time to get organised - Emmy's wedding 20th July 2013

Lovely shoes :)

We're not doing presents, the only thing I was going to get OH was cuff links with both babies finger prints on but he can't have cuff links with his suit!

He's had anyway new boxers and socks and new aftershave!

That's lucky your friend is able to pick up the flowers for you!
I could have seriously cried when the woman said she didn't have any deliveries left for our date :dohh: So I think we may have to get our friend a little thank you present for him going to the trouble of collecting them for us.

I've actually got an appointment at 14.00 on saturday with the florist to go through what flowers we want etc, so I really need to get looking at inspiration pictures and maybe print a few out for some ideas for her.

I'm trying out a couple of new mascaras this week to see how they hold up. One is the new flutter one by l'oreal, which is apparently meant to be really good and the other one is the waterproof version of their 4d mascara (which I'll try on thursday night when I go to see Olly Murs at the MEN). I'm going to give the Lancome mascara I had to my cousin for her wedding day makeup so she can see if she gets on better with it than I do :)
Do you have favorite flowers? We did fake flowers for our centerpieces (I DIY'd them :) ), but I loved my bouquet!!
Nope, no favourite flowers, the bouquets I have been liking all seem to have blue hydrangeas in them, so I think that should be a starting point :D
Forgot to add that I love, love, love the flutter lashes mascara :happydance:
Ooh glad you've found a good mascara :D I'm also having fake flowers :) miles cheaper!! Xx
your idea of presents for chris is lovely, he is going to feel so special when he gets them :)
Talking about that, is anyone else doing gifts for their oh on the wedding day? So far I've got Chris a pair of man utd socks, Mr Perfect boxers that say "it's your lucky day" on them and some man utd cufflinks (you can probably tell he's a HUGE man utd fan)

And yourstill marrying him :rofl:

Sounds like plans are coming on. Loving the boxers :) xx
So, back in 2009 when Dad died, one of my aunties (his sister) didn't come to the funeral as she apparently couldn't change her flights to her holiday home at such short notice. There was a lot of bad feeling with her sisters and one of them had been talking to my mum via private message on facebook. All of a sudden this aunt decided that people had been bitching about her and that she was going to sue everyone if it carried on (though nothing had been said).

This turned into a huge arument and really stressed my mum out at a time when she didn't need to be stressed because although they had been separated, they still loved each other very much (Dad couldn't handle Mum's disability getting worse).

Anyway fast forward to summer last year and we'd arranged to go to north wales and scatter the rest of Dad's ashes. She said that she couldn't face it because she thought it would just turn into an argument with her sisters. I was starting to feel like I should make an effort in memory of Dad. So I contacted my uncle and asked if he could pass my number on to her so that we could get in touch (I was actually planning on going up to her on the day and just giving her a hug to show there we no hard feelings). She sent me a text saying she would phone me when she was ready and I've heard nothing since, even though she lied to my uncle and said that she'd tried to phone me but got no answer. And she didn't even turn up on the day, she couldn't face it :wacko:

The way I see it is if she doesn't want a living connection to my dad then it's her loss, but then I feel really say that things haven't worked out, and sometimes wonder if I could have done something different so that it worked out differently? :nope:

I just feel so angry at her that almost 4 years on and she still can't bring herself to let go of what she thought was going on. It feels weird knowing that she won't be at the wedding as we were always close when I was younger (I was born on her birthday, she took me on my first holiday abroad with her family, she got me a part time job before I started university and was always there for me). I get that she's probably ashamed of what's happened, but she's making me feel as though it's my fault :growlmad:
From what I'm reading here, then its not your fault, and there probably isn't anything you could have done to change it! If she doesn't want to get in contact then theres nothing you can do either, but if you still wanted to invite her then you could, but from what she sounds like, she probably wouldn't turn up. Some people get VERY strange when people die! Sorry I don't have any advice. Huggss xx
It's definitely not your fault at all! It's truly sad that she's shutting you out of her life, but it's HER issues that are doing that and nothing that you are doing or not doing. *hugs*

Here is my bouquet btw:
Deffo doesn't sound like your fault at all, try not to put yourself down and think like that!
People passing away seems to do funny things to certain people, I speak from experience with my family and also watching OHs family!

