I'm really not sure though, you guys know my positives are super dark and stick around for days. I just don't think I've gotten it yet. And like I said, NO ewcm whatsoever. Cervix is still firm. It's like I'm not even close yet.
I will temp in the morning for sure though, was gonna temp this morning but my alarm didn't go off for some reason and I woke up late, Aiden was even late to school, but I'm deffo going to temp in the morning.
Grace I wouldn't look for your usual signs your hormone levels will be totally different so you might not get EWCM some months I don't and I have never had a opk where the line is darker than the test line so it is possible and as long as the second line is equil to the test line then it's positive. but I sure wouldn't look out for your usual signs.
Well, my 17 yr old step SIL has just announced on FB that she is pregnant. Freaking amazing, so now i have two pregnant SIL's. One's an idiot who cheats on her husband and probably isn't even sure if he is the dad, and the other is not even a senior in high school. Amazing.
I'm fine, dying a little on the inside and all. But I'm ok. And it's not that I'm jealous that their pregnant, that's not it at all. It's just, they both get pregnant at the SAME time as me?? People that I have to see weekly at least?? I have to watch their bellies grow and see their precious babies that should have been born at the EXACT same time, within days, of when mine should have been here?? I'm mean REALLY??!! It's like, just when you think this whole TTC thing can't get any more painful, then BAM, it sure as fuck can.
Roxas was born at 9:06
Weighing in at 7lbs and 14oz. and 20in. long. Pitocin is a bitch...but I didn't do the epidural!! Labor was absurdly painful and I pushed for a couple hours and ended up with an episiotomy which is awful but he is here and healthy! I'm dead tired but I will fire up the computer and put up some pictures for you. My Facebook has a couple pics up.
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