Lol, no not the cat, lol, that kind of sucked too though, I was like "who's siamese" lol, then I saw the vet thing.
Well I be damned!I just cannot believe all that I am seeing over there. In all honesty I think it is bogus...I really do
I must have missed a lot of it, but I gave up after a few yesterday.
Lol, no not the cat, lol, that kind of sucked too though, I was like "who's siamese" lol, then I saw the vet thing.
Ok, I like cats and all...but I didn't find it as disturbing as I thought you girls did; then I realized wrong thread! Lol.
Now I gotta go find it. I feel left out.
I really hope so, especially since she was in here not long ago TTC.
So dh and I are watching Battle" Los Angeles....some of it is really gross...
Trying to Concieve
Please excuse all of my typos! I am on my phone, lol. I forgot to say, when they are scanning the tampins, I usually like to say something along the lines of " wow, I really do bleed a lot!" DH just turns bright red. Or because I am Asian, I make jokes about him buying me as an internet bride and how we don't have such good tampons in the homeland. Lol.
LMFAO!! Oh my goodness, you made my eyes water I was laughing so hard.
OMG, I missed that post somehow!! That's hilarious, my DH likes to embarrass me like that, he'll wait till a group of people are walking by (particularly old people) and grab me up, kiss me; and say, it's okay Sis, there's no way Mom will see us here! OMG it makes me want to KILL HIM!!!
SO I am guessing I am officially 1 DPO? None of my tickers will reflect my early O...boo
You are 1 DPO for sure! Yay Two Week Wait!!! My strips came too!Took one of each, I like to take an IC HPT when I know I'm not pregnant to see what kind of line it gets, if any, these did NOT
even better. I'll post pics in a minute!
Sorry you had a hard night Dmom, I'm mad at DH for getting wasted drunk, he has the maturity of a child, could strangle him with my bare hands.
That sucks. Thankfully DH doesn't drink. Well he every once in a bluemoon will have 1 or 2 but 3 is all he will ever have at one time. Like the saying in his squadron..."3 gets your keys"
I was so hoping that my IC's would have came today....All I have for HPT's are some FRER..2 in the box..don't want to use them until I have to kwim...I'm sure they will come Monday and anyway it's not like I will need them then either....I still have plenty of time....right
Anyone know where I can get a ticker that I can input my O date manually? None of the ones I have will let me. FF doesn't. I input my temp in my TCOYF chart this morning and there is a line running through kind of like "cross hairs" on FF. ANyone care to look at it? It also says that today is my "PEAK" day...what's that mean? HELP!!![]()
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Here is this morning's test; I think it's go time!
Once again, my surge is on a Monday morning; it has never been on any other day...but I still POAS!![]()
I am super pumped cause FF gave me cross hairs this morning! My temp is going up! Now for it to just stay nice and pretty...the chart that is![]()
Ha, that looks positive to me!!! Yay!!! Get to the BD'ing girl!!!
I love crosshairs, they always make my day, my temps are so erratic this month, my chart has never looked like this before? Have no idea what's going on. OPK's are still way negative.