Massive :hugs:
So, have been a bit absent the past few days as I went to cheshire on wednesday night as we were at the M.E.N on thursday night to see Olly Murs :cloud9: Had the most AMAZING time ever and got some even more amazing photos of him, also a little bit obsessed with Loveable Rogues who were on Britain's Got Talent :blush:

So, wedding stuff, I've cracked on and ordered 5 bracelets for the bridesmaids, a bottle of perfume each for 2 of them and I'm stuck on the last 3 for their thank you presents. One is 11, one is 13 and the other can't have perfume as she works for my mum so I don't want to choose perfume and have it set off my mum's asthma :dohh:

We gave mil and fil their invitation on wednesday night and the first thing she said to me was "I'm not filling out the R.S.V.P". :shock: Seriously, what is this woman on? No comment about how much work had gone into the invitations, or that they tied in perfectly with the theme, all she could do was refuse to fill it in :wacko:
So it looks like we get to go and see our venue again a week tomorrow :happydance: I'm a bit peed off that it's because mil wants to see it and that my own mum won't be able to see it until the wedding day, but it's still exciting :cloud9: And I WILL remember to take some photos of the inside of the venue this time :haha:

It looks like I might have a mua as a wedding present, the lovely lady (who's a friend of the family) who's doing my hair is bringing her friend as a wedding guest and she does airbrush makeup (plus normal makeup too) and she's going to do a trial on me when I go for my hair trial and see how I like it :happydance: I'm considering asking if she can do some false lashes on me too as I'm forgetting to put rapidlash on every night :rofl:
Why would your MIL even say she wouldn't RSVP, how strange! Like you said nice of her to comment on how nice they are!

Cant wait to see pictures if you remember to get them :)

Ohh how lucky getting the make up artist as a present, what are you going to have the air brush or normal ?
I have no idea why she wouldn't rsvp :wacko: Maybe if she'd bothered to look properly then she would realise why I want them to rsvp, but as per usual she was too far up herself to realise that the world doesn't revolve around her.

I'm not sure which one to go for to be completely honest as I've never tried airbrush makeup before. So I might ask for a trial of both and see which one lasts better and takes the better photos :D
Ok, so I'm trying to crack on with wedding stuff today (in between tidying the house for the monster in law's visit next monday), and looking at my shopping list I still need to get

  • 1 bridesmaid dress
  • flower girls shoes
  • my wedding night pjs
  • knickers (not wearing a bra as my dress has an amazing built in corset)
  • gift box for Chris
  • his aftershave
  • a cigar (a running joke between us)
  • gifts for the parents, 3 bridesmaids, 5 flower girls, best man, 2 people doing the readings
  • more fabric for the bunting
  • more bunting tape
  • ribbon to go around our centrepieces
  • possibly more textured paper for our invitations
  • gift bags and bubbles for the hen night (I'm doing a little gift bag for each of the ladies coming)
  • still undecided about whether we want chair covers :wacko:

So looking at it now, it doesn't really look like too much to be honest, but it's still freaking me :dohh:
Monster in law :haha:

Id get the rings soon hun because they can sometimes take a while to arrive.

I would say yes to the chair covers. We had them and have also been to a wedding where there werent chair covers. I think chair covers give it a more weddingy feel and make the room look lush!! :) xx
Make sure you put some pics up after you've had it done!

Your list of things left looks great, not much left at all :)
Yep, there'll defo be pics, it'll be in a few weeks time, but can't wait :D

Will get Chris onto it with the wedding rings, we need to go on a monday so we don't have to rush, but I'm thinking maybe go to his mum and dad's house and then we can go to the Trafford Centre as they have H Samuels and Beaverbrooks :D

:rofl: just made a right numpty of myself on twitter, talking about hand driers to one of the Loveable Rogues as he said he couldn't be bothered waiting for his hands to dry at one, so I came out with something about those really fast ones that make the skin on your hand go all weird :dohh:

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