Wouldn't that be amazing!! These high temps have me excited, progesterone levels are good right away and if I DID happen to release two eggs for some reason then it would double my chances of getting my!!!
Wouldn't that be amazing!! These high temps have me excited, progesterone levels are good right away and if I DID happen to release two eggs for some reason then it would double my chances of getting my!!!
Got my Fxd that at least one of those eggies meets up with a spermy!
@icca19 I added you to my future bump buddies list
So today started out weird, I had a really super realistic dream and woke up in a panic. I was dreaming that I was still in high school and I didn't know what my first class was or my locker combination. For about the first minute I was awake I was convinced that dream was real and I had to get up for school! I hate those kinds of dreams because even the good ones turn out bad when you wake up. I've had the same thing happen where I dreamed that we had a baby and half expected to see a bassinet by my bed when I woke up.
It got better though when I went to leave I found a note taped to the door to our garage from DH that said "I Love You" and for once I hadn't asked him to do things like that recently! I was so happy that he thought to do that all on his own!Now if only I can get him to graduate from sweet notes to flowers too...hmmm...
Hope everybody is having a fun weekend, I'm at work dealing with crazy people as always!
Well I am back...It was so brutally hot out there but it made DH happy that we went with him. I even got a trip to the mall to Old Navy out of it...I needed to re-stock my flip flop inventory hahaha.... Also got a few more movies for tonight...: True Grit, Black Swan and The Dilemma.
I did my usual HPT this morning...as expected...I am only 8DPO so I don't anything other than that. Hope you ladies are all having a great day!
Well I am back...It was so brutally hot out there but it made DH happy that we went with him. I even got a trip to the mall to Old Navy out of it...I needed to re-stock my flip flop inventory hahaha.... Also got a few more movies for tonight...: True Grit, Black Swan and The Dilemma.
I did my usual HPT this morning...as expected...I am only 8DPO so I don't anything other than that. Hope you ladies are all having a great day!
Wonder if Dmom's phone got struck by lightning....?
Well I am back...It was so brutally hot out there but it made DH happy that we went with him. I even got a trip to the mall to Old Navy out of it...I needed to re-stock my flip flop inventory hahaha.... Also got a few more movies for tonight...: True Grit, Black Swan and The Dilemma.
I did my usual HPT this morning...as expected...I am only 8DPO so I don't anything other than that. Hope you ladies are all having a great day!
Omg, I just watched The Black Swan, can't wait till you see it so we can talk about it! Lol, it's crazy!
Wonder if Dmom's phone got struck by lightning....?
Well I am back...It was so brutally hot out there but it made DH happy that we went with him. I even got a trip to the mall to Old Navy out of it...I needed to re-stock my flip flop inventory hahaha.... Also got a few more movies for tonight...: True Grit, Black Swan and The Dilemma.
I did my usual HPT this morning...as expected...I am only 8DPO so I don't anything other than that. Hope you ladies are all having a great day!
Oh I LOVED True Grit, and I thought I would totally hate it since it looked all westerny but it was a really great movie. I've never seen the others but I heard the Dilemma is pretty serious for having some comedians in it.
Make sure the kids are no where near the television set when you watch Black Swan, just a little mom to mom warning, it's really something else! We didn't get to go to the beach today, we all caught the freaking cold the boys got so randomly, I honestly think it's from all the smoke outside, DH said the news said the air quality was 'hazardous' from all of it, and I think we are feeling the effects, none of us have fevers, just sore throats and runny noses and the like, I even had a bloody nose today, yuk.
Lol, I am going to stop, but I did want to make sure yesterdays temp wasn't an accident, two high temps and I'm officially happy! Lol, so no more temping till 12dpo (whenever the hell that is) to see if they have dropped or not!